Research Policy
Appendix B— Research Output Types
Code / Name / Description / This category excludesA1 / Authored Book / A major work of research or scholarship that is bound, published and offered for sale. It is written entirely by a single author, or joint authors who share responsibility for the whole book. The work consists mainly of previously unpublished material. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Dramatic or literary texts such as novels, plays, books of poetry
- Scholarly Editions
- Pamphlets
- Reports for external bodies such as Government department reports
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
- Annotated anthologies
- Edited books
- Reprints
- Edited journals
- Edited conference proceedings
- Loose-leaf treatises
A2 / Scholarly Edition / A published edition of another author’s original text, based on primary manuscript or printed sources, and with a scholarly introduction and explanatory notes on the text and/or original author. This edition may include a translation of the original text. For example: “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain ; illustrated by E.W. Kemble and John Harley; edited by Victor Fischer and Lin Salamo with Walter Blair”. Mark Twain is the original author, but the editorship of Victor Fisher and Lin Salamo is recognised in this category. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Authored books
- Monographs
- Dramatic and literary texts
- Pamphlets
- Reports for external bodies such as Government department reports
- Annotated anthologies
- Edited books
- Reprints
- Edited journals
- Edited conference proceedings
- Loose-leaf treatises
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
A3 / Monograph / This is a TEC category. A bookor treatise on a single subject usually written by a specialist in the field. The treatment of the topic is detailed and scholarly. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Dramatic or literary texts such as novels, plays, books of poetry
- Scholarly Editions
- Pamphlets
- Reports for external bodies such as Government department reports
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
- Annotated anthologies
- Edited books
- Reprints
- Edited journals
- Edited conference proceedings
- Loose-leaf treatises
- Doctoral theses
B1 / Edited Book / A published book containing chapters contributed to by different authors, and edited by the person claiming this publication. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Edited journals
B2 / Edited Journal / Ajournal issue (usually on a single research theme and often called a ‘Special Issue’) for which the researcher is not the usual editor. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Issues of journals for which the editor is the regular editor
B3 / Edited Conference Proceedings / An edited conference proceedings containing the papers thatappeared at a conference. These proceedings are published and available to the public / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Edited journals
- Edited Books
C1 / Chapter in Book / A section of an edited book, consisting substantially of new material. This section is complete in itself, but is often linked thematically to the other chapters.
This includes:
- Scholarly introductions of chapter length
- A critical scholarly text of chapter length, e.g. in music, medieval or classical texts, or critical reviews of current research
- Dictionary/Encyclopaedia Entries
- Forewords
- Brief introductions or editorials
- Appendices
C2 / Dictionary/Encyclopaedia Entries / An entry published in dictionaries/encyclopaedias.
D1 / Journal Contribution / A substantial work of scholarship published in a scholarly journal. This includes:
- Items published in prestigious journals which are traditionally short in length such as in Nature or Science
- Critical scholarly texts which appear in article form
- Articles in scholarly journals reviewing multiple works or an entire field of research
- Research articles in serials which are targeted to both scholars and professionals
- Articles of less than 5 pages
- Articles designed to inform practitioners in a professional field, such as a set of guidelines or the state of knowledge in a field
- Non-scholarly, non-research articles
- Articles in newspapers and popular magazines
- Editorials, or letters to the editor
- Book reviews
- Case histories which are not full journal articles in themselves
- Commentaries and brief communications of original research
- Reviews of art exhibitions, concerts, theatre productions, other media
D2 / Journal Contribution– Other / A piece of scholarship or research published in a journal which is not a full-length article. This includes:
- Articles published in scholarly publications where the article is less than five pages (unless published in prestigious journals such as Nature or Science)
- Letters
- Comments
- Notes
- Editorials
- Articles published in magazines
- Book reviews
- Items published in prestigious journals which are traditionally short in length such as in Nature or Science
D3 / Journal Contribution– Book Review / A review of a book of research or scholarship, published in a journal. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Book reviews which appear in popular magazines or newspapers
E1 / Conference Paper in Published Proceedings / A paper which has been published in the edited collection of conference papers. Where there are editors, their names must be provided. The proceedings must be publicly available not only to those who attended the conference in order to qualify for this category. Online publications can qualify for this category, where the paper has been published online by the conference organisers, according to their usual means of disseminating papers. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Papers that are provided only to conference participants. This includes print, CD or web format.
