2009 Heritage Collections Care Program Application
/ 4Culture, 101 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-7580 or 206-296-8688
June 29, 2009
/ Applications must be received in the office by 5:00 pm onMonday, June 29, 2009 or postmarked by June 29, 2009General Instructions: /
- Read the Heritage Collections Care Program Guidelines before filling out this form.
- Answer all questions in the space and format provided.
- Please type application. Do not reduce type or use smaller than 10 point type.
- Maintain number of pages [6], double-sided preferred.
- Signatures of director and board president are required.
- Submit 1 signed original application and 7 double-sided copies, 3-hole punched and paper-clipped, NOT stapled.
- Submit TWO sets of organizational documents and TWO sets of additional support materials.
Organization Legal Name: Burke Museum Association
Director or Primary Contact:
Dr. X Ms. / Title: Curator of Archaeology
First Name: Peter / Last Name: Lape
Organization Street Address:
NE 45th Street & 17th Ave NE
Organization Mailing Address:
Box 353010 University of Washington / City:
Seattle / Zip:
Area Code: 206 Phone: 685-3849 / e-mail:
Area Code: 206 Fax: 685-3039 / http://
King County Council District #: 2 / WA State Legislative District #: 7
To verify a King County Council District, call 206-296-1581 or visit http://www.kingcounty.gov/council.aspx / To verify a State Legislative District, visit http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder
Nonprofit Status: / Date of Incorporation: 08 / 29 / 2001 / Federal Tax ID#: 91-2151686
Proposal Information: / Proposal Title: Preservation of the Viaduct: An Archaeological Collection
Proposal Description [Maximum 3 lines]: This project will preserve, catalog and enable access to historic archaeological materials from an urban setting for the purpose of increasing knowledge of urban archaeological resources in King County.
Proposal Budget: $8058 / Amount Requested: $4000
1. Proposal Description and Concept: Explain the proposed activity. What do you plan to do? When? Where? Include specific information regarding dates, location, and actions, as well as the proposal’s impact on the collection, documentation, or preservation of King County heritage resources.
This project will catalog and rehouse historic artifacts from 45-KI-765, a registered historic archaeological site in Seattle, preserving more than 200 historic artifacts, including numerous complete glass bottles, ceramics, leather shoes, and a tobacco pipe bowl and stem, for future use and study. Analysis completed by AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., a private CRM firm, determined this site to be the turn-of-the-century remains of the 6th Ave. S. Viaduct dating from 1890-1923. Local businesses and residents used the area under the viaduct as a dump depositing a variety of artifacts that provide concrete evidence about the lifeways of early urban Seattleites.
The collection is currently unavailable for research or display due to the poor collection condition and organization and the lack of an electronic catalog. Completion of this project will bring the collection up to current professional curation standards enabling access by researchers, students, teachers and the public. Evaluation of the collection by an historic archaeologist will aid in developing and implementing a long-term curation guideline for this type of collection, which has previously been relegated to a status in which only the fancy objects are kept, and the more mundane objects discarded.
The requested funding will be used to purchase a portion of the archival storage containers and labels, and hire two student employees to rehouse and catalog the collection, under Burke staff guidance. Funding is also requested for consultation with an historic archaeologist to define the nature and research significance of these historic materials.
The project will be highlighted on the Burke Museum’s web site and in the Burke Archaeology Department’s annual newsletter. Work will take place at the Burke Museum as soon as funding is secured.
Background: King Co. Metro hired AMEC to monitor construction work during the Atlantic Bus Base Expansion Project. The collection resulted from monitoring activities from 2002-2006. A miscommunication between the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and King Co. Metro released King Co. from normal curation responsibilities. Upon notification of King County’s intent to discard this significant collection, DAHP, a State regulatory agency, agreed to accept the collection to ensure its preservation. DAHP, an agency without curation expertise, transferred the collection to the Burke Museum without funding to preserve the collection in the public trust.
Summarize the Proposed Objectives:
- Document the collection by creating an electronic catalog.
- Make the collection available to researchers, students, teachers and the public.
- Help Burke Museum staff develop and implement a plan for curating historic materials.
2. Applicant Information: Describe the mission and/or goals of your work as an organization. How does this proposal relate to and enhance them? Why is this proposal a priority at this time?
The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture is a state museum, founded in 1885 and located at the University of Washington. The mission statement reads: "The Burke Museum creates a better understanding of the world and our place in it. The museum is responsible for Washington State collections of natural and cultural heritage and for sharing the knowledge that makes them meaningful. The Burke welcomes a broad and diverse audience and provides a community gathering place that nurtures life-long learning and encourages respect, responsibility, and reflection."
