AP Unit 3 Comps

APUSH Unit 2 Comps 2015 MARK YOUR Quiz and Test Dates on the CALENDAR NOW

“American Revolution and Young Republic”

American Pageant Chapters 5-8

SOL VUS 4a-c

Directions: Use this comps sheet as a study guide for both the Chapter/Vocab Quizzes and the Unit Test. You should be able to discuss each of these topics, all vocabulary terms and how they relate to the course themes before the test.

Chapter 5

1.  Identify the factors that contributed to the growing numbers and wealth of the American colonists in the 18th century.

2.  Explain the developments that tended to make society LESS equal and MORE hierarchical.

3.  How is the Great Awakening linked to the development of a sense of American uniqueness and identity?

4.  Identify the features of colonial politics that contributed to the development of popular democracy. What kept political life from being truly democratic?

Chapter 6

5.  In what ways were the American colonists involved in the home country’s struggle with France?

6.  Why did most Indian peoples fight with the French against the British and its American colonists in the French and Indian War?

7.  Explain why Britain’s success in defeating the French empire led to failures in dealing with its colonial subjects.

8.  When the Seven Year’s War (French and Indian War) began, most American colonists were extremely proud and happy to be British citizens but by the end of the war, they were not—even though Britain was a more powerful empire at the end. Explain this.

Chapter 7

9.  What central political ideas had colonial Americans developed by the 18th century that made them deeply suspicious of centralized authority and fervent in defense of their rights?

10.  Prior to the outbreak of violence in 1775, identify the nonviolent methods the colonists used in their struggle against Britain and determine the relative success of these methods.

11.  T chart** What advantages and disadvantages did the American rebels and the British each possess at the beginning of the war. You may use a chart to show this…..maybe even take it straight from the SOL ppt and commit it to memory!

12.  At various times during the decade 1765-1775, the British government backed down and sought compromise with the colonies. After the Boston Tea Party and the imposition of the Intolerable Acts, was there any chance the war could have been avoided? Explain thoroughly.

Chapter 8

13.  Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary War? Did this battle put the Americans on a clear path to victory or only delay defeat? Support your response with solid evidence.

14.  In what ways was the American Revolution a civil war among Americans as well as a fight between Britain and those Americans seeking independence?

15.  **Complete a T chart** and prepare to debate EITHER side in class.:“Even though it was necessary to achieve American independence, the American alliance with the reactionary French monarchy violated revolutionary ideals and demonstrated their impracticality was a basis for international relations.”

(Affirmative Evidence for this Statement on the left of a T chart)

16.  Negative Evidence for the statement in #15 on the right of a T chart

Unit 2 Vocabulary: (1-20 will be on CH 5/6 Quiz; 21-40 on the 7/8 Quiz)

1.  Albany Conference

2.  Pontiac’s Rebellion

3.  Proclamation of 1763

4.  Paxton Boys

5.  Writs of Assistance

6.  James Otis

7.  Mercy Otis Warren

8.  Stamp Act

9.  Sons of Liberty

10.  Committees of Correspondence

11.  Intolerable Acts

12.  Carolina Regulators

13.  Second Continental Congress

14.  Olive Branch Petition

15.  Marquis de Lafayette

16.  William Howe

17.  Benedict Arnold

18.  Robert Morris

19.  Thomas Paine/Common Sense (it will be ONE!)

20.  Edmund Burke

21.  Declaration of Independence

22.  Abigail Adams

23.  Disestablishment

24.  Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

25.  Tories

26.  Hessians

27.  General Charles Cornwallis

28.  General John Burgoyne

29.  George Rogers Clark

30.  John Paul Jones

31.  Saratoga

32.  Kings Mountain

33.  Phyllis Wheatley

34.  Yorktown

35.  Treaty of Paris, 1783

36.  John Jay

37.  Benjamin Franklin

38.  Northwest Ordinance

39.  Articles of Confederation

40.  Newburgh Conspiracy

Reading Schedule/Assignment List

F 8/28 p.88-97;rv. 1-22

M 8/31 p. 97-103; rv.23-43

T 9/1 p.103-106; rv.44-52/CH:5 Comps/MC

W 9/2 CH:6 p. 109-116; rv. 1-22

X 9/3 p. 116-124; rv. 23-38/CH:6 Comps/MC

F 9/4 CH:7 p. 126-132; rv. 1-24

M 9/7 “Study for CH:5/6 Quiz”

T 9/8 p.132-139; rv. 25-37

W 9/9 p. 139-144; rv. 38-48/ CH:7 Comps/MC

X 9/10 CH: 8 p. 146-151; rv. 1-9

F 9/11 p. 151-157; rv. 10-20

M 9/14 p.157-164; rv. 21-32

T 9/15 p.164-168; rv. 33-38/CH:8 Comps/MC

W 9/16 REVIEW DAY Study for Ch: 7/8 QZ and test

X 9/17 CH:7/8 QUIZ

F 9/18 UNIT 2 TEST/ Start CH:9 HW

Chapter Vocabulary to Analyze: Consult a dictionary or other resource to define terms or idiomatic expressions not fully explained in the book