- Conference unpublished presentations
- Online papers uploaded by the author(s) rather than the conference organisers
- Online papers uploaded onto sites other than those through which the conference organisers usually disseminate their proceedings.
E2 / Full Conference Paper / This is a TEC category. It is a paper which has been through a full process of being accepted as an abstract, being given at the conference, then being published in edited proceedings. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Conference Paper in Published Proceedings
- Conference unpublished presentations
E3 / Full Abstract in Published Conference Proceedings / An abstract of a paper that appears in a published volume of conference proceedings. Where there are editors, their names must be provided. The proceedings must be publicly available not only to those who attended the conference in order to qualify for this category. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Abstracts that are provided only to conference participants. This includes print, CD or web format.
- Unpublished conference presentations
- Abstracts that do not go through an editorial or other review process
E4 / Conference Poster Contribution / A poster presentation given at a conference.
E5 / Conference Unpublished Paper Contribution / A paper which was given at a conference but not published. These may be written in full, but are not published. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Role as panel or discussion chair at a conference
- Opening or closing addresses
- Presentations at a conference that are summaries of discussions or papers presented at the conference
E6 / Conference Contribution– Other / Other contribution— for instance, workshops, panel discussions. This item is not included in the Staff and Student Research, the VUW research report. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Conference Paper in Published Proceedings
- Full Conference Paper
- Full Abstract in Published Conference Proceedings
- Conference Poster Contribution
F1 / Intellectual Property— Patents / An approved patent which has been granted for the first time. Must not be ‘pending’.
G1 / Software and Databases / Innovative software or database products of commercial quality and
offered for sale or distributed as shareware through a
recognised publisher or distributor / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Programming scripted to enhance existing commercial software applications, programmes or procedures
- Databases of references or material for supporting research programmes of individual researchers
H1 / Report for external body / A report for a person or organisation external to the Universityand that is in the public domain. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Reports commissioned and funded by an externalorganisation
- Government department, United Nations or non-governmental organisation publications
- Submissions to Select Committees
- Progress or final reports on research projects, e.g. progress or final report for a Marsden project
- Summary reports on activities for a review period, e.g. School annual report on activities
H2 / Confidential Report for External Body / A report for a person or organisation external to the Universityand is not in the public domain. This item is not included in the annualStaff and Student Research, the VUW research report.
This includes:
- Reports commissioned and funded by an externalorganisation
- Government department, United Nations or non-governmental organisation publications
- Submissions to Select Committees
I1 / Performance— Live / A live performance. This could include, but is not limited to:
- Musical performance
- Moteatea, oriori, haka, whaikorero orations, or waiata a ringa
- Artistic direction of a theatre production
- Advisor roles in a theatre production (e.g. design, dramaturgy)
- Performance in a play, musical, TV or radio production
- Radio or television interviews
- Appearances in documentaries
- Work in a supporting role in a production, e.g. as stage manager or crew member
I2 / Performance— Recording / A recorded performance. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Production of a commercial CD
- Contribution to a performance or studio recording for broadcast
- Performances which are recorded for delayed broadcast and are already included in “Performance— Live” category
J1 / Composition— Recording / A recorded composition which appears on a CD or DVD.
J2 / Composition— Score / A published score of a musical composition
J3 / Composition— Performance / A performed composition which is performed without being reviewed, or recorded for public broadcast. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Electronic compositions created while being played
K1 / Architectural Plans / Architectural plans/drawings which are open to scrutiny by peers in the field. This includes plans/drawings for:
- Competitions
- Models
- Urban design
- Architectural plans/drawings that do not involve research, for example for private jobs
K2 / Designs / Design drawings, plans, models, exhibitions, installations or built works, which are in the public domain and therefore open to scrutiny. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Design drawings, plans, models, exhibitions, installations or built works that do not involve research, for example for private jobs
K3 / Artefact/Object/
Craftwork / Artefact/Object/Craftwork which is in the public domain and therefore open to scrutiny. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Artefact/Object/Craftwork that do not involve research, for example for private jobs
L1 / Exhibition/Curatorial Exercise / An “exhibition” is a display in a museum, art gallery or other public place.
