Appendix 1 Survey

  1. Do you have regular indicators (key performance indicators) concerning efficiency in your company, for example, lead time of product, efficiency of changes or capacity utilization rate of packaging lines?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. Do you have regular indicators (key performance indicators) concerning quality of products and/or operations in your company, for example, right first time, number of complaints, number of deviations or loss?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. How often you report the results of indicators concerning quality of products and/or operations?
  1. Daily
  2. Weekly
  3. Monthly
  4. 2-4 times a year
  5. Yearly
  1. Which of the following indicators that describe quality are in use in your company?


  1. Right first time for example batches without deviations
  2. Number of deviations
  3. Errors found at final inspection of product
  4. Rejected batches
  5. Reprocessed/repaired batches
  6. Cost of bad quality
  7. Loss during process
  8. Number of complaints
  9. Number of product defects
  10. Observations from audits of partners and authorities
  11. Corrective and preventive actions have been completedin target time
  1. Are thereother indicators that describe quality in your company?
  2. Why have you chosen the quality indicators that you mentioned in your previous answer in your company?
  1. Have you considered using any other indicators to followquality of productsand/oroperations?
  1. Yes

What other indicators:

  1. No
  1. Have you considered that you would quit using some indicator that follows quality of products and/or operations
  1. Yes

Which indicator?

  1. No
  1. Which quality indicators used at your company best describe quality of products and/oroperations?
  1. How many indicators concerning quality (for example right first time,number of complaints, number of deviations or loss)do you have in use in your company?
  1. 0
  2. 1-3
  3. 4-5
  4. 6-10
  5. More than 10
  1. How many indicators concerning efficiency (for example lead time of product, efficiency of changes or capacity utilization rate of packaging lines) do you have in use in yourcompany?
  1. 0
  2. 1-3
  3. 4-5
  4. 6-10
  5. More than 10
  1. It is important to follow the indicators that describe the quality of a product and operation
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Neutral/no opinion
  4. Somewhat disagree
  5. Strongly disagree


  1. It has been noticed that the indicators that describe the quality of a product and operation will direct operation in the right direction.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Neutral/no opinion
  4. Somewhat disagree
  5. Strongly disagree


  1. It is important to follow the indicators that describe the effectiveness of operation.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Neutral/no opinion
  4. Somewhat disagree
  5. Strongly disagree


  1. Do you share your key performance indicators and their results concerning quality externally, for example, to partners and authorities?
  1. Yes

To whom?

  1. No
  1. Do you regularly share information of the results provided by the indicators that describe quality of products and/or operations in your company?
  1. To the whole staff
  2. To certain departments only
  3. To superiors only
  4. Other choice: to whom?
  1. How are the results of indicators that describe quality processed in your company?
  1. How is the information provided by the quality indicators utilized in your company?
  1. Other comments
  1. Branch of industry
  1. Food industry
  2. Pharmaceutical industry
  1. How many employees are in your company?
  1. 0-9
  2. 10-99
  3. 100-499
  4. More than 500
  1. What is your position in your company?
  1. Quality Manager
  2. Quality Director
  3. Responsible Pharmacist
  4. Production Manager
  5. Other