Name: ______Date:______Period:______

Antigone Anticipation Guide

Directions: Below are eight statements dealing with the world of Sophocles’ Antigone. On the continuum beside each statement, place a visible X on the line in relation to how much you agree or disagree with the statement to the right. On the next page, select four statements to defend by explaining your thoughts about the statements with specific examples from your life, literature, etc.

****This assignment will be graded, so please think carefully and try your best!

Strongly Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. Doing what you think is right is more important than following the law.

2. It is impossible to change your fate.

3. Being loyal to your family is more important than your loyalty to the government.

4.It is okay to lie if telling the truth will hurt someone.

5.Deliberately breaking the law is necessary.

6. A leader is only as good as he is popular and liked.

7. You should never go back on your word or promise.

8.A good citizen is patriotic, loyal and never questions the

government’s authority.

Directions: Choose four of the statements from the previous page and support your stance by giving specific reasons and examples of why you hold that opinion. Please write at least three sentences to explain your position.

Statement #: ______Explanation of your opinion:





Statement #: ______Explanation of your opinion:





Statement #: ______Explanation of your opinion:





Statement #: ______Explanation of your opinion:





(These papers will be turned in, graded for points, and revisited after finishing Antigone)

Part Two of Anticipation Guide- to be completed after reading Antigone:

Now that you have read the play and participated in class discussions concerning the above topics, you are getting back your initial Anticipation Guide. Please mark where you now stand on the continuum for all of the statements in another color or symbol.

If any of your above explained statements have changed, please reflect and write about what specifically changed your mind. If there was no significant change for the explained statements, reflect on another statement that showed a change on the continuum. If your beliefs have not changed, take the time to reflect and write to find out why there has been little to no change. Give specific examples.

Statement #(s): ______Explanation of how and why your opinion changed/stayed the same:

















Rubric: Antigone Anticipation Guide

Date: / Outstanding-4 / Good-3 / Fair-2 / Incomplete 0-1
Part One / All continuums marked. Explanations are reflective and thoughtful. Clear examples and reasons are given and supported. / All continuums marked. Explanations are reflective and have some specific reasons. / All continuums marked. Explanations give opinion, but no specific reasons. / Not all continuums marked. Insufficient or no reasoning given in explanation. Or, no explanation completed.
Part Two / All pages present. Response shows a controlled organization and thoughtful reflection over changing/unchanged attitudes and beliefs. Cites relevant details from texts, class discussions, and/or personal experiences. Demonstrates an informed self-assessment and self-knowledge. / All pages present. Response shows some organization and reflection on changing attitudes and opinions. Cites relevant details from texts and class discussions. Demonstrates some self-assessment and self-knowledge. / All pages present. Response shows some organization with some details. Little relevance to texts, class discussions, or personal experiences. / Pages missing and/ or incomplete.
Timeliness / 1 point for turning each section in on time. (2 pts possible)

Total: _____/10

Citations: Olson, Carol. The Reading/Writing Connection. (2nd ed.) Boston: Pearson, 2007. 122-123. Print