Question 3. What types of terrorism would you most like to know about? (Check all that apply)

Answers for other (please specify)

1. / World wide and regional trend
2. / Analysis that includes documentation of dissent critical of terrorist acts by spokesmen within the states that harbor terrorists
3. / Patterns of indigenous terrorism (such as terrorism associated with abortion clinics, animal rights/environmental activism, etc.)
4. / threats against energy business
5. / Threats targeting European and/or French interests
6. / Threats and politically motivated violence against US and allied political and military targets
7. / Further information about the Chechnyan terrorists and analysis of Russian strategy regarding them would be interesting.
8. / As a major player in the humanitarian world this topic is of keen interest.
9. / Threats against our infra-structure such as water, law enforcement and public health.
10. / Any best pracices for protecting "soft targets" abroad
11. / This may be the same as "politically motivated violence against non-U.S. targets". I would like to know about other non-US countries terrorists and terrorist attacks (not related to US interests) such as Russia's Chechnya "terrorists".
12. / Threats specific to Manhattan, NY
13. / Politically motivated violence with the intent of overthrowing a government or governments or establishing a regime in de facto control of part of a country
14. / Politicall motivated violence (PMV)against the Oil industry and Middle East countries in particular "Qatar" PVV against targets in South East Asin incld Australia
15. / Palestinian - Israeli
16. / Threats against UK and UK targets
17. / Information concerning US and forign efforts to combat Terrior and how effective they are.
18. / terrorism triggered by US foreign policy and potential terrorism threads originating from countries such as Saudi Aarabia
19. / Threats and attacks on targets that may not have a direct link to the U.S. but within a U.S. sphere of influence. Also, threats or attacks targeting Christian and Jewish places of worship, businesses, or other operations.
20. / Threats against Israeli / Jews in USA and elsewhere
21. / terrorism based on drug cartels
22. / Any other threat to any country or organisation
23. / Politically motivated violence by US allies and clients and the US, or backed by the US
24. / extra info on non-US, e.g. European, targets
25. / US+EU
26. / Any use of unconventional means of attack. Especially interesting would be indirect attacks (e.g., attacks on financial systems, use of high technology to perpetrate attacks while remaining anonymous, etc.).
27. / Any type of insurgency/terrorism activity, which has the specific purpose of using fear as a political means, including socio-economic destabilisation
28. / terrorism in China and Russia
29. / 1) Insight into the collaborations between terrorist groups, organized crime, and the drug cartels. 2) Terrorism as an asymmetric weapon against the U.S and other militaries. The terrorist activity in Iraq is an example.
30. / all of the above
31. / specifically, threats to the oil/LNG industry
32. / deeper analysis of who is behind the spread of nuclear technology and the challenge of a growing militant china.
33. / Threats against civil aviation.
34. / cyber terrorism
35. / all those in slovakia and surrounding countries
36. / - against US policies abroad (economic) - against economic policies in general
37. / Nuclear Terrorism Issues; particularly refined threat assessment
38. / Politically motivated violence against Israeli targets in Israel, US and abroad Politically-motivated private violence everywhere (Russia-Chechens, Kashmir etc.)
39. / ETA
40. / interested in broader analyses of the evolution of the terrorist movement and its implications for non-supportive governments
41. / Violence against investigators who do research on animals
42. / Religious motivated violence
43. / Terrorists involvement with actual _strategic_ issues, such as the involvement with WMDs and ballistic missiles.
44. / Major economic disruption to the extent not included above.
45. / Home grown terrorist organizations.
46. / Domestic Terrorism. Taking its cue from Samuel Huntington, the media implies that terrorism is a brown-skin vs. white skin phenomenon when in fact some of the deadliest terrorist attacks have been planned and executed by Americans against Americans. Let's have more coverage of militant groups within the United States.
47. / economic ramifications of the above terrorism and drug trafficing and other supranational crime syndicates
48. / Travel threats in and out of the USA.
49. / please apply this also to the western world's interest on major issues at least. Also shipspiracy to be included. nbc threats and environmental threats as a means to exert pressure to states and/or regimes too.
50. / The background analysis of Terrorist's movements and their people and resources, especially outside the "real threat" situation.
51. / If you are going to have the newsletter why concentrate on the US - it should be grobal
52. / For teaching purposes, need profiles and trend analyses that explore patterns for understanding and nature of their planning thinking.
53. / Mainly the orginasational structure and personalities of the main terrorist groups, and also the degreee of state-sponsered terrorism.
54. / Mid east terrorism
55. / You should not seperate this since all interrelates. This could work to your disadvantage and chip away your credibility.
56. / The Israeli occupation of Palestine seems to be the most serious root cause of terrorism against American interests. So, Israeli attacks in Palestine would be of key interest to me.
57. / Homegrown terrorism, such as abortion clinic bombers, rascist groups (i.e. Aryan supremacy groups).
58. / The philosophy of terrorism. How we are changing our view of the world and changing our lives to accommodate this new world. America as the world's policeman and whose law we are enforcing. The Great Muslim War.
59. / Economically motivated violence, i.e. brigandage, piracy, worldwide, US and other targets.
60. / Politically motivated violence against U.S. military and government civilians abroad in heretofore "dormant" areas.
61. / Terrorism as an excuse for inapprorpriate,profitable and//or irrational and domestic actions.
