AntrimCounty Commission on Aging

Board Minutes – October 14, 2013

Chairman Teague called the meeting to order at 1:10pm

Board Members Present: Rick Teague, Sally Hannert, Bev McCamman, Dr. Mary Kokosky, Laura Stanek

Absent: None

Also present: COA Director Mike Neubecker; Judy Parliament, COA Secretary;Elizabeth Springer, COA Intake Clerk; Tina Lamont, NWMCHA; Denise Plakmeyer, AAANM; Ray Mills, Area Seniors, Inc.

Motion made by Hannert, supported by Dr. Kokoskyto approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Motion made byDr. Kokosky, supported by Teague to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2013regularly scheduled COA Board Meeting.Motion carried.



AUGUST 2013 (Figures were not available for the previous Board Meeting):

Total expenditures were $71,483.52 with $25,701.51 in accounts payable and $45,782.01 in payroll and benefits. AAANM budget: Received to-date: $540,479 (92.38%), expended: $492,451 (84.17%). Business Operations Budget received to-date: 492,591 (77.61%), expended: $524,261 (85.98%). Cash with the county as of 8/31/13: $138,662.76.


Total expenditures were $88,449.65 with $45,662.93 in accounts payable and $42,786.72 in payroll and benefits. AAANM budget: Received to-date: $570,986 (97.59%), expended: $542,345 (92.7%). Business Operations Budget received to-date: $510,303 (80.40%), expended: $575,374 (94.36%). Cash with the county as of 9/30/13: $75,815.09

Nifty-Thrifty Resale Shop:585 Donators,637Clients (260 of them seniors) and 46 volunteer hours.

Motion made by Dr. Kokoskyand supported by Teagueto approve the expense reports as presented. Motion carried.


Congregate and Home Delivered Meals

Congregate Served:2397

Year to date Total:27,726

Home Delivered Served: 2,136

Year to date Delivered Total:23,758

Waivers:3,030 (Year-to-Date)

Total USDA Contract Goal: 50,000(22,000 Congregate and 28,000 HDM)

Dining Out coupons reimbursed in September: 151



PC203.25 hours to 35 clients (2 new)

Respite293.50 hours to 22 clients (1 new)

HMK161 hours to 55 clients (4 new)


PC43 hours to 7 clients (1 new)

Respite62.5 hours to 4 clients (1 new)

HMK85.5 hours to 7 clients (1 new)


Community Care182.75 hours to 8 clients (1 new)



PC183 hours to 34 clients (2 new)

Respite 233 hours to 18 clients (2 new)

HMK137.25 hours to 39 clients


PC41 hours to 5 clients (2 new)

Respite52 hours to 4 clients

HMK65.l75 hours to 9 clients


Community Care 183.75 hours to 7 clients

HMK4.25 hours to 1 client (1 new)

The HomeChore Program provided 11 hours in-home services to 5 clients. Rental income was $225 for a YTD total of $2,950. We continue to have 8 clients receiving services through 3 Senior Companions; 1 transportation client being paid by Farm Bureau Insurance, and still have some money remaining in the Grand Traverse Regional Conservancy grant for Elk Rapids Medical Transportation.


Shelf-Stable Meals: 115 Shelf-Stable Box Meals have been ordered for HDM Clients. Each box contains 5 meals that the clients can use in case of power outages or severe snow accumulation.

FY-2014 Budget Approval: The Board of Commissioners has approved the proposed 2014 Business Operations budget. They did not approve reimbursement for “in-lieu of” for medical insurance, and they removed the purchase of a used bus from Capital Improvements.

Fundraising: The Board wants an article placed in the newsletter regarding our current financial issues. Some suggested fundraisers would be “plates” at local banks & businesses (like American Heart & Cancer Societies do). Also, offer breakfast at the Bellaire Senior Center M-F.

Meal Site Suggested Donation/Under 60 Price: Motion made by Teague, supported by Hannert to increase the suggested donation for each HDM or Congregate Meal from $2.00 each to $3.00 each effective November 1st, 2013. Additionally, those under 60 would pay $5.00 instead of $4.00 each meal. Motion carried.


In-Home Contractors Contract Extensions. Neubecker noted that the contracts for our 2 in-home contractors for HomeChore will be expiring. Both contractors would like to renew or extend their contracts for a period of 24 months at the current price of $28.50 per hour. Motion made by Teague, Supported by Hannert to recommend to Human Services Committee/Admin Committee/Board of Commissioners that the contracts be extended for a period of 24 months. Motion carried.

HomeChore Program Suspension. Neubecker noted that the in-home HomeChore program has been suspended until after the 1st of the year unless a client has a safety-critical issue in the home.

