Appendix 1 – Service Performance Q3 2017-18
SERVICE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: QUARTER 3 2017-18There are 66 performance measures within the Council Performance Report, of which 35 are reported quarterly and 31 are reported annually.
Of the 35 quarterly measures, 24 (69%) are either achieving or exceeding target, with 3 (8%) slightly off-target.
There are 4 annual measures within the quarter 3 report.
Performance of quarterly measures
Of the 35 measures reported below 8 are Red; 3 are Amber and 24 are Green.For the 8 Red measures – 2 have a positive (improving) direction of travel (DoT), 1 has the same (or not applicable) however 5 have a negative (worsening) DoT.
For the 3 Amber indicators 2 have a positive DoT and 1 has a negative (worsening) DoT.
For the 24 Green indicators 12 have a positive DoT, 3 are the same (or not applicable) and 9 have a negative DoT.
When comparing the Q3 performance measures against Q2 it shows that:
· 46% are improving:
· 11% remain the same (or have no comparator); and
· 43% are worsening.
This report details the strategic and critical service performance measures and corporate health (organisational) measures. The majority of indicators are reported on a quarterly basis; however there are some indicators that are reported in different frequencies (e.g. annually or six monthly). The report will only contain those indicators that have data that is due to be reported.
Performance and financial measures are given a RAG (Red/Amber/Green) ’traffic-light’ rating:
· Green = achieving or exceeding target,
· Amber = slightly off-target, and
· Red = significantly off-target and so in need of most attention.
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Appendix 1 – Service Performance Q3 2017-18
STRATEGIC AND CRITICAL SERVICE INDICATORSService / Performance Indicator / Good Is / DoT / Previous performance (Q3 2016/17 – Q2 2017/18) / Current performance (2017/18) / Benchmark / Commentary /
Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 actual / Q3 target / Year End target /
Education & Early Years / Rate of permanent exclusions in primary schools (academic year to date) / ò / ñ / 0.01%
Green / 0.04%
Red / 0.04% Red / 0.00%
Green / 0.01% Green / 0.02% / 0.04% / 0.02%
Rate of permanent exclusions in secondary schools (academic year to date) / ò / ñ / 0.07%
Green / 0.16% Red / 0.18% Red / 0.02%
Green / 0.12% Red / 0.10% / 0.21% / 0.17% / Schools that show both an increasing rate of permanent exclusions and a rate that is considerably higher than national and local rates are monitored closely, which can include on-site visits by School Improvement and Education Welfare Officers, and meetings with the Service Director for Education and Early Years.
Adult Social Care / Delayed transfers of care (DToC) that are attributable to adult social care from acute hospital per 100,000 population / ò / ò / 13.9
Red / 14.8
Red / 16.0
Red / 15.2 Red / 9.0 Green / 10 / 10 / 11 / There has been a significant improvement this Quarter, as we achieved the target for the first time this year. This reflects the new initiatives put in place and the hard work of the teams involved.
Our agreed target, which was set at the start of 2017-18, was 10 delays per 100,000 population. The target from NHS England (set in July 2017) linked to the adult social care grant (iBCF) is a rate of 6.3 per 100,000 population.
The challenge now will to be maintain our performance over the pressured winter period and further improve to meet the more stretching iBCF target.
Adult Social Care / Proportion of adults with learning disabilities living independently / ñ / ò / n/a / n/a / 75.9%
Green / 79.6%
Green / 78.9% Green / 70% / 70% / 77% / This indicates that significant numbers of people with a learning disability are living independently, however there continues to be work to support more of this population to live in their own homes and to live in quality accommodation with the right support.
% of older people aged 65 and over still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital / ñ / ñ / 87.4%
Green / 90.2%
Green / 90.4%
Green / 81.4% Amber / 82.7% Amber / 84% / 84% / 82.4% / Quarter 3 has seen an improvement in performance. Work is ongoing with providers to improve timeliness of reporting against this key indicator. We anticipate it continuing to improve in line with the re-ablement services reaching full capacity.
