MAT 136~Algebra 3 & Trigonometry-Room 227
Mrs. McCarthy
Contacting Me:
- Phone: 343-2480 ext. 2000
- Email:
Required Materials:
- 3-Ring Binder with 4 Dividers- Notes / Homework / Quizzes / Tests
- Pens, Pencils, Erasers, and Highlighters
- TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator
Grading Policy:
- 40% Tests
- 20% Quizzes
- 10% Notebook
- 30% Homework
- Any assignment handed in late will receive a deduction.
Class Work:It is my belief that without practice, success in this class is not possible. Therefore, we will be doing as much practice in class as possible. Coming to class unprepared (without your homework, writing utensil, calculator, or positive attitude and desire to learn) will also hinder your grade.
Major Exams:
- Midterm Exam (January) and Final Exam (June)
Tests and Quizzes:
- Tests will be given 2-3 days after the completion of the chapter. Tests are always announced in advance.
- Students need to prepare in advance for a test. NO RETESTING OR CORRECTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED. Help is available during activity period (Room 227) or during extended day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3:15-4:15 in the library).
- Quizzes will be given frequently and may be unannounced. Be Prepared.
- Notebooks will be graded on test days. The notebook needs to be complete and organized by dividers.
- Each assignment will be turned in and graded daily.
- ALL work must be shown to receive full credit.
- Assignments are expected to be complete at the BEGINNING of class on the due date.
- Students who continue to hand in late assignments or neglect to hand them in at all will be required to complete them during activity period.
Classroom Rules:
- Show respect towards the teacher (whoever it may be) and fellow students. NO PUT-DOWNS!
- Follow directions the FIRST time that they are given.
- No profanity.
- NO FOOD or DRINK (except water) in the classroom.
- You will be given time in class to work on assignments. During this time, there is no socializing or this time will be taken away. Use your time wisely. Many times, these assignments are expected to be complete and turned in before you leave.
Procedures:Class begins when you enter the room. There will be an agenda on the board and any handouts for you to pick up on your way in. You should begin to complete the required Warm-Up IMMEDIATELY. We have a lot of work to get through and need every minute possible. Class ends when I dismiss you. If the bell rings and I am explaining something, I expect you to wait until I am finished before you pack up and leave.
Absences and Tardiness:
- Check the absent bin for your work that you missed during an absence as soon as you return to class.
- Tests, quizzes, and homework missed due to an absence must be submitted within 1 week of your return.
- It is your responsibility to see me to reschedule tests / quizzes.
- Lateness to a class (without a pass) MUST be made up during activity period. The minimum length of detention is 5 minutes.
GCC Credit:
- MAT 136: Algebra 3 & Trigonometry
- $55 /credit hour ~ MAT 136 is 3 credit hours ~ total amount is $165
- DEADLINE: Friday, October 6, 2017
- An ACE Representative will visit in early September with registration packets.
Content Outline:
A. Sets, Set Builder Notation, Interval Notation, and Number Line Notation
B. First-degree Inequalities
C. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
A. Solving Systems of Linear Equations by the Addition Method
B. Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Using Determinants
C. Application Problems
A. Rational Exponents and Radical Expressions
B. Operations on Radical Expressions
C. Complex Numbers
D. Solving Equations Containing Radical Expressions
A. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring or by Taking Square Roots
B. Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
C. Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula
D. Solving Equations that are Reducible to Quadratic Equations
E. Quadratic Inequalities and Rational Inequalities
F. Applications of Quadratic Equations
A. Properties of Quadratic Functions
B. Graphs of Functions
C. Algebra of Functions
D. One-to-one and Inverse Functions
A. Exponential Functions
B. Introduction to Logarithms
C. Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
D. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
E. Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
A. The Parabola
B. The Circle
C. The Ellipse and the Hyperbola
D. Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations
E. Quadratic Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities
A. Angles and Arcs
B. Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles
C. Trigonometric Functions of any Angle
D. Graphs of y = sin x and y = cos x only (no transformations)
Additional Items and Expectations:
- Activity Period does not end until 3:15 pm. No conflicts should keep you from seeing me if I request your presence during this time.
- You are allowed to go to the lav if it an emergency. The procedures for leaving are as follows:
- You are not allowed to leave during the first and last 20 minutes of class.
- You must ask for permission
- You must sign out on your index card in the appropriate section with the date, time left, and time returned.
- You are only allowed to leave on a bathroom pass once a class and a maximum of 5 times per 5 weeks.
- If you have a cell phone or ipod in your possession, it is to be turned in or left in your locker. I collect them every day, so if you do not want me to collect it, make sure to lock it in your locker.
- IPODS (and any other 1-way electronic devices) are allowed ONLY during the time I give you to work on your homework. Any use of these items while I am teaching is rude and disrespectful, any use of these items during a quiz or test will result on a grade of 0 on that assessment.
- Cheating-Anything I suspect you cheating on during class will receive a grade of 0!
- Be careful of what you say in my classroom-I do not want to hear about weekend activities that you wouldn’t want to share with your parents.
- Since we are going to be together for 40 weeks, I suggest that we all do well and not waste the time that we have together. Study hard, do your work, and pay attention and it will pay off.
- I expect you to raise your hand and wait to be called on if you have a question, comment, or concern. If you are talking during class and causing a disruption, you will be expected to stay during activity period. It is disrespectful to everyone who is trying to learn.
- Stay out of my desk and chair. Do not touch anything on my desk (including writing utensils) or my pictures.
- You are expected to give any co-teachers, substitute teachers, and student teachers the same respect that you give me. If they tell you to do something-you are expected to do it without hesitation.
- If I ever have a substitute during your class, I expect you to be on your best behavior and do what is asked of you from the substitute. They are in charge when I am not here.
- Students who do not own their own calculator must sign out a calculator at the beginning of the year. If you do not loan out a calculator at the beginning of the year, you will not be allowed to borrow one from me. You are expected to bring your calculator to class EVERY day and will not be allowed to leave class to go and get it. If you have your own personal calculator, please have it engraved and allow me to write down the numbers to keep on record in case it ever comes up missing.
- Expectations-I think I have made my expectations clear. Your expectations of me? You can expect me to come to class prepared to teach you math and how to problem solve. You can expect me to help you when you have questions and need to stay for extra help (please do not wait until the last minute). You can expect me to want to see you succeed.
I have read the above and understand what is expected of me this year in and out of class to be successful!
Student: ______Date: ______
Please sign and return this letter, indicating you have read the course syllabus and understand what will be expected of your son or daughter. Also, please complete the information below as it will help me to contact you quickly if the need arises. Thank you!!!
I have read and reviewed the enclosed information with my son or daughter and I understand the information presented.
Parent/Guardian name(s) (print)______
Name of student (please print)______
Home phone#: ______
Work OR Cell phone# (Circle): ______
E-mail Address: ______
Best hours to catch you at home? ______
Can I call you at work, if necessary? (Circle one) yes no
Comment (s):
Thank you for taking the time to read these important communications. I do look forward to talking to you to answer any questions or concerns you may have during the school year.
Stacy L. McCarthy
Math Teacher
BataviaHigh School