Cost Allocation Plan Revision. After financial assessment visit by AAANM representative, it was strongly recommended to modify the Cost Allocation Plan to adhere to current COA operating procedures. Copy of modified Plan provided to the Board. Motion made by Stanek, supported by Teague to adopt the revised Cost Allocation Plan as recommended by Michelle Cronin, AAANM Financial representative. Motion carried.

Modification of in-home Hours. Neubecker noted that in-home hours were going to be cut effective October 16th. Respite program will be reduced from 4 hours per week to 3; Personal Care program will be reduced from 3 hours per week to 2, and the HomeMaker program will reduced from 4 hours per month to 2 hours per month. These changes do not apply to anyone that is bed-bound, on Hospice, or on a case-by-case basis due to critical need of services. Additionally, no new clients will be brought on in-home services until after January 1st, 2014, with the same exception of bed-bound, Hospice, or critical need of services.

Federal Budget Funding. A written overview by OSA was provided regarding impacts of the federal shutdown. There are some agencies in Michigan that are shutting down their nutrition programs due to cut of all federal funds during the federal shutdown. Antrim COA will continue to provide nutrition services through Business Operations Budget until such time as a Continuing Resolution or adoption of a Budget is accomplished by Washington.

Fiscal Year Shortfall Projection. Neubecker is projecting in excess of $100,000 shortfall by December 31st. An excessive amount of snow in January, February & March is part of the cause, along with a definitive drop in client donations. Additionally, about $20,000 in Federal/State funds are being held up for the period October 1 – December 31st due to the federal shutdown. Even if a Continuing Resolution is approved shortly, we cannot expect to receive any reimbursements for nutrition services being provided until well after the 1st of January. Teague reiterated the importance of informing the seniors through the Senior Update of the budgetary issues we are facing.

Telephone Reassessments. The new Nutrition Standards approved by OSA allows for 1 of the 2 required reassessments each year for those receiving HDM’s can be accomplished telephonically, instead of face-to-face. Discussion held regarding this issue. Motion made by Dr. Kokosky, supported by Teague to required 2 face-to-face reassessments instead of utilizing the telephonic reassessment. Motion carried.

Projected Vehicle Repairs prior to the End of Fiscal Year. We recently had to replace a transmission in the Green Truck, and the Red Truck needed a new Master Cylinder along with complete front brake assembly replacements. Tom Sandeen at ACT stated we need to have 2 new sets of tires for the trucks before the winter sets in. Neubecker was asked to keep an eye on projected repair costs and keep the Board informed.

Snow Removal Program. Because of the budget overrun of snow removal in January, February & March, Neubecker proposed that all snow removal be suspended until after January 1st. He also expressed concern about having our MOW Drivers and In-home service personnel attempting to safely access clients homes without snow removal. Stanek noted that if we are providing services, we need to ensure the employees and volunteers have safe access. Motion made by Teague, supported by Dr. Kokosky that any clients receiving in-home services or MOW’s will have snow removal accomplished at the start of the season. Anyone not receiving in-home services or MOW’s will not be provided snow removal until after January 1st. Motion carried.

Betty Jo Hudson. Neubecker noted the recent passing of Betty Jo Hudson, a previous COA Board Member and also very active at the Elk Rapids Meal Site. A sympathy card has been sent to her partner from the COA Board, Director and Staff.

Electrical for Area Seniors Pavilion. The electrical for the pavilion located behind the Bellaire Senior Center is on the COA’s electrical meter. Because the COA is the main user of the pavilion, and uses it rent-free, it was agreed with the previous COA Director and Area Seniors, Inc. that we would assume the minimal costs involved. Neubecker and Mills wanted this to be made a matter of record in case anything in the future should come up regarding this issue.


Neubecker noted that Jeff Short from CMI, which is our third-party administrator for Worker’s Comp Insurance, had met with the in-home staff recently. He provided a power-point presentation on safety and situational awareness. He also expressed interest in accomplishing a “Job Shadow” with Chrystal Bilkey (CNA) who provides personal care/bed bathing services to a bed-bound client. Neubecker will get signature release from the client to allow Jeff Short to shadow Chrystal.

Ray Mills noted the following:

  • The Annual Veterans Recognition Luncheon will be held at the Bellaire Senior Center on Friday, November 8th starting at 11:00am
  • The permit for the Gazebo has been approved.

Tina Lamont said volunteers are needed for the Hospice Board – meets 4 times per year.

Next regularly scheduled COA Board meeting will be on TUESDAY, November 12th at 1:00pm in the Conference Room of the Bellaire Senior Center, 308 E. Cayuga, Bellaire, MI.

Meeting was adjourned by a call of the Chair at 3:21pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Hannert
