
APES Ch 3-4 Study Guide

1)  Circle the abiotic factors and underline the biotic factors: Light, Bacteria, pH, water, Producers, humans, deer, energy, soil

2)  Define the following terms

  1. Ecosystem:
  2. Autotroph:
  3. Heterotroph:

3)  Put the following in the correct order in terms of energy flow: herbivores, producers, carnivores, scavengers

______-> ______->______->______

4)  What is the equation for photosynthesis?______Who does this?______

5)  What is the equation for respiration?______Who does this?______

6)  In a trophic structure, how much energy is available for the next level?____%, most is lost as ______, what law of does this relate to?______

7)  Define the following:

  1. NPP:
  2. GPP:
  3. Respiration:
  4. Write the equation that connects them.

8)  If a swamp has a GPP of 2.5 kgC/m2/year, and a respiration rate of 1.5 kgC/m2/year, what is the NPP? Show work.

9)  Be able to interpret a food web, producers, decomposers, primary consumers, secondary consumers etc.

10)  Look at the trophic structure. If there was 4000J of energy in the producers, how much would be in the primary consumers____, secondary consumer____ and tertiary consumer_____.

11)  Define the following terms related to the water cycle:

  1. Evaporation:
  2. Transpiration:
  3. Precipitation:
  4. Condensation:

12)  What causes algal blooms?______

13)  What is the most common element in the body?_____ Most abundant in the atmosphere?_____

14)  As CO2 in the atmosphere increases, global temperature ______.

15)  What organism is essential to the nitrogen cycle?______

16)  What is the process called where plants absorb N from the soil?______

17)  Where does most of the phosphorus in the soil come from?______

18)  Define

  1. watershed:
  2. Resilience
  3. Resistance:
  4. Rain shadow:

19)  What is the difference between climate and weather?______

20)  What is the importance of the ozone?______

21)  What is meant by the term albedo?______High albedo surface_____ Low albedo surface______

22)  Label the globe with the following. Most direct sunlight, Air circulation of the Hadley, ferrel and polar cells, ITCZ, Highest velocity on the surface, movement of oceans in northern hemi, movement of oceans in southern, El Nino,

23)  What causes the seasons?______

24)  What do the gyres of the ocean do to climate? ______

25)  Why might a fisherman want to know where an upwelling is? ______

26)  As water freezes and evaporates, salt concentration ______and the water will ______.

27)  What is permafrost?______where is it found?______

28)  Describe the following wetlands:

  1. Swamps:______
  2. Marshes:______
  3. Bogs:______

29)  List the ecological services of wetlands. ______

30)  What types of adaptations do living things have in the desert?______

31)  Label the zones of the ocean and lake.