Anthropology Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004
# /Action Plan
/ Linkage to Other Plans /Year-End Status and Accomplishments
Goal 1: Secure a second dedicated Anthropology classroom1a / Work with the appropriate campus committees to make the needs of the department known and to find ways to meet them. / Requests have been made at the division level, but the necessary resources have not been available.
1b / Ensure that the needs of the department are included in all college and district proposals for facilities. / The proposals that have been prepared do not address parts of the campus that include Anthropology.
Goal 2: Secure the fossils, skeletons, lab equipment and technology hardware needed to teach all Anthropology classes on the main campus and at the Davis Center.
2a / Secure the fossils, skeletons, lab equipment and technology hardware needed to teach all Anthropology classes on the main campus and at the Davis Center. / In process.
2b / Submit requests to the appropriate college committees. / Completed.
Goal 3: Articulate All Classes with CSUS and UCD
3a / Work with college Articulation Officer to ensure that all classes are fully articulated. / Completed with the exception of ANTH 494 (Topics in Anthropology) and the distance education classes, which have been questioned by UC Berkeley. The university has not yet completed reviewing the syllabi.3b / Identify the lower-division classes at CSUS and UCD that are not offered at SCC / Completed.
3c / Offer lower-division classes that are offered by CSUS and UCD, as appropriate. / In process.
Goal 4: Develop a Cultural Resource Management Program
4a / Secure reassigned time to develop the instructional program in collaboration with the local CRM community. / Postponed indefinitely due to lack of institutional support.
4b / Consult with local CRM professionals in the public and private sectors to identify specific needs. / Completed.
Anthropology Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004
4c / Consult with Anthropology departments in other Los Rios colleges. / Completed.
4d / Consult with Anthropology departments in colleges outside of the Los Rios District. / Completed.
4e / Develop plan for development of the CRM program. / Postponed indefinitely due to lack of institutional support.
4f / Complete curriculum paperwork and submit to Curriculum Committee. / Completed.
Goal 5: Expand and Market the Department
5a / Publicize course offerings in a variety of ways, including brochures / Ongoing.
5b / Promote Anthropology students, staff, activities, accomplishments, etc. through college, district and community media / Ongoing.
5c / Offer a third annual Anthro Expo / Planning is underway.
5d / Update the web page / Not actively being utilized/future objective.
Goal 6: Evaluate Distance Education Classes
6a / Evaluate distance education offerings in accordance with Anthropology Department Standards / Completed.
6b / Phase out any offerings that do not meet departmental standards / Completed.
Other Accomplishments:
Bill Doonan was selected as the Associate Field Director for a National Geographic-funded excavation in Peru.
Pam Lindell published a chapter in a book on death rituals and attended regional and statewide IMPAC meetings.