A “curatorial exercise” is the research underpinning creating exhibitions in public spaces.
M1 / Dramatic and Literary Texts— Chapter Format / A dramatic or literary text published in chapter format. This includes:
- Novels
- Plays
- Poetry
- Scholarly Editions
- Pamphlets
- Reports for external bodies such as Government departments
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
- Annotated anthologies
- Edited books
- Reprints
- Edited journals
- Edited conference proceedings
- Loose-leaf treatises
M2 / Dramatic and Literary Texts— Journal Format / A dramatic or literary text published in journal format
- Novels
- Plays
- Poetry
- Scholarly Editions
- Pamphlets
- Reports for external bodies such as Government departments
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
- Annotated anthologies
- Edited books
- Reprints
- Edited journals
- Edited conference proceedings
- Loose-leaf treatises
M3 / Dramatic and Literary Texts— Book Format / A dramatic or literary text published in book format
- Novels
- Plays
- Poetry
- Scholarly Editions
- Pamphlets
- Reports for external bodies such as Government departments
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
- Annotated anthologies
- Edited books
- Reprints
- Edited journals
- Edited conference proceedings
- Loose-leaf treatises
N1 / Film/Video/DVD / A film/video production where the person claiming the publication was involved as producer, director, or writer. This involvement must include research. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Appearances in commercial programmes, documentaries or interviews unless they contain research
- Work in a supporting role in a production, e.g. as stage manager or crew member
O1 / Awarded Doctoral Thesis / An awarded doctoral thesis, which has been lodged in the Library of the awarding University / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Honorary doctorates
O2 / Awarded Research Master’s Thesis / An awarded research Master’s thesis, which has been lodged in the Library of the awarding University / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Masters theses of less than 90 points (VUW thesis)
- A Master’s thesis from another university which is the equivalent of the VUW Master’s thesis of less than 90 points
P1 / Working or Occasional Paper / Apreliminary research paper disseminated for feedback from peers, usually prior to publication in a journal or conference. Can be in a series or a volume.
Researchers can claim both papers they have authored, and working papers which they have edited such as a series in this category. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Drafts of work that will appear in another format, e.g. working drafts of an article or chapter
P2 / Technical Paper / A paper, generally unpublished, on a specialised topic in the field / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Working, Occasional or Discussion paper
P3 / Discussion Paper / A paper, generally unpublished, circulated or presented for discussion amongst peers / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Drafts of work that will appear in another format, e.g. working drafts of an article or chapter
P4 / Articles in Edited Volumes of Occasional Papers / An paper that appears in a volume of occasional papers.
Q1 / Invited Lecture in Named Series / An invited lecture in a named lecture series that is prestigious within the discipline. For example, Peter Allen Memorial Lecture in Public Law. / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Conference presentations
- Lectures in non-prestigious series
- Lectures given in community service
- Lectures given in teaching
Q2 / Oral presentation / A lecture, address, seminar or workshop given outside a conference context. This item is not included in the annual Staff and Student Research, the VUW research report.
R1 / Loose-leaf Treatises and Commentaries / Contributions to loose-leaf publications. These may be the entire volume, or updates of part of the volume / The following items are excluded from this category:
- Authored Books/Scholarly editions
- Pamphlets
- Reports for external bodies such as Government departments
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
- Annotated anthologies
- Edited books
- Reprints
- Edited journals
- Edited conference proceedings
S1 / Other / Any output which a researcher wishes to record in ResearchMaster and which does not fit into the categories above. This category does not appear in the annual Staff and Student Research, the VUW research report.
T1 / Translated Book / A book that has been translated from the original language into another by the author claiming the item as their work. /
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
T2 / Translation Edited Book / An edited book that has been translated from the original language into another by the author claiming the item as their work. /
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
T3 / Translation Chapter in Book / A chapter book that has been translated from the original language into another by the author claiming the item as their work. /
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
T4 / Translation Journal Article / A journal article that has been translated from the original language into another by the author claiming the item as their work. /
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
T5 / Translation Other / An item of translation that does not fall into one of the translation categories above that has been translated from the original language into another by the author claiming the item as their work. /
- Translations of VUW staff member’s own work by another person
© Victoria University of WellingtonPageB-1Effective From: 24 October 2013