62. / Nepal particularly. Also India,Laos and Cambodia
63. / Area-specific threats, such as groups in Lebanon or Saudi Arabia, regardless of who they are targeting
64. / Domestic Terrorism
65. / Primarily the Americas, (particularly Mexico and South America), and Africa
66. / Organized criminal activity worldwide, piracy, drugs, kidnapping rings, financial fraud, etc..
67. / While often politically motivated, eco-terrorism and events specifically intended cause and "economic crises"
68. / Special focus on Islamic countries and religion-inspired terrorism. In fact, your use of the generally nondescript and meaningless PC word "politically" in place of the actual source of most global terrorism is worrying.
69. / info on groups dealing in human trafficking, drug running, weapons dealing
70. / Annual or semi-annual global net assessment on Islamic and associated terrorism. Also periodic briefings by country or region e.g. 1) Afghan-Pak-Kashmir region, 2)Arabian Peninsula, 3)Iraq-Syria-Iran, 4) Eastern Africa, 5) Indochina-Malay Archipelago and 6)Caucasus & Balkan regions. Suggest one region per month in a semi-annual cycle.
71. / terrorism agains, tourist areas in the US, and shopping center. and in airlines US and other countries. especial in mexico.
72. / politically motivated attacks against the primary reserve currency(dollar).
73. / animal rights extremists anarchists bio-tech extremists
74. / I would say all the anti western violence- esp-muslim-, certainly those already living- "in the belly of the beast"-among us inside western democracies.
75. / Domestic terrorist groups in the countries of Middle East, North Africa and South Asia
76. / Transnational Crime and it's relationship with terrorism worldwide.
77. / eco-terrorism
78. / I think there should be something akin to the Iraq War site devoted especially to the "war on terrorism." This could also leave other parts of Stratfor to focus more specifically on traditional state-based intelligence and analysis, as well as on areas of the world that tend to be ignored given the massive focus on terrorism.
79. / Colombia ( FARC, AUC, ELN,EPL
80. / in-depth analysis of terrorist GROUPS, to include their capabilities, targets, etc.
81. / Threats against Spanish and Venezuelan citizens/residents
82. / Threat of Bush administration stripping away civil and privacy rights of US citizens
83. / I teach a course on Middle East terrorism and would appreciate any and all that focuses on that region.
84. / Threats meant to destabilize US geopolitical objectives
85. / An annual or semi-annual synopsis of terroism around the world would be helpful. Actual attacks summarized along with potential trouble in areas that maybe lie below radar screens of those watching.
86. / Aviation threats
87. / links between Islamic and non-Islamic Extremists
88. / Checnya and Israel
89. / movement of bio/chem/nuc specialists from former USSR countries to ???
90. / atom bomb terror
91. / Any insight into U.S. domestic terrorists (i.e. militia, hate groups) that may be active.
92. / Discussion of the political, economic and ideological motivations of the terrorists.
93. / Specific analysis on the Middle East groups and movements
94. / Criminally-based terrorism, such as the Latino "maras" you discussed recently.
95. / Anything related to travel
96. / Against targets in Israel
97. / Basid understanfingh of terrorist motivation. i.e. a bunch of Maoist bent on world revolution, is al queda really a bunch of authoritarian Marxists dressed upas religious piety
98. / Specific Industry related terrorism
99. / Aviation - Terrorism Counterterrorism
100. / ramifications of terrorist threats on financial markets, oil/gas production
101. / I hope you will be extremely careful in defining terrorism. You need to treat indigenous peoples' de-colonization struggles in a distinct category. Some of these struggles today are badly conflated with "war on terrorism" thinking. Think about current wars or incipient wars in Chechnya, Abkhasia, Uyghur Republic, Kurdistan, Kosovo, Mindanao, Ache, West Papua, Somaliland, Southern Sudan (North Azania), the Maghreb, Kashmir... All these wars are fundamentally about de-colonization of peoples who claim the right of self-determination - just like East Timor and Eritrea and all the states that shook out of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Some of these cases are also about indigenous peoples who happen to be Muslim, Islamized, and find support for their struggles in internationalized Islamist organization. Others, alternatively, are about wars against Islamic/ist imperial states. Somehow they are all mixed up in this orthodoxy of thought that gives Al Qaida way too much power of influence and US imperialism way too little recognition for what it is: the cause of the terrorism which is the thing you guys want to talk about. Let's make sure US imperialism gets it due. The more you try to control other people(s), the more they will resist you. Human nature, you know? And then, how are going to resist the Goliath? David's method still applies. Stratfor brags a lot about being clear-eyed. Please justify my faith that you can recognize your own biases.
102. / Any religious fundamentalist threat (as distinct from political)
103. / Terrorism with european targets.
104. / Global Patterns
105. / Cases of terrorism in which the terrorists operate with relatively broad support from their relevant constituencies, terrorism which has the potential to alter the policies of nations
106. / possible information on known asia country (safe areas/grey areas) such as NPA/PNP in philippines, such as when the Pangasinan San fabian Beach area was ok for either side for R&R as long as no pieces. Islam must have same arrangement for safe areas in other asian countries.?
107. / Organizations that behave as terrorists but for non political reasons
108. / CBRN terrorism Cyber-terrorism
109. / Global terrorist threat analyses and assessment against UN presence and UN humanitarian operations including such threat to International Non-Government Organizations especially those working closely with UN as implementing partners, e.g. International Organization for Migration (IOM)
110. / Threats against India.
111. / Threats by Domestic Groups against the US

