Apologetics Seminar

Do you have friends who have grown up in YL, saw what you saw, heard what you heard, experienced what you have experienced but not responded to the gospel? Perhaps they’ve observed lives destroyed in rebellion against God, seen shallow and destructive relationships apart from Christ, experienced the pain of their rebellious choices, and STILL have not responded to the gospel. WHY?

New Muslim rap video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNGqrzkFp_4 This guy has clearly never read the Bible. His rap contains TONS of false information. If we had him read a Bible and corrected his errors, would we expect him to believe the gospel? Why not?

James 2:19 – You believe that there is one God? Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder!

Close your eyes – how many fingers am I holding up? You can’t see anything with your eyes closed.

1Cor 2:14 The pagan CANNOT accept because truth is spiritually discerned

2Cor 4:3-4 Satan has blinded their minds so that they CANNOT see

Not a question of WILL NOT, but CANNOT.

We must understand the mind of the unbeliever. They have a deep seated commitment to independence from God. We will never argue a blind person into seeing the truth.

So what is the place of apologetics?

1)  Encourages the Believers

2)  Silences the arguments of unbelievers

3)  Can be used by God, but only by the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

It’s NOT about talking people into something or winning an argument! You can win the argument and drive people away from Christ!

Nature of “proof” – can you prove that George Washington existed?

No, you can’t. You can only provide a body of evidence that makes a positive conclusion likely. But you can’t prove history.

How much evidence does it take? It depends on how strongly people feel about the issue! And pagans feel VERY strongly about their independence from God.

John 3:19-20; Eph. 4:17-18

Proverbs 26:4-5

Do not answer a fool according to his folly lest you lest you be like him

Answer a fool according to his folly lest he become wise in his own eyes

Do not answer:

Don’t expect to “prove”

Don’t argue

Don’t believe in the power of your argument

DO answer:

By Scripture

By Evidence

By Experience

Do answer by taking on the pagan’s own logic and reversing it. Show inconsistencies, false assumptions, and fallacies.

As the key questions – does this help you with your problems? Does it give you hope? Does it make sense of your life and the world around you? Does it give you power over your own failings? Does it last? Does it love you?

Refute dumb axioms (see powerpoint)

Remember who it is that converts people. It’s the Holy Spirit! So PRAY! You arguments may be used by God, but they are not the primary means. That’s the Spirit’s job.