The Burke Museum Association is a private nonprofit organization, established in 2001 to actively support the museum, and is authorized to receive funds on the museum's behalf.
The Burke Museum began acquiring archaeological collections in the late 1800s and now houses more than one million artifacts from all over the world, including the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Japan, and Oceania. We are best known for our extensive collections from the Lower Columbia River and the Puget Sound Region of Washington State. The Burke also holds several collections in-trust for public agencies, including several from King County. The Burke is currently the only repository applicant in Washington that meets the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation qualification standards for long-term management and preservation of archaeological collections.
This project is a priority at this time because historic archaeological collections are becoming a critical focus as urban sites are uncovered as a result of development. In the recent past, mundane artifacts, such as window glass, slag and brick were often not curated, or only sampled. New technologies have highlighted their research significance and potential. Only in the past few years, for example, have researchers been able to determine specific sources for the clays and minerals in bricks and slag. A 2008 trace element analysis of bricks at Fort Vancouver, WA, determined that brick was being imported from as far away as London! Developing long-term curation guidelines for these significant resources is necessary and timely as the frequency and size of these collections is increasing as historic archaeological resources are uncovered by maintenance and development projects in King County.
meet qualification standards for long-term
management and preservation of archaeological collections
3. Application Review Criteria
A. Qualifications and Proposal Quality. What are the qualifications and accomplishments of the project director, heritage specialists or other personnel? Cite examples of similar work that has been successfully managed and/or administered. What planning and preparation has been done? What professional standards or best practices are involved in developing this proposal and how will they be implemented?
This project is similar to many previous efforts of the Burke Museum Archaeology Division, including curation of the Duwamish No. 1 collection—a project supported by 4Culture Heritage Special Projects in 2007-2008.
Dr. Peter Lape, Burke Museum Archaeology Curator and project director received his Ph.D. in Anthropology from Brown University in 2000 and has been the Burke's archaeology curator since that year. He also holds a faculty position in the UW Department of Anthropology.
Under his guidance and that of the Archaeology Collections Manager, Laura Phillips, an assessment of the curation needs of the collection from 45-KI-765 was carried out and a work plan was developed to bring the collection up to professional standards. These tasks include: creating an electronic catalog in PastPerfect museum software, replacing existing 2 mil bags and non-archival boxes with archival materials (i.e. 4 mil polyethylene bags, acid-free boxes, and ethafoam cutouts), applying laser-printed, acid-free paper labels using archival acrylic polymers directly to artifacts and using foil-backed labels on storage containers.
B. Proposal Impact. How will this proposal contribute to the preservation of historical collections in King County? How will this proposal improve your organization’s stewardship of heritage collections you hold in the public trust? What lasting effect will the successful completion of this proposed activity have on your organization’s capacity to preserve its collections for the future?
This project will preserve a unique collection of historic artifacts from King County and make it accessible to scholarly researchers and the public, enhancing knowledge and appreciation of historic archaeological resources in King County and elsewhere.
New State permitting requirements mandate archaeological collections from public lands be curated in a facility that meets federal standards (36CFR79), as the Burke does. Upcoming Department of Transportation corridor projects in King County such as the Viaduct, State Route 520 projects, and the Sea Wall Replacement will undoubtedly uncover significant historic archaeological resources. With the new permitting regulations and the moratorium placed on incoming historic archaeological material by other repositories, it is nearly certain newly discovered historic material will be deposited at the Burke. A curation guideline created with historic archaeological expertise is critical.
The completion of this project will help Burke Museum staff develop a curation guideline for historic archaeological resources. Advancing staff knowledge of these resources and establishing relationships with archaeologists who specialize in historic material will assist in the preservation of similar collections in the future.
C. Publicity and Audiences Served. What King County population(s) will be served? What methods of publicity and outreach will be used? How will your proposed activity raise the visibility of King County heritage?
Multiple audiences will be served by this project:
- K-12 students and teachers seeking information on Washington State history to meet State Social Studies CBAs.
- King County residents visiting the Burke Museum or web site.
- Researchers and scholars interested in historic archaeology.
This project will be publicized primarily through the Burke Museum’s award winning web site and the Archaeology Department’s annual newsletter. King County 4Culture heritage programs will be credited as a sponsor on the web page and in the newsletter. The collection may also be featured at the Burke Museum member’s behind-the-scenes event.
