Name of Healthwatch Representative / Jo Spenceley
Key agenda Items /
- Answering phone calls audit
- Revised patient letters
- Update on car parking and signage
- The ‘Listen to Me’ campaign
- Access guide proposal
- YHW Skylark report
Key outcomes and Actions /
- Susan Clennett was ill so the Patient Experience Strategy/Work Programme, inc. CBU actions against NHS Inpatient Survey will be sent out next week.
- Revised letters for outpatient appointments shared with group. Information has been made clearer and will include information about which entrance to use, etc. (in keeping with the new signage and colour-coding) and advice to allow extra time for parking. There was discussion about the suggestion that people bring someone with them if English was not their first language and the wording will be looked at. Further discussion about putting information in other languages will be considered in the longer term when they look at changing the appointment system/team structure across outpatients.
- Answering phone call audit was concerning – they could not get through to any of the numbers and none of the messages were returned. Obs/gynae ultrasound has a plan to address this with a new system and the other departments will be asked to address with an action plan. There may be guidance for other departments as this could be a wider issue. It can also take a long time for the switchboard to pick up.
- Car parkingand signage – new signage with colour coding is imminent. Upper deck for car park A contract to be awarded soon and planning permission to be applied for. Construction hoped for January weekends. Will also be changing access routes and disabled parking (50-60 spaces in car park A).
- The ‘Listen to Me’ campaign – some new midwives presented good pilot results from a campaign having an independent nurse/midwife that patients can go to if they are concerned or feel they haven’t been listened to – very well received and no complaints received during pilot. Nurses taking this to a KGH ‘Dragon’s Den’ but Leanne thinks they will implement this even if unsuccessful at DD.
- Access guide proposal – to go to the Disability Group
- YHW Skylark report - Donna Mason presented the report at the KGH meeting today and all agreed it was a positive experience and there aspects seen by the young people that wouldn’t have been noticed by adults. We highlighted how KGH had been able to respond to points in the report, which was good, and they have already made some changes, such as putting away some equipment not needed (while balancing the need for equipment in high dependency areas, etc.) and reviewing the noticeboards. I asked if they would write short response with those points and the value of it and they agreed they would. I also thanked Donna for helping to make it all possible.
- Copies of the new complaints poster and leaflet (standard and easy read) were given out
- The commissions visited the ED unannounced and found big improvements in patient flow, patient experience and staff moral as a result of the changes. Minors area still needs work as KGH are conscious of the long queues after 5pm that stretch outside and result in a lack of privacy at the desk. There have been some complaints about this. Looking to improve with a booth and signage but acknowledge it will still be a problem as they need more space. They are interested to hear what non-staff members think of the area.
Follow up Action Required by Healthwatch / Send raw data from MYVC survey that relates to KGH (in due course)
Await response to YHW Skylark report
Any other comments