Antwoorden Toets CHAPTER 3

Antwoorden Toets CHAPTER 3

Stepping Stones 4e editie,2t/hv,toets chapter 3, versie B, antwoorden

Antwoorden toets CHAPTER 3

Versie B

C Speaking & Writing(Stones D)


1What are Alice and Anna going to watch tonight?

2What’s on the radio this weekend?

3What’s on TV at quarter past nine?

4What is Bradley going to see tomorrow?

5The news is on in a few minutes.

6Paige is going to see that new film.

7Top Gear is on at half past eight.

8Animal Farm is on TV.

9The BBC is going to broadcast the report on Saturday.


1What are you going to do this weekend?

2I’m going to listen to a new playlist

3I’m going to watch TV

4What are you going to watch tonight?

5What’s on TV tonight

6there’s an interesting interview on at nine

7When’s he on?

8I’m going to watch that interview

9We are going to attend his concert

3Sample answer

Hello Felipe,

How are you? I’m quite all right. Fortunately I’m not so busy and I’m watching TV at the moment. You wrote me you like watching TV too.

You know I told you about the Dutch programme ‘Onderweg naar morgen’ and ‘Wie is de mol’. Are programmes like these on TV in Spain? And when are they on? They are my favourite programmes. I also like films and quizzes, but I don’t like talk shows and programmes about politics.

Just a couple of weeks before the summer holidays!

What about you? What are you going to do during the summer holidays?

I’m going to sleep late very often, I think. And we are going to France, of course. When we come back I’m going to watch lots of films and play music all day.

We’ll be in touch!

Goodbye for now,


D Speaking & Writing(Stones G)


1It will freeze on Sunday.

2My friend will like the book.

3There will be rain and hail on Wednesday.

4I don’t think it’s going to clear up soon.

5It won’t be chilly in Wales.

6In 2025 we will own flying cars which run on air.

7That girl, who is only ten years old, will write the article.

8It will snow in the south.

9I think that magazine will sell a lot of issues.


1It will be very cold tonight

2I don’t think it will be warmer soon.

3this winter will be interesting

4there will be snow and wind tomorrow.

5I think it’s going to snow today

6we will have our race in three days

7I don’t think you will win this year.

8I won’t let you win

9It will be exciting

3 This exercise has no key

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