CH 5:

1.  Pennsylvania Dutch

2.  Scots-Irish

3.  Great wagon road

4.  Paxton Boys

5.  Regulator Movement

6.  M.G. Jean de Crevecoeur

7.  Polyglot

8.  “no tilted nobility…underclass”

9.  Merchant princes

10.  Almshouses

11.  Red “P”

12.  “poor whites”

13.  New England slave traders

14.  Bleeding

15.  Cotton Mather (box)

16.  Lawyer (as a profession)

17.  Triangular trade

18.  Trade imbalance

19.  Molasses Act

20.  Taverns as “cradle of democracy”

21.  Green Dragon Tavern

22.  Intercolonial postal system

23.  Established Churches (see table)

24.  College of William and Mary

25.  Congregational Church

26.  “neotrinity”

27.  Franklin on religion (box)

28.  Dead dogs

29.  Arminianism

30.  Great Awakening

31.  Jonathan Edwards

32.  George Whitefield

33.  Old Lights

34.  New Lights

35.  Effects of the Great Awakening

36.  Purpose of education

37.  “birched”

38.  University of PA

39.  Colonial culture

40.  John Trumbull

41.  Phillis Wheatley

42.  Poor Richards Almanack

43.  Shackles of superstition

44.  Colonial newspapers

45.  Zenger trial

46.  Libel

47.  Royal and proprietary colonies

48.  Ruling colonial clique

49.  Self-taxation

50.  Governor’s salary

51.  Democratic seeds

52.  Colonial entertainment

CH: 6

1.  Seven Years War/ F and I War

2.  Huguenots

3.  Edict of Nantes

4.  King Louis XIV

5.  Huron Indians

6.  New France

7.  Coureurs de bois

8.  Indian religious beliefs

9.  Jesuits

10.  Robert La Salle

11.  War: King William and Queen Anne

12.  (note table 6.1)

13.  Utrecht 1713 terms

14.  Deerfield raid (6.3)

15.  Titus King (6.3)

16.  War of Jenkin’s Ear

17.  King George’s War

18.  Ohio Valley

19.  Colonial speculators

20.  Fort Duquesne

21.  George Washington

22.  Acadians

23.  French and Indian War

24.  “America was conquered in Germany”

25.  Albany Congress

26.  Join or Die cartoon

27.  Edward Braddock

28.  William Pitt

29.  James Wolfe

30.  Battle of Quebec

31.  Buckskin militia

32.  “outhouses of civilization”

33.  Golden traffic

34.  Intercolonial disunity

35.  Plains of Abraham

36.  Pontiac’s uprising

37.  Biological warfare

38.  Proclamation of 1763


1.  republicanism

2.  radical Whig ideas

3.  political participation

4.  mercantilism

5.  Navigation law 1650

6.  paper money

7.  royal veto

8.  John Hancock

9.  Perpetual economic adolescence

10.  PM George Grenville, 1763

11.  Sugar Act 1764

12.  Quartering Act 1765

13.  Stamp Act 1765

14.  admiralty courts

15.  Edmund Burke

16.  virtual representation

17.  Stamp Act Congress 1765 NYC

18.  nonimportation agreements

19.  homespun

20.  Sons and Daughters of Liberty

21.  John Dickinson

22.  tar and feathers

23.  effigies

24.  Declaratory Act

25.  Townshend Acts

26.  Crispus Attucks

27.  King George III

28.  Lord North

29.  committees of correspondence

30.  British East India CO.

31.  Thomas Hutchinson

32.  Boston Tea Party

33.  Intolerable Acts

34.  Quebec Act

35.  First Continental Congress 1774

36.  The Association

37.  Lexington and Concord 1775

38.  Hessians

39.  Treaty of Westphalia, 1648

40.  Ethnic complexity of Spanish America

41.  “rich and powerful allies”

42.  Tupac Amaru II

43.  Marquis de Lafayette

44.  “not worth a continental”

45.  Valley Forge

46.  Baron von Steuben

47.  Lord Dunmore

48.  Profits before patriotism


1.  Second Continental Congress

2.  Moral force

3.  Bunker/Breed’s Hill

4.  Olive Branch Petition

5.  Hessian flies

6.  Benedict Arnold

7.  Common Sense

8.  “citizen Virtue”

9.  Natural aristocracy

10.  Richard Henry Lee

11.  Declaration of Independence

12.  “lives, fortunes and sacred honor”

