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API Exploration & Production (E&P) Standards Committee


Type or legibly print all information requested on the form. Failure to provide all information requested may result in rejection or delayed consideration. Submit the form to the applicable API standards subcommittee if known, or to: API E&P Department, 1220 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.

Consult Subcommittee Chair, Secretary or API Staff if uncertain of information for this block.

NWI Proposal Number: (unique identifying number); API Subcommittee 11 ; API Committee 1
Category of Standard: A, API/ISO ; B,ISO only ; C, API only X (Ref. API S1,¶
Sales History: (API staff enter sales data for affected or similar API standard as indication of industry usage.)
Related ISO Standard Number, Title and Date:
Is the proposed work on ISO work plan? No ; Is ISO project active? ; ISO SC and WG number:
ISO Stage Number ; ISO Project Leader
Title of Proposal: Recommended Practice for Design of Intermittent and Chamber Gas-Lift Wells and Systems
Affected API Standard: New Standard? Revision? (If a revision, fully identify current standard.)
Title: This is a proposed Recommended Practice, not a Standard
Edition: New Document
Effective Date: None
Date & Number of Supplement(s): None
Relationship to any other standards:
a. List related or existing API, ISO or other SDO’s standard: This is related to the existing API RP 11V series of documents that deal with gas-lift equipment, wells, and systems.
b. Identify and justify any potential duplication of this work with above standards: This will supplement the API RP 11V series, but will not duplicate any existing information in that series. Nothing in the existing documents focuses on intermittent gas-lift.
WorkDescription and Justification: (Describe scope of new standard or specific revisions proposed for an existing standard. Justify this work by identifying its value to industry. Be specific; use attachment if needed.)
Intermittent gas-lift is commonly used by many Petroleum Industry Operating Companies. It is inherently an inefficient process, but for some classes of wells (those with a low reservoir pressure, or poor inflow performance) it can be significantly more efficient and cost effective than continuous gas-lift. The efficiency and effectiveness of intermittent gas-lift depends, to a very large extent, on the design and operation of the wells and the system. And, there has here-to-fore been a reluctance to mix intermittent and continuous gas-lift wells in the same gas-lift system, even though some wells might be better candidates for intermittent and some for continuous operation. There is, within the industry, a body of knowledge that can significantly help Operating Companies to improve this process through improvements in design and operation of intermittent and/or chamber lift systems, and integration (mixing) of intermittent and continuous gas-lift wells in the same system, when appropriate. This purpose of this RP is to consolidate this knowledge.
Proposed Project Leader: (Include: Name, Company, Mailing and Street (if different) Address, Telephone, FAX numbers (with country dialling code) and qualification to lead this work. This person will be accountable for the quality and timeliness of the work.) NOTE: Committees cannot consider NWI proposals unless this section is complete.
Ali Hernandez Phone: 011-58-212-908-6818
INTEVEP S. A. Fax: 011-58-212-908-6126
Apdo 76342 E-mail:

Caracas, D.F 1070-A, Venezuela

NWI Form, Page 2 of 2

Resource Requirements:
a. Number of task group or work group members needed: 6 (must include at least two user participants)
b. Names of volunteers for this work (attach roster if proposing assignment to an existing task group or work group):
Cleon Dunham, Oilfield Automation Consulting
Ali Hernandez, INTEVEP S. A.
Mike Juenke, Weatherford
John Martinez, Production Associates
Roger Stinson, Schlumberger
Sam Wildman, Altec
c. Expected number of meetings 6
d. Total member meeting days (a times c)6
e. Describe any unusual resource requirements:
Milestone Target Dates / Date / Comments
Assumed start date (After approved and assigned to Work Group (WG) or Task Group (TG)) / 9/1/02
Working Draft agreed by TG to proceed to Subcommittee (SC)
(ISO Stage 20.99) / 9/1/04
Draft approved by SC for formal ballot
(ISO Stage 30.99) / 5/1/05
Publication of Standard
(ISO Stage 60.60) / 7/1/05

Indicate significance to this proposal of following considerations by entering numerical ratings as follows: 1 = Very Low/No; 2 = Low; 3 = Medium; 4 = High; 5 = Very High/Yes. Provide a brief explanation in the space provided.

Information Area / Rating / Explanation/Supporting Data
Government or Regulatory Pressure? (If YES, state source/code) / 1
Particular Environmental, Safety, and/or Health aspects? (If YES, state what) / 1
Document affects user’s Capital Expenditures? (If YES, provide supporting information) / 3
Document affects user’s Operating Expenditures? (If YES, provide supporting information) / 5 / Proper operation of intermittent gas-lift wells and systems can result in more oil production with substantially less gas injection (thus saving OPEX) relative to a poor design.
Is there widespread industry need for document? (If YES, provide supporting information) / 4 / Several companies must use intermittent and/or chamber gas-lift as the only viable alternative to recover remaining reserves in partially depleted reservoirs.
Is the applicable knowledge developed and available for this work? (If YES, state where) / 5 / A few Operating Companies have existing best practices and a few Supply Companies have existing equipment that, if properly understood and applied, can significantly improve intermittent gas-lift practices.
Total Rating / 19

Is the equipment, process or design considered non-proprietary (not patented)? Yes X No

Proposal submitted by:

Name: Cleon Dunham Company:Oilfield Automation Consulting

on behalf of Ali Hernandez, INTEVEP

Phone Number: 512-330-0671 Date Submitted: 3/15/2002

Submitted on behalf of: SC11 Field Operating Equipment API RP 11V Task Group

(If applicable, identify above the sponsoring API, ISO or other work group, task group, etc.)