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GEOGRAPHY: ITS NATURE AND PERSPECTIVES: An Introduction to Human Geography,
James M. Rubenstein, 9th ed.
Chapter 2: Population pp. 44-79Population Distribution 47-53
- What are the common characteristics of the four population clusters?
Define each of the following & explainwhy each of the following terms are low in population: / Definition / Explanation
- Deserts
- Rain forests
- Polar regions
- Highlands
Causes of Population Increase 53-57
- Crude birth rate
- Crude death rate
- Natural increase rate
- Doubling time
- Total fertility rate
- Infant mortality rate
- Life expectancy
- Give the CBR, CDR, NIR, TFR, IMR and LE of the United States
Demographic Transition 57-61
- Agricultural Revolution
- Medical Revolution
- Write a 6-8 sentence paragraph that defines the demographic transition model, explains each of the four stages and incorporates the terms Industrial revolution and zero population growth
Population Pyramid 61-63
- Dependancy ratio
- Explain why dependency ratio varies from Laredo, TX, to Lawrence, KS, to Cedar Rapids, IA, to Naples, FL.
- Sex ratio – explain any imbalances in Unalaska, AR
Different stages of the Demographic Transition 63-67
- Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph that explains why each of the following is at its stage of the demographic transition (3 paragraphs total)
Overpopulation 67-72
21 . Marxist theory of food supply
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World Health Threats 72-75
- Black plague
- Pandemic
- Cholera
- Polio
- Avian flu
Chapter 3: Migration 80-111
Reasons for Migrating 80-86
- Migration
- Emigration
- Immigration
- Net immigration
- Net in-migration
- Net out-migration
- Push factor
- Pull factor
- Intervening obstacle
- What is a refugee?
- In what way was the end of communism a push factor in migration from Eastern Europe to Western Europe?
- How might a physical environment be a pull factor?
- How might a physical environment be a push factor?
- How does distance decay affect migration?
- Explain how migration could be tied to the demographic transition.
Distance and Characteristics 86-88
- Internal migration
- Interregional migration
- Intraregional migration
- International migration
- Voluntary migration
- Forced migration
- How have changes in gender roles affected gender patterns of Mexican immigration?
- How have changes in gender roles affected age patterns of Mexican immigration?
Migration Patterns 88-93
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2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6.
7. / 8. / 9. / 10. / 11. / 12. / 13.
Impact of Immigration on the United States 93-96
- Explain how the demographic transition was a push factor in European migration during the Industrial revolution.
- What are some aspects of European culture that have spread to the rest of the world?
- How many unauthorized immigrants were in the United States in 2008? List the top three places from which they originate.
- What are a couple of reasons that explain why it is so easy to cross the border?
- What are the top four destination states?
- Chain migration
Obstacles to Migration 96-102
- Explain the limits placed on immigrants after 1923.
- How did those change after 1965? What exceptions are now made to quotas?
- Why do some countries accuse the United States of encouraging a “brain drain”?
- Why might it be hard to determine if Cubans, Haitians and Vietnamese are economic migrants or refugees? Be specific for each group
- What kind of obstacles do guest workers face? Be specific about people’s opinions of guest workers.
- Using your resources available (grandparents, parents, or immigrant neighbors/acquaintances) describe the obstacles faced by immigrants
Obstacles to Migration 96-102
- counterurbanization
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