AP- Chemistry Fall 2014 Syllabus

Mrs. Adam



Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry is a course designed much like a college freshman Chemistry course. It is fast-paced, challenging, and integrates general and specialized areas of chemistry concepts with quantitative and qualitative analysis. The topics covered in this course include the study of matter, chemical measurements, stoichiometry, aqueous solutions, prediction of chemical reactions, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, electronic structure, periodic properties, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, bonding theories, gases, intermolecular forces, liquids, and solids. Laboratory investigations that support these topics emphasize accurate observations of chemical reactions and substances, recording of data, calculating and interpreting results based on the quantitative data obtained, and communicating effectively the results of experimental work. The College Board has developed national standards that dictate the objectives of the AP Chemistry course. To achieve the national standards, we will use a college textbook for in-depth study and application of various chemical concepts. This AP-Chemistry course will prepare you to take the Advanced Placement Exam in May. The general sequence and timeline of the chapters covered in the fall semester is as follows:

Cycle 1

Chemistry I Review Unit (~2.5 weeks)

Chapter 1chemical foundation

Chapter 2Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Chapter 3Stoichiometry,

Chapter 5.3-5.5 Ideal gas law, gas stoichiometry and Dalton’s law partial pressure.

Solutions Unit (~2.5 weeks)

Chapter 4types of chemical reactions and solution chemistry.

Cycle 2

Electrochemistry Unit (~3 weeks)

Chapter 18Electrochemistry

Lab test # 1-8

Cycle 3

Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics (~3 weeks)

Chapter 6Thermochemistry

Chapter 17Chemical Thermodynamics

Kinetics Unit (~2 weeks)

Chapter 12Chemical Kinetics

Final Exam

Note: This syllabus may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Textbook and Resources:

Zumdahl, Steven and Zumdahl, Susan. Chemistry, 9th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2014

Quest Learning & Assessment (College of Natural Sciences The University of Texas at Austin) electronic homework website

Laboratory Manuals:

College Board. AP Chemistry Guided Inquiry Experiments: Applying the Science Practices. 1st ed. New York, NY: The College Board, 2013.

Beran, J.A. Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry, 5th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994.

Holmquist, Dan D., Randall, Jack, and Volz, Don. Chemistry with Calculators, 1st ed. Beaverton, OR: Vernier Software & Technology, 2000.

Randall, Jack. Advanced Chemistry with Vernier Experiments for AP®, IB, and College General Chemistry, 1st ed. Beaverton, OR: Vernier Software & Technology 2004.

Vonderbrink, Sally Ann. Laboratory Experiments for Advanced Placement Chemistry, 2nd ed. Batavia, IL: Flinn Scientific, Inc., 2006.

Class Rules:

  1. Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.
  2. Bring all materials daily.

This includes your required supplies, book, and homework assignments.

  1. Be courteous and respectful to others.

Give your full attention to others in discussions. Raise your hand and wait for acknowledgment before speaking. Respect the properties of other students, the teacher, and the school. Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.

  1. Be productive and participate in class.

Ask questions, contribute to the answer, and play an active role in the laboratory exercises.

  1. Follow the teacher’s directions the FIRST time they are given.

This rule is especially important during the laboratory exercises.

  1. No food or drink is allowed during class.

Penalties for choosing to break a rule.

First Offense:Verbal warning.

Second Offense:Personal conference with the teacher.

Third Offense:Detention, completion of an action plan, and telephone call home

Fourth Offense:Detention, complete or revise your action plan and parent/student/teacher conference.

Fifth Offense:Referral to the principal

Grading Policy:

Tests / Projects 60%

Labs / Quizzes30%

Class participation10%

(Includes daily work and homework)

For tests and projects, at least three school days advanced notice will be given. Tests will be over textbook material, homework, laboratory assignments, and lectures. Before, during, and after the test/quiz, you must silently remain in your assigned seat. I will NOT correct mistakes in grading made on Scranton answer sheets. Please fill in your answers carefully. If necessary, I will provide you with a new Scranton sheet during the test/quiz, but both the original and new sheet must be handed in together Graded tests will be returned to you for review in class and cannot be taken outside of my classroom. You are welcome to further review your tests in my classroom at a later date, but only after making an appointment with me.

Quizzes may be announced or unannounced and will be over homework or in-class assignments. Lab reports will be graded.

If the student fails a test or project, then the student has an opportunity to retake a similar assessment covering the same topics or redo the project. If the student chooses to participate, then the student is responsible for requesting and scheduling the retake or redo in writingduring the class period that the graded assessment and/or class assignment is returned. Retakes must be scheduled for outside regular class time. The student will have two school days to do the retake or redo. Once complete, the student’s retake / redo grade will be averaged with the original grade for a final assessment / assignment grade of no higher than “70%”.Please note that there is NO RETAKE ON END OF CYCLE EXAMS AND QUIZZES!!!!

Learning to do problems of all types, quickly, is one of the major goals of this class. Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and will include the computer-basedQuest Learning & Assessment program, textbook problems, and/or free-response questions. As a general rule, you can count on at least 6 hours of homework each week. UT homework will usually be due one class before the test so questions may be asked over it. Other homework may periodically be collected.

Homework credit will be given only if the assignment is complete at the beginning of the class period. Late work may be turned in ONE class day late at the beginning of period, but will receive a maximum score of “70%” or less. No late work will be accepted beyond that time and the assignment will be marked as a zero. All students should maintain a record of their graded assignments.

If you are absent on the day an assignment is given, you will have three school days to make up the work. If you are absent on the day a prior assignment is due, you must be prepared to hand in the assignment, take the test or quiz the day you return to school. If you are absent for any reason, you are responsible for the missed work.

There is no extra credit.


I am available for classroom tutoring either during scheduled tutorials, at lunch, or after school. To request tutoring, please see me to make arrangements for a convenient time to meet. If at any time you or your parent would like to discuss your progress, please request an individual conference with me by phone (713-741-2410) or E-mail () at least one day in advance.

Mrs. Adam’s AP Chemistry Class

Acknowledgement of Guidelines, Rules, and Procedures:

Thank you for carefully reading this information. I expect you to do your very best each class period. In return, I will put my best effort into each class that I teach you. By working together, we will all have a successful semester. If at any time you are having difficulties in this class, let me know immediately and I will be glad to help you.

STUDENT: I have carefully read and understand these guidelines, rules, and procedures. I will honor them at all times while in Mrs. Adam’s room classroom.


Student’s SignatureStudent’s Printed NameDate

PARENT: I have carefully read and discussed these guidelines, rules, and procedures with my child. I understand and will support them.


Parent’s SignatureParent’s Printed NameDate

TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the guidelines, rules, and procedures.


Teacher’s Signature Teacher’s Printed Name Date