AP Human GeographyClass Binder Rubric

Front Cover (0-5 pts. Possible ): Must be included in order to be accepted!

1. Name, Class, Period

Self-Reflection on Covers (0-5 pts. Possible):

  1. Pictures, stickers, drawings etc. that represent yourself, family, interests, hobbies, sports, culture, customs etc.

Rubric (0-5 pts. Possible): Must be included in order to be accepted!

Table of Contents (0-5 pts. Possible): Must be included in order to be accepted!

1. Use Word to start and save your table of contents.

  1. On 1-2 pages create and list all 6 sections of your binder.
  2. Under each section list all work that should be included in your binder according to the order of work posted on class web page and front board.

Homework (0-15 pts. Possible):

  1. All Chapter KBATS (KNOW AND BE ABLE TO SHEETS) included at start of chapter homework.
  2. All Chapter Key Terms defined and complete.

3. All 3 levels of questions completed and answered for each chapter key issue assigned.

4. Your extra notes included from the lecture, questions and answers review for each chapter key issue (should be included in your chapter key issue review notes packet).

5. Neat and organized according to order of chapter and key issue.

Essential Geographic Skills (0-15 pts. Possible):

1. All Essential Geographic Skills Handouts completed and organized according to order of chapter and key issue.

LOTS TO HOTS (0-15 pts. Possible):

1. All LOTS TO HOTS Handouts completed with required amount of Questions and Answers and included in order posted on the front board.

Current Events Case Study (0-15 pts. Possible):

  1. Title is the Correct Date.
  2. 3 Stories covered using 5Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why or How.
  3. 5Ws are aligned with Human Geography.
  4. Your opinion is included for each story covered.
  5. Your opinion should explain why you feel the way you do about the story covered.(Thoughts, concerns, feelings etc.).
  6. Neat and organized in date order according to order posted on front board.
  7. Make-up missing current events and cover 3 stories on your own by watching the news, reading the newspaper, or Google News.

Video Case Study (0-15pts. Possible ):

  1. Title of the video.
  2. Annotate the map from your viewing of the video.
  3. Required amount of CHARGERS Bullet Notes are included.
  4. Each Bullet Note is alignedwith Human Geography.
  5. Your opinion is included for each video covered.
  6. Your opinion should explain why you feel the way you do about the video covered.(Thoughts, concerns, feelings etc.).
  7. Neat and organized in order of video shown according to order posted on front board.

Tests (0-5 pts. Possible):

  1. All returned tests (Scantrons), handouts, and Free Response Questions.
  2. Project Rubrics
  3. Progress Grade printouts