End of the Year Activity for AP Psychology


  • You spend about 5 hours outside of class on your project.
  • You are organized and prepared to present to the class for about 5 minutes.

Ideas for your project:

  1. Choose a subject and find at least two good sources to learn about the topic. Put together a 4 to 6 minute presentation to the class to thoroughly explain the topic. Do a Powerpoint, or two page paper to go along with the presentation. List the sources you have used.

 Website that has list of many topics:

  1. Tell a personal story (4 to 6 minutes) related to psychology. For instance, relate psychology to terms about something in your life.
  1. Learn a skill to present to class, show it to the class, and describe how you learned it. Write a short paper on how you learned the skill. Relate the learning to concepts in the course. Monitor progress and detail in your paper.

Examples- Magic trick, a song on an instrument, juggle, origami,

  1. Teach a skill to the class. Write a paper on how you are going to teach the skill.

Examples- Magic trick, dance moves....

  1. Give a review and summary of a book

Authors- Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Ariel, Dr. Zimbardo, Oliver Sacks

Link to a list of popular psychology books:

  1. Interview a mental heath professional
  2. Do a demonstration to the class about a psychological concept.
  3. Make a 3 to 5 minute video demonstrating a psychological concept
  4. Gather data using a survey or doing an activity with the class.
  5. Come up with your own idea.


What dates do you have AP tests? 5 (psy) 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16

Describe what you plan or like to do:

AP Psychology- 4th Quarter

Th/F 4/3-4 Essay question- disorder and therapy (20 pts)

Mon 4/7Chap15 Test- Therapy (80pts)

Th/F 4/10-11Practice AP test

Week of April 14Groups put together unit presentation

Week of April 21Group presentations

Th/F 5/1-2Cram session for AP test

Mon 5/5AP TEST! Need to go to A lunch, then head to church on Applebee Rd

Th/F 5/16-17 20 Things to know before you get married (20pts) Bring your typed list to class

Th/F 5/22-23Final Exam- last day for seniors

More Explanation of expectations for the End of the Year Project

Option 1- Researching a topic

You should turn in a minimum or a two page summary or a general outline of the topic with two sources listed in MLA format. You will then present the information to the class for 4 to 5 minutes. You may or may not want visual aides depending on your topic

Option 2- Tell a personal story

Turn in a summary or outline of what you are going to discuss. The story does need to be related to psychology terms and last about 4 to 5 minutes.

Option 3- Learn a skill to show to the class

Write a paper about how you went about learning the skill. Were there stumbling blocks that go in your way? What feedback do you get to know you were doing it correctly/incorrectly? Document your progress during the learning.

Option 4- Teach the class a skill

Write up a plan or outline on how you are going to teach the skill to the class. Practice before you attempt with an entire class. Teach the skill to the class.

Option 5- A book

Write a book review focusing on the concepts from psychology. Present the most interesting aspects of the book to the class.

Option 6- Do a psychology demonstration to the class

Do the demonstration to the class and then debrief them about the concept they were learning. Turn in a description of the demonstration including sources (including websites) you used.

Option 7- Interview or guest speaker

For the interview, come up with questions to ask your speaker and write a paper about the speaker’s answers and talk about it to the class. A guest speaker will only require that you write a thank you letter.