This project will raise the visibility of King County heritage by providing interested researchers and the public access to the collection and better enabling the Burke Museum to curate and interpret this and future historic archaeological collections.
- Application Review Criteria continued
Success will be measured by the completion of each phase of the project and monitoring of use of the collection and implementation of the guidelines after project completion. Project activities will be documented in a final project report.
E. Public Benefit and Access. How are you providing public benefit and access to the resources and products associated with the component of the proposed activity for which you are seeking funds?
The Burke Museum is always free to University of Washington students, staff and faculty and the public on the first Thursday of every month. Gallery and behind-the-scenes tours are available upon request. Research access is provided upon request and free of charge. Burke Museum collections are actively used by student, professional scholars and tribal members.
F. Past King County Support. List any prior County support (4Culture, King County, County Council) received during the past 3 years. Please list name of funding program, year, amount, and project title. Please indicate whether past funded projects have been completed; or if still in process, please indicate status
Heritage Cultural Education, 2009, $4,000 Salish canoe kit
Arts sustained support, approx. $12,000 annually
Heritage Special Projects, 2008, $4,000, Burke Museum AYP Exhibit
Arts Cultural Facilities, 2008, $30,000, Improvements to new storage space
at UW Tower
Arts Special Projects, 2007, $2,000, Plateau Artistry
Heritage Special Projects, 2007, $4,600, Duwamish site #1
Arts Special Projects, 2006, $3,500, Artist Residency, Mexican Day of the Dead
4. Budget: Expenditures and Income
- Total expenditures must equal total income, including in-kind contributions (cash value of donated materials and services), other cash income (for proposed activity only), and requested 4Culture funds.
- Break down expenditures by category to include rate of pay, cost of materials, etc.
- Indicate specific use of requested 4Culture funds. Matching funds are strongly encouraged.
- See Guidelines (page 11) for information about eligible expenses.
- Provide additional budget information in Budget Narrative Section 8.
Project Expenditures / Project Income
Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 4
Total Project
/ In-kind Contributions / Other Cash Income / Requested 4Culture Funds- Fees: (indicate rate of pay)
Project Director / Administration
Collections Mngr. ($25/hr) / $ 2973 / $ 2973 / $ / $
Collections Coord. ($21/hr) / $ 652 / $ 652 / $ / $
Professional Fees
2 Student Assts. ($15/hr) / $ 3050 / $ / $ / $ 3050
Historic Consultant ($300) / $ 300 / $ / $ / $ 300
$ / $ / $ / $
- Supplies / Materials:
Ethafoam, labels / $ 650 / $ / $ / $ 650
Boxes, tyvek, tissue / $ 350 / $ 350 / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
- Promotion / Publicity / Outreach:
Website (two hours) / $ 83 / $ 83 / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
- Transportation (Who and Where):
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
- Assessment and Documentation:
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
- Other Expenditures and Income (Identify):
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
(Total expenditures listed in Column 1 must equal total income listed in Columns 2-4.) / $ 8058 / $ 4058 / $ / $ 4000
- Budget Narrative
The collection will be rehoused using archival, acid-free boxes, inner packing materials (ethafoam, tyvek and tissue), and foil-backed labels. A portion of this rehousing material is requested from 4Culture ($650), and the Burke Museum will contribute a third of the supply cost ($350). The rehousing and data entry work is expected to take two student employees 90 hours each (180 hours @ $15/hour + $1.95 ben.). The Archaeology Collections Manager (4% for 12 weeks=20 hours @$25.22 + $7.39 ben.) and Archaeology Collections Coordinator (20% for 12 weeks=96 hours @$20.67/hour + $7.92 ben.) will supervise this project. Funding is also requested for consultation with an historic archaeologist to define the nature and research significance of these historic materials. They will be paid a one-time fee of $300.
The project will be highlighted on the Burke Museum’s web site (estimated two hours of work by the web services department) and in the Burke Archaeology Department’s annual newsletter.
- Signatures
- Applicant:
Signature of individual authorized to commit applicant in financial matters / Date
- Project Director: (If different from applicant, above)
Signature of Project Director / Date
7. Applicant Check List: Have you completed the following?
King County Council district information on page 1
Signature of individual authorized to commit applicant in financial matters
One original and 7 copies of the application, standard three-hole punch on the left side
TWO sets of organizational documents and TWO sets of additional support materials
Self-addressed stamped envelope for any support materials that you want returned (Please list them)
This information is available upon request in alternative formats for persons with disabilities at (206) 296-8574 TTY.
2009 Heritage 4Culture Cultural Collections Care ApplicationPage 1 of 6