This form is to be completed where any change is being proposed which will
alterthe terms and conditions of your research programme.
You should not assume any change is approved until you have beensent official confirmation by the RSR.
Additional Notes for International Students
If you are an international student and changing your mode of study, it may affect your current visa requirements. You must seek advice from the International Student Advisors in the <i>.
Tier 4 students wanting to change award:
If you have started a Masters by Research, you cannot apply in the UK to start an MPhil/PhD if you have not completed your Masters by Research. Instead, you will need to return home to make a new entry clearance application. The University will be required to justify why we would accept you onto a new course when you have not completed the previous one. Please see advice.
If you have a Tier 4 visa, your change of programme will be reported to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI):
  • The University will notify UKVI of your new programme of study and end date.
  • If the new programme is LONGER than your original programme, it is likely that you will need to extend your visa. You do not need to take immediate action, but you should seek advice from the International Student Advisors in the <i> about your visa extension at least 6-8 weeks before your visa expires. You may be required to show additional funds in your bank account.
  • If your new programme is SHORTER than your original programme, UKVI will shorten your visa in line with your new end date. The University will inform UKVI of your change of programme.
  • You are reminded that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not in breach of immigration regulations.
  • Advice can be obtained from the International Student Advisors in the <i>.
Academic Technology Approval Scheme (Tier 4 visa holders plus PBS Dependent visa holders)
ATAS approval is issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and is specific to a student’s research topic and programme of study. Students who change their research topic and/or programme of study may need to apply for a new ATAS approval certificate. If new ATAS approval is required, students are not permitted to commence their programme or research topic until ATAS clearance has been approved by the FCO and email confirmation approving the change of programme/research topics has been received
Please contact the Research Student Registry for help and guidance
when completing this form:
1. The Student
Student’s Full Name: / Registration Number
Sponsoring School:
Current award:
Current mode of study: / FT ☐ PT ☐
Start date:
Seek guidance from the RSR if unsure / On campus ☐ Off campus ☐
2. Indicate the change(s) requested – tick all that apply
Change of Mode:
See additional notes for international students / Yes ☐ No ☐
New Mode of Study:
Change of Award:
NB a new RPA application may be required – RSR will advise.
If changing to MPhil/PhD, your application to change award cannot be submitted after the Transfer ‘window’ has closed.
Transfer’windows close:
FT: 18 months after start date
PT: 36 months after start date
NB the start date for the new award will usually be backdated to the original start date.
Students previously on an MPhil/PhD who failed to Transfer will not be permitted to change award back to MPhil/PhD / Yes ☐ No ☐
New Award:
Transfer ‘window’:
Change of Research Project/Topic:
NB a new RPA application may be required – RSR will advise / Yes ☐ No ☐
New Title:
Change of Location:
If new location will be off campus (including UCLan Cyprus), DofS must complete and attach an RDSC1 (OCP). / Yes ☐ No ☐
New Location:
A completed RDSC1 (OCP) is attached: Yes ☐ No ☐
Change of School or College: / Yes ☐ No ☐
New School or College:
Change of Supervisor(s) or Advisors:
School to complete and attach formRDSC5. / Yes ☐ No ☐
A completed RDSC5 is attached: Yes ☐ No ☐
Change of Funding:
School to complete section 7 / Yes ☐ No ☐
3. International Students only
Are you a Tier 4 visa holder?
See additional notes for international students / Yes ☐ No ☐
Does this change require ATAS approval?
See additional notes for international students / Yes ☐ No ☐
4. Reasons for Change
Provide a brief explanation of why you are seeking to change your programme
5. Revised Timetable for completion
Provide a new timetable to reflect your new deadline/the proposed changes
6. This section must be completed by students applying to change to MPhil/PhD
Provide a paragraph clarifying what the significant independent contribution to knowledge is expected to be
7. Fees and Funding
How will the student be funding their studies from this point forward?
Please indicate if separate arrangements have been agreed for tuition fees and bench fees / Funding details will be unchanged ☐
New funding arrangements have been agreed ☐
Details of new funding arrangements:
Indicate the appropriate budget code(s):
Please indicate the new bench fee band
(NB Bench fees are not applicable for students in receipt of full studentships)
Band 1 £0 / ☐
Band 2 £1,000 / ☐
Band 3 £2,000 / ☐
Band 4 £3,000 / ☐
Band 5 £5,000 / ☐
Band 6 £8,000 / ☐
Breakdown of costings for Bench Fees
Please indicate the costs per year
Laboratory or specialist consumables:
Specialist technical support which is not available within the University:
Specialist off-site testing of samples or processing of data which cannot be done at the University:
Travel to other laboratories or field sites, which is essential to complete the project:
8. Governance Checks
If YES is indicated in this section, the issue(s) must be resolved before the proposed change can be considered.
Will there be a change to any collaboration or collaborative agreements including the addition of new collaborators? / Yes ☐ No ☐
Details of change:
Will there be any changes to the governance arrangements? / Yes ☐ No ☐
Health and Safety / Yes ☐ No ☐
Insurance Cover / Yes ☐ No ☐
Ethical Clearance / Yes ☐ No ☐
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) / Yes ☐ No ☐
Intellectual Property Rights / Yes ☐ No ☐
Data Protection / Yes ☐ No ☐
Confidentiality, including Non-Disclosure Agreement with Deed of Assignment Required for IPR / Yes ☐ No ☐
Resources (equipment/lab/studio) / Yes ☐ No ☐
Conflicts of Interest / Yes ☐ No ☐
9. Supervisory Team Support
I agree that the student can change programme on academic grounds / Yes ☐ No ☐
I confirm that the project remains viable and that the case for change is fully justified / Yes ☐ No ☐
I confirm that all resource and governance checks have been considered / Yes ☐ No ☐
Print Name:
AUTHORISATION OF FUNDING BY BUDGET HOLDER (Studentships or other internal funding)
Print Name:
For changes of award, the RSR will attach the student’s original application form, approved RPA form, as appropriate
10. Revised Terms and Conditions
Below is a revised Timeline of deadlines, fee schedule etc
(as appropriate for the change(s) being proposed)
Important: your programme will continue to be governed by the policies stored here.
You are advised to re-read all the policies before submitting your application.
Please contact the RSR if you have any queries.
NB Changes of Mode must be approved by the Head of School
11. School Approval
Approved outright: / YES/NO
Approved with conditions: / YES/NO
The conditions of approval are:
Conditions can be signed off by the RSR Senior Admin Officer: / YES/NO
RDT/Head’s Recommendations:
Application rejected: / YES/NO
Reasons for rejection:
RDT/Head’s Name: / Date:
RDT/Head’s Signature:
12. Student’s signature
I agree to the revised terms and conditions as detailed above / Yes ☐ No ☐
Print Name: