Dear Judicial Colleague:

It has come to my attention that there is another new Internet search engine which can provide home address and telephone information as well as other personal association information. The new website is This website appears to consolidate public records and other publicly available information with social networking profiles, etc.

I would recommend that each of you go to this website and insert your names to determine whether your home addresses and/or telephone numbers are listed on this website. I also recommend AGAINST using social networking sites such as facebook, myspace, twitter and similar websites and sharing anything about yourselves. It becomes very difficult to retract informationonce it is posted on the Internet.

I have attached the instructions providedby Justice Tom Hollenhorst on how to remove your information from I have also alerted the Chief of the CA Office of Privacy Protection of the new website so that it can be added to the list of known Internet data vendors which I have also attached to this e-mail. A sample opt-out demand is also attached.

While the task of protecting your home addresses and telephone numbers may seem daunting to some of you, it is not impossible as long as you follow the privacy protection guidance published by the AOC (attached) and you are willing to monitor the websites listed on the attachment from time to time and take advantage of the rights that each of you have under Gov. Code section 6254.21 (c). If I can be of any further assistance to you, do not hesitate to contact me directly.

---- Here are Justice Hollenhorst's instructions:

First go to the site and verify that your name and address are listed. If so, click on the name and address and a new URL will appear. Highlight the URL and hit control “c” and the same time to copy the URL as you will need it. Once you have done that, close the site and reopen it so you are back to the home page. Go to the word privacy at the bottom of the page and click on it. A new page will open and if you scroll to the bottom, it will take you to a removal dialogue box. You should put the curser into the first box and hit control “v” which will paste the URL with your information into the box. Then finish the two other boxes with the information requested and send it. It will then send a confirming message back to your email account confirming removal. Hope this helps for those concerned with privacy and security. J. Hollenhorst

Judge James R. Brandlin

Chair, Judges Security Committee

Los Angeles Superior Court