Question 9. How do you currently stay abreast of news, information or intelligence related to terrorism? (Check all that apply)

Answers for other (please specify)

1. / MEMRI...Haaretz...etc.
2. / Strategic Forecasting Alert
3. / Debka Stratfor Intelligence online International Reports The Globalist just to name a few
4. / I regularly read Stratfor, Debka file,Terrorism Research Certer(rarely) & Washington Inst. for Near East Policy (rarely)
5. / Security Management asisnet
6. / Wall Street Journal
7. / BBC Al-Jazeera CNN Stratfor Jane's
8. / Foreign Affairs; Assist News Service; IHT; NYTimes online; World Press mag; Wilson Quearterly; St. Petersburg Times; USNWR; Int.Bulletin Missionary Research;
9. / Debka, Worldnet Daily
10. / stratfor, us news & world report, cargo news web site
11. / Classified Web Sites and Publications EIN World Terrorism Daily
12. / stratfor reuters Limbaugh Oreilly fox news any government site available drudge links
13. / Stratfor, Jane's, various websites in the blogging community
14. / Stratfor different others (too many to list)
15. / Stratfor
16. / vast majority of my info from you, Stratfor
17. / Stratfor newsmax
18. / Debka Stratfor
19. / Stratfor, Janes, and the US Army Air Defense Artillery Magazine.
20. /,,,,
21. / Foreign Affairs, Classified sources
22. / Stratfor
23. / foxnews emergencynet cnn yahoo news worldnetdaily newsmax stratfor Air Security Hot Spots
24. / Stratfor Intelligence Services I don't watch TV and haven't watched since 1980. I take no newspaper or magazine. I get all of my news entirely from radio and the internet.
25. / People on the field where we work.
26. / Stratfor
27. / OSAC, ISMA
28. / New York Times Stratfor
29. / Foreign Affairs Stratfor The New Republic
30. / the economist
31. / Debka, Stratfor
32. / OA, BBC, Asia Today, Foreign Affairs, Atlantic Monthly, local news sources, Jane's, RUSI
33. / Emails from others in the security and intelligence industry
34. / Terrorism and Political Violence.