AP USH Retake: Unit II, Period 3: 1754-1800

AP USH Retake: Unit II, Period 3: 1754-1800

AP USH Retake: Unit II, Period 3: 1754-1800

All work must be completed in a timely basis. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Summative Retake

When: November 15th,, A new MC, SAQ, and different Essay questions

Have all work ready practice work and additional work ready to be checked on Monday November 14th.

How to

  1. Thorough Completion of Practice Work & Weekly Assessments
  • Period 3 Amsco Chapters Outlined
  • All weekly assessments completed
  1. Additional Practice:
  • Multiple choice & SAQ and/or Essay:
  • Unit 1 Term identifications(found on pg.2): (a) Provide a summary of each term in 1-2 sentences and (b) the terms significance in another sentence, with (c) the page number listed from AMSCO and/or YAWP. These ids must be thorough and Handwritten.
  • Period 3 framework
  1. Advice
  • Review the completed practice work. You want to significantly improve your score on the Retake.
  • Tutoring is available.
  • Videos: John Green Crash Course & practice online quizzes

Have all work ready practice work and additional work ready to be checked on Monday November 15th.

Unit 2: Period 3 Content Terms

For each, write a1- sentence definition, and then a 1-2 sentences on what the significance of the term is - why it matters in its context and/or in American history. Make sure to have page number from Foner or Amsco, YAWP (specify which). These terms must be HANDWRITTEN.

1. Navigation Acts and Mercantilism

2. Salutary Neglect

3. New France

4. French and Indian War

5. Albany Congress/Plan of Union

  • The Iroquois League

6. Treaty of Paris (1763)

7. Pontiac’s Rebellion/Proclamation of 1763

8. Virtual Representation

9. Stamp Act: Sons of Liberty, non-importation

10. Declaratory Act

11. Townshend Act/Tea Act

12. Boston Massacre

13. Boston Tea Party

  • Coercive Acts (aka Intolerable Acts)

14. Continental Congress

15. Lexington and Concord

16. Battle of Bunker Hill and the Olive Branch Petition

17. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

18. Declaration of Independence

  • Locke’s Contract Theory of Government

19. Battle of Saratoga and Yorktown

20. Treaty of Paris

21. Articles of Confederation

22. Political/Social Effects of Revolution

  • Slavery: Role of Black Troops
  • Women – “Remember the Ladies” and Republican Motherhood
  • American Indians & Revolutionary War
  • Religion

23. Effects of American Revolution overseas (Haiti, France)

24. Articles of Confederation (weaknesses)

25. Land Ordinance and Northwest Ordinance (public education, slavery, and private property)

26. Shays’s Rebellion

27. Great Compromise

28. 3/5 Compromise and 1808 Slave Trade Compromise

29. Federalism – state vs. federal government

  • Elastic Clause vs. 10th Amendment

30. Electoral College

31. Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

  1. Federalist Papers
  2. Bill of Rights
  3. Influence of Enlightenment on Revolution and Constitution

.35. Hamilton’s Economic Plan: Assumption, Tax & Tariff, Report on Manufacturers

36. National Bank Debate

37, Loose (broad) vs. Strict (narrow) Interpretation, Elastic Clause

38. Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans

  • Agriculture/Manufacturing
  • France/England
  • Strict/Loose Interpretation
  • State/Federal Rights

39. Proclamation of Neutrality

40. Jay’s Treaty

42. Whiskey Rebellion

43. Pinckney’s Treaty

44 Washington’s Farewell Address

45. Quasi-War

46. XYZ Affair

47. Alien and Sedition Acts

48. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

49. “Revolution of 1800” (election)

50. Amendment 10