Adult Social Care / Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment / ñ / ñ / 2.73%
Red / 3.31%
Green / 3.60%
Green / 3.40% Green / 3.50% Green / 3% / 3% / 7.4% / Performance is above target. Whilst the initial target is quite modest, we are working to an increasing target over time to 6% by 2021. This would put Cornwall in line with England performance.
Long term support needs of people aged 65+ by admission to residential and nursing care homes / ò / ò / 528.3
Green / 516.2 Green / 490.9
Green / 509.1 Green / 498.9 Green / 530 / 530 / 673.4 / The number of people being permanently admitted to a care home has fallen since the last quarter. This reflects the initiatives put in place to increase the home care capacity and improve the process for people leaving hospital.
Children & Family Services / % of looked after children having 3+ placements in the year (Short term placement stability) / ò / ñ / 15.66% Red / 18.03% Red / 11.26%
Green / 16.92% Red / 20.13% Red / < 14% / <14% / 10% / There has been a 12 increase on the numerator and a 14 drop on the denominator. The more successful we are at moving CIC to permanence, and with the numbers of CIC appearing to fall back to our norm, this has an impact on this indicator. There will be a 'Deep Dive' of the 90 in the numerator to assure ourselves of the reasons for the moves & the outcomes for the children.
% children adopted or who ended care after the granting of a Special Guardianship Order, Residence Order or Child Arrangement Order / ñ / ò / 19.32%
Red / 17.77%
Red / 21.56%
Green / 22.13% Green / 21.55% Green / 20% / 20% / n/a
Children & Family Services / % of children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time / ò / ñ / 15.32%
Green / 13.17%
Green / 13.14%
Green / 15.06% Green / 17.31% Green / 18% / 18% / 17.9%
% repeat referrals to children's social care within 12 months / ò / ñ / 18.62% Green / 16.55%
Green / 15.61%
Green / 14.50% Green / 15.11% Green / < 18% / < 18% / 22.3%
% of children who leave our care and immediately enter education, training or employment / ñ / ò / 85.37%
Green / 91.76%
Green / 70.0%
Red / 80.95% Green / 72.22% Amber / 77% / 78% / 50% / At Q3 the year to date figure is 74%. We are confident that by year end the target will be met. (England outturn for 16/17 was 49% and statistical neighbour outturn was 48.6%)
% of our care leavers who are living in suitable accom. / ñ / ñ / 100% Green / 97.65%
Green / 96.00%
Green / 92.86% Green / 98.15% Green / 85% / 85% / 84%
Environment / % of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting / ñ / ñ / 35.84% Amber / 35.69% Amber / 37.0%
Green / 36.6% Amber / 38.4% Green / 37% / 37% / 41.88% / The Q1-3 end of year estimate is significantly above target. This is also considerably higher than at this time last year and is due in part to the retrospective inclusion of Incinerator Bottom Ash Metal recycling in the figures for the first time this year, following a DEFRA ruling in December 2017. This accounts for an additional 3,700 tonnes of recycling. Composting is also higher this year and residual waste decreased as well. Please note, this figure includes wood diverted from landfill at HWRCs by way of incineration.
Resilient Cornwall / Work with others to make Cornwall safer through targeting our resources based on need and ensuring effective response to emergencies (composite measure) / ñ / ð / 5 out of 7 on target
Green / 5 out of 7 on target
Green / 5 out of 7 on target
Green / 5 out of 7 on target
Green / 5 out of 7 on target
Green / 4 out of 7 need to be on target / 4 out of 7 need to be on target / n/a / Two out of seven indicators are worse than target:
1.Alcohol related crime violence against the person (rate) – this excludes domestic violence. We have developed detailed town action plans to combat this including detailed plans for the 10 focus towns.
2. Appliance availability 24/7 across all fire stations with a crew of 5 for safe systems of work. This is just below target. This is predominantly due to lack of availability in our rural station areas in South East Cornwall. Mitigations include raising recruitment awareness with potential applicants and a change of staffing at a Community Fire Station.
