AP Chemistry Summer Assignments in Google Classroom

Your instructor: Amanda Stalvey,

WELCOME AP Chemistry 2015-2016 students!

As an Advanced Placement, College Board class, it is expected that students have the basic knowledge and ability acquired in first year chemistry and the ability level of Algebra II. The summer assignments that will be assigned will help students practice this knowledge and prepare a foundation of skills prior to the semester’s start.

We will be using Google Classroom for summer assignments and communication, as well as coursework through the year. Most colleges are moving to online platforms for submitting assignments, taking tests and communicating with students. By using Google Classroom, students will have practice using this platform and adjusting to its specifics. If your internet or computer access will be limited during the summer and you require paper copies of the assignments, please let me know as soon as possible.

Follow the steps below to register for our online class. Feel free to email me or ask questions if you get confused.

Step 1: Sign-in to your Google Drive Account using your account set up by the school district. If you have forgotten this login, talk to me ASAP about resetting the password. The user name should be your school . If you have never used Google Drive before, try Password1 for the password.

Step 2: Now go to the website: classroom.google.com

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the student button.

Step 4: Select the + sign in the upper right hand corner of the screen, a box will appear for the class code.

Step 5: Enter the code for our class: xwj6p

Step 6: This will enroll you in my class and give you access to it. Click on the class box if it is not already open.

Step 7: Under the “Stream” tab you will find assignments, discussions, and announcements.

Please keep track of due dates and plan accordingly. There will be incentives to submitting your assignments on time. This will also better prepare you for a rigorous class this year.

Steps to opening and submitting assignments:

1)  Click on the assignment link. If it is in worksheet form, the assignment will open as a Google Document. Answer accordingly and complete the assignment.

2)  When finished, just close the tab, Google automatically saves work as it goes.

3)  If the assignment is a survey or other link, submit the assignment first using the platform’s directions then close the tab.

4)  On the Google Classroom Assignment, select “Turn In”.

5)  Confirm that you have submitted the assignment by looking for the green “done” note and check mark in the right corner of each assignment.

We will be using Google Classroom for the rest of the year. Feel free to navigate this class and get to know what is on the screens. Your grade will appear under the completed assignments tab when I finish grading it.

Projected Summer Assignment Due Dates: Official dates will be posted on Google Classroom.

Posted / Due Date / Assignment Name / Directions
5/25/15 / No later than 6/12 for access to important info. / Register for Google Classroom / Use the directions on the opposite side of this sheet to login to Google Classroom and register for this class’ section. Ms. Stalvey will be able to see your name when you register. All assignments will be submitted here and all directions and materials will be linked on this page.
5/25/15 / By the 1st day of school / Ion Cards and Ion Review / Please print and/or make flashcards for you to study the material with. This information will be on your first quiz during the first few days of class.
5/29/15 / 6/20/15 / Chapter 1 Reading / Posted in Google Classroom as a PDF
Chapter 1 Check Point Questions / These will be posted and linked on the Google Classroom Page for you to access and complete with deadline dates.
Chapter 1 Self-Assessment Quiz 1&2
6/8/15 / 7/4/15 / Chapter 2 Reading / Posted in Google Classroom as a PDF
Check Point Questions / These will be posted and linked on the Google Classroom Page for you to access and complete with deadline dates.
Chapter 2 Self-Assessment Quiz 1&2
6/8/15 / 7/4/15 / Chapter 3 Reading / Posted in Google Classroom as a PDF
Check Point Questions / These will be posted and linked on the Google Classroom Page for you to access and complete with deadline dates.
Chapter 3 Self-Assessment Quiz 1&2
6/8/15 / 8/1/15 / Chapter 6 Reading / Posted in Google Classroom as a PDF
Check Point Questions / These will be posted and linked on the Google Classroom Page for you to access and complete with deadline dates.
Chapter 6 Self-Assessment Quiz 1&2

*If there are conflicts with these dates because of travel or other accessibility issues, please communicate with your instructor as soon as you can to make arrangements.