Appendix A: Supplementary tables and figures
Table A1:Brownian rate parameter, σ2, values estimated for each environmental variable for all mammalian species in the phylogeny and four groups, after transforming the branch lengths in the phylogeny by the appropriate value of λ. P = precipitation; T = temperature; min = minimum; var = variability. n = number of species (note that this varies between the mean and minimum variables and the variability variables). σ2 values are equal to σ2 *1000. σ2 values in bold are significantly lower than σ2 values for the other group (α = 0.001).
Pmean / Pmin / Tmean / Tmin / Pvar / Tvargroup / n / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2 / n / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2
All species / - / 3511 / 0.904 / 16.87 / 0.880 / 17.76 / 0.864 / 13.40 / 0.847 / 12.98 / 3720 / 0.821 / 16.38 / 0.879 / 13.79
Latitude / temperate / 1204 / 0.859 / 13.22 / 0.801 / 8.749 / 0.760 / 14.18 / 0.692 / 14.40 / 1240 / 0.765 / 10.22 / 0.742 / 10.04
tropical / 2371 / 0.879 / 11.44 / 0.870 / 20.72 / 0.641 / 1.710 / 0.561 / 0.769 / 2548 / 0.834 / 19.89 / 0.711 / 1.762
Range size / large / 968 / 0.850 / 11.32 / 0.828 / 8.963 / 0.831 / 17.34 / 0.820 / 19.16 / 970 / 0.832 / 13.61 / 0.852 / 16.21
small / 640 / 0.863 / 13.83 / 0.791 / 16.54 / 0.839 / 7.690 / 0.831 / 5.861 / 842 / 0.681 / 12.15 / 0.890 / 7.663
Body size / large / 691 / 0.875 / 15.33 / 0.870 / 16.83 / 0.867 / 19.98 / 0.837 / 17.85 / 708 / 0.784 / 14.57 / 0.848 / 14.89
small / 688 / 0.849 / 14.45 / 0.734 / 10.87 / 0.899 / 12.09 / 0.901 / 12.65 / 702 / 0.638 / 10.95 / 0.889 / 14.38
isation / generalist / 402 / 0.824 / 13.67 / 0.755 / 11.14 / 0.779 / 11.89 / 0.801 / 11.78 / 411 / 0.509 / 7.957 / 0.838 / 13.38
specialist / 874 / 0.842 / 12.20 / 0.811 / 11.56 / 0.784 / 10.27 / 0.781 / 9.771 / 906 / 0.802 / 11.30 / 0.829 / 10.32
Table A2: Brownian rate parameter, σ2, values estimated for each environmental variable Brownian rate parameter, σ2, values estimated for each environmental variable for an alternative definition of tropical and temperatespecies (see text), after transforming the branch lengths in the phylogeny by the appropriate value of λ'. P = precipitation; T = temperature; min = minimum; var = variability. n = number of species (note that this varies between the mean and minimum variables and the variability variables). σ2 values are equal to σ2 *1000. σ2 values in bold are significantly lower than σ2 values for the other group (α = 0.001).
Pmean / Pmin / Tmean / Tmin / Pvar / Tvargroup / n / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2 / n / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2
Latitude / temperate / 880 / 0.236 / 6.757 / 0.303 / 5.181 / 0.884 / 8.366 / 0.967 / 9.797 / 916 / 0.314 / 7.607 / 0.088 / 6.888
tropical / 1690 / 0.859 / 2.935 / 0.896 / 7.155 / 0.402 / 0.967 / 0.423 / 0.321 / 1867 / 0.060 / 6.994 / 0.108 / 0.313
Table A3:Brownian rate parameter, σ2, values estimated for each environmental variable Brownian rate parameter, σ2, values estimated for each environmental variable for an alternative definition of tropical and temperate species (see text), after transforming the branch lengths in the phylogeny by the appropriate value of λ. P = precipitation; T = temperature; min = minimum; var = variability. n = number of species (note that this varies between the mean and minimum variables and the variability variables). σ2 values are equal to σ2 *1000. σ2 values in bold are significantly lower than σ2 values for the other group (α = 0.001).