& Public Protection / % of businesses scored under the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme as 3 star or above against the total number of businesses rated under the scheme / ñ / ð / 96%
Green / 96%
Green / 96%
Green / 97% Green / 97% Green / 96% / 96% / n/a / This performance indicator is better than target for Quarter 3. It is hoped that with the work being undertaken to tackle non-broadly compliant businesses that this PI will continue to exceed the target over the course of the year. For information there are currently 4,630 businesses that fall within the scope of this PI.
Neighbourhood & Public Protection / % of non-compliant food businesses returned into compliance for food safety / ñ / ñ / 75%
Green / 88%
Green / 76%
Green / 80% Green / 85% Green / 68% / 90% / n/a / Food safety officers have been working with the 237 non-compliant food businesses in Cornwall over the last nine months. This has resulted in 201 of them being brought back into compliance or formal action being undertaken and work is still ongoing with the others. This work ranges from advice, training and guidance for businesses that are willing to engage through to enforcement action where this is not the case. Formal notices have been served, or formal legal action pursued against 9 of those businesses, one of which has already been successfully prosecuted. 21 have closed since coming to our attention.
% of open public spaces that see an improvement in cleanliness following a dog fouling patrol / ñ / ò / 21%
Red / 23%
Amber / 61%
Green / 59% Green / 51% Green / 26% / 26% / n/a / Routine patrols and other educational activities continue to be effective in bringing about changes in resident behaviour with improved cleanliness ratings being shown in our neighbourhoods.
Planning & Sustainable Development / % of planning appeals successfully defended / ñ / ò / 61%
Red / 65%
Green / 78%
Green / 79%
Green / 74% Green / 65% / 65% / 69% / More appeals are dismissed than the national average and our target.
As part of the Local Plan, ensure that 3,000 homes are completed / ñ / n/a / n/a / n/a / 311
Green / 1,134
Green / 1,879 Green / 1,440 / 3,000 / n/a / Currently the database shows that between 1st September and 30th November there were 745 completions.
We do not as yet have data for the month of December.
Housing / % of Council owned homes that meet the Cornish housing standard / ñ / ñ / 88% Amber / 90% Green / 90.68%
Red / 93.20% Red / 94.99% Red / 97.50% / 100% / n/a / We are currently running at a 5% failure rate due to the delayed start of the heating programme which makes up over half of the failure rate. This means that our 100% target is unlikely to be met by the end of 2017-18 but should be achieved during the first quarter of 2018-19. All other programmes look on target for completion by April 18. Consideration will be given to whether temporary supplementary heating may be needed by any tenants whose heating upgrades are delayed until early next year.
Housing / Number of new affordable homes provided / ñ / ñ / 470
Green / 823 Green / 123
Green / 245 Green / 528 Green / 460 / 800 / n/a / Due to the comparatively mild autumn, contractors were able to make-up time lost earlier in the year. As such, several sites were completed in December, which we weren't expecting for completion until January. As such, 283 units were finished Oct-Dec.
Overall, we are on track still to meet the 800-unit target for the year.
Housing / Total number of families with children in Bed & Breakfast (B&B) over 6 weeks (snapshot) / ò / ò / 0
Green / 1
Amber / 4
Red / 3
Red / 1 Amber / 0 / 0 / n/a / Significant work has been undertaken by the move-on team and this has delivered during December with 5 Families at risk of being in B&B over 6 weeks moved into more suitable accommodation.
The family in B&B for over 6 weeks as of the 31st December have multiple options for a move to the private rented sector available and it is expected that they will be able to move by mid-January.
Next Steps for Q4:
Specific work has also been focused on the secure private rented sector offers and an agreement has been reached with Housing Benefit to pilot facilitating move-on and preventions for larger families requiring higher rent in advance and deposit financial assistance.
Housing / Total number of 16/17 year olds in B&B (snapshot) / ò / ò / 0
Green / 0
Green / 0
Green / 4 Red / 0 Green / 0 / 0 / n/a / A high number of presentations have been seen in Q3 from young people (16-24) compared to previous quarters. Significant effort has been made to ensure 16 and 17 years olds are seen quickly and moved in suitable accommodation.
This first shared house scheme "Sure Futures" went live in December for young people, providing additional accommodation and support for this group.