High Street, Dodworth, Barnsley - ANNUAL SURVEY 2012

BACKGROUND – during 2011 we started our first Patient Participation Group, and some of these questions are based on their main concerns. Other questions have been included following suggestions from other patients. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions, which may help us improve the Practice.


1.  How easy or difficult did you find it to make your appointment for today?

Very easy 44.3%

Easy 24.3%

Neither easy or difficult 13.6%

Difficult 5.7%

Very difficult 2.8% (9.3% did not reply)

2. How did you feel about the length of time you had to wait to be seen for your appointment?

Very satisfied 24.2%

Fairly satisfied 42.1%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 15.8%

Fairly dissatisfied 6.4%

Dissatisfied 2.9% (8.6% did not reply)

3. Did you know that you can book an appointment at your GP practice online and receive a text message reminder (if we have your mobile number)?

Yes 58.6%

No 30.7% (10.7% did not reply)

4. Do you know that we have a really high rate of patients not turning up for their appointments? (SEPTEMBER =56, OCTOBER = 122) and do you have any suggestions?

Yes 50.7%

No 41.4% (7.9% did not reply)


5. Last time you saw a medical member of staff at your GP surgery, how good were they at each of the following?

Nurse OR GP OR Manager?? / Very good / Good / Neither good nor poor / Poor / Very poor
Giving you enough time / 52.9% / 40% / 5% / 1.4% / 0.7%
Asking about your symptoms / 47.2% / 40.7% / 11.4% / 0.7%
Listening to you / 52.9% / 39.3% / 5.7% / 2.1%
Explaining tests and treatments / 45% / 43.6% / 10.7% / 0.7%
Taking your problems seriously / 70% / 19.3% / 9.3% / 1.4%

6. How satisfied are you with how you were treated by the staff today?

Medical Staff Reception Staff

Very satisfied 81.4% Very satisfied 68.6%

Fairly satisfied 12.9% Fairly satisfied 28.6%

Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 5% Neither satisfied/dissatisfied 2.1%

Fairly dissatisfied 0.7% Fairly dissatisfied 0.7%

Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

(13.1% did not reply) (15% did not reply)

7. When you ask questions about your care or treatment, do you feel that you are given information in a way that you can understand?

Very satisfied 69.3%

Fairly satisfied 24.3%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5%

Fairly dissatisfied 1.4%


8. Have you been involved ‘as much as you want to be’ and ‘offered choices’ in your care or treatment?

Yes 83.6%

No 8.6% (7.8% did not reply)


9. Are you aware that you are able to speak confidentially to the reception staff OR Practice Manager if you need to? E.g. in a private area?

Yes 81.4%

No 12.9% (5.7% did not reply)

10. If you wanted to compliment the practice or make a suggestion, would you know what to do?

Yes 35%

No 57.9% (7.1% did not reply)

11. If you wanted to make a complaint to the practice, would you know what to do?

Yes 56.4%

No 40% (3.6% did not reply)

12. What things, if any, could your GP practice do to make the biggest difference to you in terms of your care?

‘When you don’t go to the dentist – you get charged, should do that here’
‘Not make patients wait if they have a sick child’
‘Longer appointments – sometimes 10 minutes is not enough’
‘Different appointment times for those that work’
‘GPs should listen more’
‘To be able to see the same GP to continue your care’
‘Charge for missed appointments’

13. In your opinion, what do you feel the practice does well?

‘Happy with everything’
‘Been here for years, always good’
‘Always very well mannered & polite’
‘Staff do really well – despite some rude patients!’
‘Waiting area – lots of handy information’
‘They do all they can, excellent doctors and staff’
‘Very satisfied , very well’
‘Overall professionalism of your staff’
‘Long opening hours are good’
‘Good layout in waiting room with TV and chairs’
‘Good, new doctors who care about you’
‘Good service, in testing times for NHS’
‘Late night clinics are great’

14. In general, how satisfied are you with the care & service you get at your GP Practice?

Very satisfied 58.6%

Fairly satisfied 33.6%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5.7%

Fairly dissatisfied 2.1%


15. Would you recommend your GP Practice to someone who has just moved to your local area?

Yes, would definitely recommend 60%

Yes, might recommend 29.3%

Not sure 5.7%

No,would probably not recommend 2.9%

No,would definitely not recommend 2.1%

16. Are you aware that your GP practice has the following:

I am aware of I am not aware of:

A website 55.7% 44.3%

A patient notice board 65% 35%

A Patient Participation Group 44.3% 55.7%

17. Would you be interested in joining a Patient Participation Group or a Patient Forum?

Being part of a Patient Participation Group or Patient’s Forum would involve sharing your views with us on a more regular basis. This could be by attending a group, completing a survey or questionnaire or sending us your views by email.

Yes 7.9% If yes, please give your details to a member of staff

No 55.7% (36.4% did not reply)

Thank you for taking the time to complete our questionnaire. The results will be displayed in the waiting room and on the website.

Collated February 2013 – Mrs. G Staines (Practice Manager)