13.  Abigail Adams

14.  Virginia Loyalists

15.  Ethnic minorities who supported the British

16.  Black Loyalist

17.  White Loyalist

18.  Tories and Whigs

19.  William Franklin

20.  Loyalist exodus

21.  Battle of Long Island

22.  Leutze painting p. 158

23.  Trenton 12/26/76

24.  “Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne”

25.  SARATOGA, 1777**

26.  Novus ordo seculorum: explain it, don’t just translate it!

27.  Model Treaty

28.  Voltaire

29.  Armed Neutrality

30.  Rochambeau

31.  Kings Mountain and Cowpens

32.  Gen Nathaniel Greene

33.  Native American alliances

34.  George Rogers Clark

35.  privateers

36.  Yorktown

37.  Treaty of Paris, 1783

38.  “recommendations for treatment of Loyalists”

Unit 2 QUIZ Vocab:

1.  These regulations were passed in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party, and included the Boston Port Act, which shut down Boston Harbor; the Massachusetts Government Act, which disbanded the Boston Assembly, the Quartering Act, which required the colony to provide housing and provisions for British soldiers; and the Administration of Justice Act, which removed the power of colonial courts to arrest royal officers

2.  This mob of Pennsylvania frontiersmen massacred a group of non-hostile Indians.

3.  This British General evacuated Boston harbor with 1,000 American Loyalists.

4.  This pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine, was instrumental in turning public opinion in favor of the Revolution.

5.  This conservative British politician was generally sympathetic to the colonists' grievances and felt that Britain's colonial policies were misguided.

6.  Although he was a General in the Continental Army and instrumental the victory at Saratoga, he is remembered as the most famous traitor in American history.

7.  This first direct tax on colonists was so unpopular that it caused riots. Because of this colonial opposition (and the decline in British imports caused by the non- importation movement) London merchants convinced Parliament to repeal it in 1766.

8.  This 1754 meeting was an attempt to get the English colonies to act in union to negotiate terms with the Indians. Ultimately, the meeting did not produce the desired results, but it did provide a framework for what would later become the Articles of Confederation.

9.  This delegate to the Second Continental Congress agreed that Britain had treated the colonies unfairly, but he did not believe that the colonies should dissolve ties with Britain. Although he first argued against the Declaration of Independence, he eventually signed it and became the chief financier behind the colonial armies.

10.  These were the first government-organized organizations that the colonies created in order to exchange information and organize protests to British trade regulations.

11.  This was a colonial lawyer who defended (usually for free) colonial merchants who were accused of smuggling.

12.  This was a 1763 uprising after the French and Indian War, by Indians who opposed British expansion into the western Ohio Valley.

13.  These were search warrants issued by the British government that allowed officials to search houses and ships for smuggled goods with or without reasonable cause.

14.  The colonies made this final offer of peace to Britain, agreeing to be loyal to the British government if it addressed their grievances. King George rejected it and declared the colonies in “open and avowed rebellion.”

15.  This was the French major general who aided the colonies during the Revolutionary War. He and Baron von Steuben (a Prussian general) were the two major foreign military experts who helped train the colonial armies.

16.  The British government drew this imaginary line along the Appalachian Mountains and forbade their colonists from settling west of it. It also required any settlers already living west of the mountains to move back east. You must include the year for full credit.

17.  These were groups of Southern vigilantes who organized to fight outlaw bands along the Western frontier in 1767-1769, and who disbanded when regular courts were established in those areas.

18.  This group met in 1776, drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, which justified the Revolutionary War and declared that the colonies should be independent of Britain.

19.  This 19th century American historian wrote a three volume history of the American Revolution.

20.  This was a radical political organization for colonial independence which formed in 1765 after the passage of the Stamp Act. With leaders such as Sam Adams and Paul Revere, the group incited riots and burned the customs houses where the stamped British paper was kept.

21.  This British general was defeated by American General Horatio Gates at the Battle of Saratoga and surrendered the entire British Army of the North.

22.  An African domestic in the colonies, and a well-known colonial poet, her poetry was ornate and elaborate.

23.  This major success of the very first American government set up the framework for government and provided that the NW Territory would be divided into 3 to 5 states. It outlawed slavery in the territory and set 60,000 as the minimum population for statehood.

24.  During the Revolutionary War, she wrote letters to her husband describing life on the home front and urged her husband to “remember the ladies” in the new government he was helping to create.

25.  This was the battle which ended all major fighting in the Revolutionary War.

26.  These were German mercenaries who fought for the British.

27.  This British general surrendered to the Continental Army on October 19, 1781, which ended all major fighting in the Revolutionary War.

28.  This term simply refers to the process of removing any state or government recognition or preferential treatment of a specific religion. It is the fundamental concept behind “separation of Church and State.”

29.  This was the nickname Revolutionaries gave Loyalists.

30.  This battle was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. After this victory for the colonists, France recognized the colonies’ independence.