AP Euro Quarter 4 Terms

Chapter 26

Mass Politics Kaiser Wilhelm I Budesrat

Kulturkampf Catholic Center Party Social Dem. Party

Wilhelm II 3rd French Republic Paris Commune

Dreyfus Affair Benjamin Disraeli Liberal Party

William Gladstone Reform Bill 1867 Reform Act 1884

Fabian Society Irish Question Young Ireland

Irish Home Rule Easter Rebellion Eastern Question

Sick Man of Europe Pan-Slavism Jingoism

Congress of Berlin 1878 Socialist Revisionism Alexander II

Emancipation Act 1861 Alexander III pogroms

Zionism Nicholas II Russo-Japanese War

Revolution of 1905 Duma Rasputin

Chapter 27

Dr. David Livingston H. M. Stanley “White Man’s Burden”

Rudyard Kipling Belgian Congo Leopold II

Berlin Conference 1884 Battle of Omdurman Fashoda Incident

Cecil Rhodes Boer War Kruger Telegram

Opium Wars Treaty of Nanking Sino-Japanese War

British East India Co. Sepoy Mutiny Indian National Congress

Indochina Boxer Rebellion Russo-Japanese War

Das Kapital

Chapter 28

Triple Alliance Anglo-Japanese Alliance Triple Entente

Russian-German Reinsurgence Treaty Dreadnoughts

Lay Down Your Arms Kruger Telegram Algeciras Conference

Pan-Slavism Young Turks 1st Balkan Crisis/War

2nd Balkan War Archduke Ferdinand Central Powers

Allies Western Front Schlieffen Plan

Battle of the Marne 1914 Battle of Verdun Battle of the Somme

All Quiet on the Western Front General Hindenburg

General Ludendorf T. E. Lawrence Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

U-boats Lusitania Archangel Expedition

Clemenceau Zimmerman Telegram Balfour Note

Woodrow Wilson Fourteen Points Paris Peace Conference

Big Four Versailles Treaty Article 231

League of Nations John Maynard Keynes Easter Rebellion 1916

Chapter 29

Tsar Alexander I Holy Alliance Decembrist Uprising

Nicholas I Slavophiles Alexander II

Mirs Zemstvos Bakunin

Alexander III Treaty of Portsmouth Revolution of 1905

October Manifests Duma Peter Stolypin

Vladimir Lenin Mensheviks Bolsheviks

Leon Trotsky February Revolution Rasputin

Kerensky Petrograd Soviet Kornilov Affair

October Revolution Politburo Red Army

Cheka Communist Party Reds/Whites

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Chapter 30

Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine Containment

Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift NATO

Warsaw Pact Hydrogen Bomb Eastern Bloc

Joseph Stalin Josip Broz Tito Nikita Khrushchev

De-stalinization Gosplan Boris Pasternak

Alexander Solzenitsyn Hungarian Uprising 1956 Sputnik

Peaceful Coexistance Geneva Conference 1955 U-2 Incident

Berlin Wall Cuban Missile Crisis Leonid Brezhnev

Prague Spring Alexander Dubcek Brezhnev Doctrine

Willy Brandt Ostpolitik Détente

Salt I Helsinki Conference Afghanistan

Solidarity Pope John Paul II Lech Walessa

Atlantic Conference Margaret Thatcher Helmut Kohl

Ronald Reagan Mikhail Gorbachev Glasnost

Perestroika INF Treaty 1987 START Treaty 1990

Revolution of 1989 German Reunification Velvet Revolution

Vaclav Havel Nicholi Ceaucescu Fall of Soviet Union

Boris Yeltsin Chechnya Vladimir Putin

De-colonization India, Gandhi Dien Bien Phu

British Commonwealth Mao Mao Slobodan Milosevic

Croatia Bosnia-Herzegovina Slovenia

Ethnic Clensing Dayton Agreements Kosovo

Irish Republican Army Basques Guest Workers

Jean-Marie Le Pen Jorg Haider