Relationship between antioxidant intake from foods (DAI) and antioxidants in plasma in Krakow inhabitants
Kolarzyk E [1], Pietrzycka A [2], Krzeszowska-Rosiek T [1], Zając J [1].Marcinkowski J [3]
[1] Department of Hygiene and Dietetics, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland
[2] Department of Pharmacobiology, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland
[3] Department of Hygiene, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Disturbances in oxidative/antioxidative balance and excessive formation of free radicals may lead to development of chronic diseases, especially cancer and heart diseases.
The current literature data are suggesting that diet enriched with multicomponent antioxidant foods may significantly increase total antioxidants in plasma and decrease the oxidative stressIn nutritional epidemiology, FFQ-based TAC (Total antioxidant capacity) values may be used to assess antioxidant intake from food. It is usually reported as Dietary Antioxidant Index (DAI).
The aim of the studywas toestimate thedaily intakeof antioxidantsamong the inhabitants ofKrakow, Poland on the basis ofDAI and evaluate relationship betweenDAIandthe level of antioxidants in plasma : TAC as FRAP (Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma) and MDA (malondialdehyde)
Material and methods
The study group consisted of 70 (37 women and 33 men) healthy inhabitants of Krakow, aged 46.4+13.7 years, they did not smoke.Dietary antioxidant index was investigated on the basis of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). In the FFQ 145 food items were classified into groups such as fruit and dried fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils, sweets, grains and cereal-based products, mixed dishes, fresh herbs and spices and beverages. In order to calculate DAI for each participant, previously published databases from United States and Italy, containing the most commonly consumed foods were used. Participants reported how often they ate each food in the past month.The totalantioxidant statusoffood intakewas measuredusing the method byBenziI. This methodexploits the abilityof the sampleto reduceferricionstoferrousions (FRAP). In plasma samples TAC as FRAP and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration as marker of lipids peroxidation were measured.Blood samples were collected during the routinely done procedures after 12-hour overnight fast. Study protocol was approved by the Bioethical Committee of Medical College of Jagiellonian University
Results:The mean valueof DAI of all examined persons was 44.22+ 25.5 mMol/l: fruits had the biggest contribution (32.0%), nextgrains and cereal-based products(23.5%) and beverages-especially coffee (20.6%). Thecontribution of the rest examined food products
(vegetables, fresh herbs and spices, fish and sea-food and sweets was low (23.9%).The mean value of FRAP in plasma was 1.14+0.43mMol/l and MDA was 9.66+ 11.17nMol/ml. DAI was positively correlated with FRAP plasma (r=0.42;p=0.0003) and negatively correlated with MDA(r=-0.45; p =0.00009).
Conclusions. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis that daily intakeof antioxidantsmay increase antioxidants defense mechanism in plasma therefore an anti–oxidant diet with natural bioactive components should become an interesting solution for degenerative disorders in which oxidative stress is increased.
-The dietary modification in Polish population towards higher consumption of antioxidants should be implemented as important components of prophylaxis of chronic diseases, connected with oxidative stress development.