Pmean / Pmin / Tmean / Tmin / Pvar / Tvargroup / n / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2 / n / λ / σ2 / λ / σ2
Latitude / temperate / 880 / 0.787 / 10.69 / 0.715 / 8.114 / 0.710 / 14.09 / 0.632 / 15.83 / 916 / 0.677 / 9.367 / 0.711 / 11.29
tropical / 1690 / 0.924 / 9.824 / 0.890 / 21.83 / 0.720 / 1.705 / 0.741 / 0.587 / 1867 / 0.861 / 19.82 / 0.861 / 0.922
Table A4:Brownian rate parameter, σ2, values estimated for each environmental variable for all mammalian species in the phylogenyand four groups, after transforming the branch lengths in the phylogeny by the appropriate value of λ' using a fully resolved phylogeny. P = precipitation; T = temperature; min = minimum; var = variability. n = number of species (note that this varies between the mean and minimum variables and the variability variables). σ2 values are equal to σ2 *1000. σ2 values in bold are significantly lower than σ2 values for the other group (α = 0.001).
Pmean / Pmin / Tmean / Tmin / Pvar / Tvargroup / n / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2 / n / λ' / σ2 / λ' / σ2
All species / - / 1006 / 0.241 / 12.34 / 0.327 / 7.668 / 0.010 / 6.526 / 0.009 / 6.684 / 1050 / 0.328 / 6.411 / 0.009 / 6.347
Latitude / temperate / 411 / 0.419 / 5.002 / 0.346 / 3.419 / 0.093 / 6.706 / 0.010 / 8.470 / 418 / 0.399 / 5.151 / 0.002 / 5.296
tropical / 609 / 0.120 / 4.358 / 0.129 / 6.962 / 0.002 / 0.707 / 0.009 / 0.447 / 648 / 0.071 / 6.469 / <0.001 / 1.051
Range size / large / 328 / 0.100 / 5.627 / 0.362 / 4.778 / 0.010 / 10.39 / 0.010 / 11.79 / 329 / 0.002 / 5.867 / 0.010 / 9.446
small / 132 / 0.003 / 6.069 / 0.006 / 5.958 / 0.017 / 4.025 / 0.020 / 2.772 / 174 / 0.007 / 5.198 / 0.001 / 3.472
Body size / large / 388 / 0.115 / 5.210 / 0.356 / 6.070 / 0.010 / 6.634 / 0.010 / 6.515 / 397 / 0.004 / 5.771 / 0.010 / 5.757
small / 132 / 0.051 / 6.396 / 0.260 / 5.653 / 0.030 / 9.331 / 0.010 / 12.21 / 135 / 0.494 / 7.501 / 0.011 / 9.564
isation / generalist / 212 / 0.203 / 6.554 / 0.004 / 5.822 / 0.010 / 6.725 / 0.001 / 6.503 / 218 / 0.005 / 5.838 / 0.001 / 7.238
specialist / 282 / 0.116 / 6.800 / 0.136 / 5.773 / <0.001 / 6.911 / <0.001 / 6.781 / 293 / 0.296 / 6.789 / <0.001 / 6.270
Figure A1: Barcharts showing estimates of φ (white) and λ’ (grey) for each environmental variable using a fully resolved phylogeny in temperate and tropical, large- and small-geographic ranged, large- and small-bodied, or generalist and specialist mammals. P = precipitation; T = temperature; min = minimum; var = variability. * = value of non-spatially corrected λ. The dotted line indicates the maximum value of each parameter. Note that since φ, λ’ and γ sum to one there is no need to display the γ values.
Figure A2: Barchart showing estimates of φ (white) and λ’ (grey) for each environmental variable for an alternative definition of tropical and temperate species (see text). P = precipitation; T = temperature; min = minimum; var = variability. * = value of non-spatially corrected λ. The dotted line indicates the maximum value of each parameter. Note that since φ, λ’ and γ sum to one there is no need to display the γ values.