Paper SCAP 11/32 8/3/12

University of Bedfordshire

Appendix 5a: Short Course Approval Submission Document



  • SCIF and SUIF(s)must be attached to this application if credit bearing
  • Where some/all units proposed for short-course delivery are pre-approved within UoB’s course approval process, that approval documentation may be provided but must be accurately cross-referenced within the template below

Proposed course management team / To include
Short Course Coordinator (plus role and department) for both approval and accreditation
full details of any partners to the proposal,
The proposed course / Short Course Title with award [UG/PG non credit bearing /credit Bearing]
Overview, credits (level {4,5,6,7]and volume), structure, content, mode, delivery schedule [including start and end dates],aim [PG or UG]
Relationship to any University awards/ progression opportunities if applicable
RelevantUniversity fields (including proportion of proposed short course associated with each)
Accreditation (current and/or proposed accreditation by any organization other than the University)
Context, Rationale and Demand / To include evidence of fit with the University strategy/business plan, employer engagement strategy, shared confidence in the course, including projected numbers, number of deliveries per year market and growth and recruitment strategy.
Publicity Recruitment and Admissions. / Publicity plan and marketing strategy. Any specific issues concerning entry criteria.
Budget for development, additional costs, revenue for university/faculty
Admissions process
Physical Resources / Learning and Teaching facilities on campus /off campus, IT and library access.
Staffing Resources / Evidence of sufficient appropriately qualified and experienced staff.
Information to participants / Student Handbook and other supporting documents.
Briefing document for other relevant parties (e.g. mentors and line managers of potential learners)
Student Guidance and Support / Responsibility for provision of learner advice and support
Confirmation of arrangements for appeal, complaint and discipline
Equality and inclusivity / Identify any issues and actions proposed in response

Application signed by Faculty Dean

Name………………………………………………… Signature …………………………………………