AP English 11 Honors

Root List 1

Vocabulary Development Lesson #1

Instructions: Using the core root definition, try to find the definition of at least two of the words per root without using a dictionary. Then, seek out the definition of any word that you do not currently know. The test will take one of the words from each root, but Mr. Tyler will not identify which word he will use on the test. This is the first of a series of 17 lists we will be drawing from this year.

ante(before)ante, antebellum, antecedent, antediluvian, anterior, anticipate, antipastoLatin

anti(against)antiaircraft, antibiotic, anticlimax, antidote, Antigone, antipathy, antithesisGreek

bi(two)bicentennial, biceps, bicycle, bigamy, bimonthly, binocular, bipartisanLatin

circum(around)circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumspect, circumstanceLatin

com/con(together)combine, commerce , common, compassion, complication, compromiseLatin

reconcile, concert, conclude, condescend, conjunction, contract, contort

sym/syn(together)symbiosis, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, symphony, symptomGreek

synaesthesia, synchronize syndrome, synonym, synopsis, syntax

de(down)debate, deciduous, deduct, deflate, denounce, depose, despicable, detoxifyLatin

dis(away)disaster, discard, discount, discourage, disease, dislocate, dismantle, dismissLatin

equi(equal)equilibrium, equinox, equity, equivalent, equivocation, equanimity, equatorLatin

extra(beyond)extramural, extraneous, extraordinary, extravagant, extrovert, extraterrestrialLatin

inter(between)intercept, interfere, interim, interjection, intermission, Internet, interstateLatin

intra(within)intracellular, intracranial, intramural, intranet, intrastate, intravenousLatin

intro(into)introduction, introrsely, introspection, introvertLatin

mal(bad)malevolent, malcontent, malicious, malign, malady, malaproprism, malonymLatin

mis(bad)miscarry, mischief, misfit, misfortune, miserable, mishap, mistakeGermanic

post(after)posterior, posterity, postgraduate, posthumous, postpone, postscriptLatin

pre(before)precedent, precursor, predecessor, prefix, pregnant, prejudice, presidentLatin

semi(half)semiannual, semiaquatic, semicircle, semiformal, semitone, semiweeklyLatin

sub(under)subconscious, submarine, subordinate, subpoena, subterranean, subversionLatin

super(over)superb, supercilious, superfluous, superior, supernatural, superviseLatin

tri(three)triad, triage, triangle, triceps, triceratops, tricycle, trident, triviaGreek

un(not)unconventional, undone, unearned, unequal, unequivocal, unfit, untenableOld English

a(not)agraphia, amoral, amorphous, atheist, apathy, aphasia, apoliticalGreek

non(not)non sequitur, nonchalant, nonconformity, none, nonentity, nonprofit, nonsenseLatin

il/im/in/ir(not)illegal, illegible, illiberal, illicit, illiterate, illogical, ill-manneredLatin

immobile, impassable, impecunious, imperfect, impossible, improbable

incorrigible, indefinite, infidel, insane, inscribe, insomnia

irrational, irrefutable, irregular, irrepressible, irresponsible, irrigate