UConn Department of Physics: Graduate Student Annual Progress Report


This form is intended to facilitate graduate student advising and mentoring, and to encourage progress towards degree. The form is for UConn Physics internal use only. It will be accessible only to (i) the student, (ii) the student’s major and associate advisors, (iii) the department head and assistant, and (iv) the associate department head for graduate affairs.


  1. This form is being phased-in starting in the academic year 2012/2013. This year, current first-year and second-year graduate students should complete this form, and continue in later years throughout their degree. In subsequent years, all entering students will also start filling out this progress form, and continue in later years throughout their degree.
  2. Early in the Fall semester the graduate student should enter/update their information.
  3. After the student has completed the oral prelim exam, just include the dates at which each written prelim exam was passed; no need to include prior attempts.
  4. For the questions in section 4 concerning student progress and planning, students are encouraged to discuss these questions with their advisors while thinking about and preparing their own answers. If this is the first time filling out this form, then leave question 4.(i) blank, as clear expectations have not yet been set.
  5. The student should send the form with their information and answers to their advisor by email by December 1st, and arrange for a meeting to discuss the contents with their advisor as soon as possible thereafter, and certainly before the end of January.
  6. After this review meeting, the advisor should complete the final page and submit the form by email by January 31st, to the Physics Department Head’s office, with the email copied to the student and (if applicable) to the student’s associate advisors.

Follow up:

The forms will be reviewed by the department head and the associate department head for graduate affairs, and if necessary they will meet with the student and/or advisors to discuss the student’s progress to their degree. This is also a good opportunity for the associate advisors to meet with the student.

Rev: 10/26/21012

UConn Department of Physics: Graduate Student Annual Progress Report

Student name:

Faculty Advisor name:

Previous degree(s) and Universities:

Start Date in UConn Graduate Program:

Planned Completion Date:

STUDENT: submit by email to faculty advisor before December 20

FACULTY: submit by email to Kim Giard by January 31, cc to the student and (if applicable) the Associate Advisors

This form is a concise cumulative record of your degree progress. Please append any new information each year during the Fall semester. Each year, when completed, please email the form to your advisor and arrange a meeting before the end of January.

1. Financial Support and Coursework Progress Information

For each semester/summer, please indicate your financial support, which classes [with grade] and prelim exams you took [with P/F result]. For TA/RA support, enter “1” or “1/2”, and give RA source. Use “Other” for Fellowships, KAST, Summer Teaching, etc.

Semester/Year / TA / RA / RA Source / Other / Classes (with grade) / Written Prelims
CM / EM / QM / SM
Fall 20xx / 1/2 / 1/2 / Dunne / 5101(A) / 5201(B+) / P / P / - / -
Spring 20xx
Summer 20xx
Fall 20xx
Spring 20xx
Summer 20xx
Fall 20xx
Spring 20xx
Summer 20xx
Fall 20xx
Spring 20xx
Summer 20xx
Fall 20xx
Spring 20xx
Summer 20xx

Please indicate your plans for the coming calendar year.

Semester/Year / TA / RA / RA Source / Other / Classes / Written Prelims
CM / EM / QM / SM
Spring 20xx
Summer 20xx
Fall 20xx

2. Degree Progress Information

Progress marker / Planned/Submitted/Applied (month/year) / Final Date (month/year)
International students: teaching certification / Passed date:
Written prelims completion / Planned date: / Passed date:
Prelim oral exam / Planned date: / Passed date:
Plan of Study / Submitted date: / Approved date:
PHYS 5403 (QM III) / Planned date: / Passed date:
PHYS 5302 (EM II) / Planned date: / Passed date:
Dissertation Proposal / Submitted date: / Approved date:
Summer Dissertation Fellowship / Applied date: / Awarded date:
Thesis Submission / Planned date: / Actual date:
Thesis Defense / Planned date: / Passed date:

3. Thesis Research Progress Information

Advisory Committee / Name and email address / Effective Date (month/year)
Thesis Advisor
Associate advisor 1
Associate advisor 2
Tentative thesis topic/title

(i) List conferences at which your research was presented. Give date and title. Indicate whether it was a poster or oral presentation and whether you presented.

(ii) List any research papers on which you are a co-author. Give full citation/status.

4. Progress and Planning Information

(i) What have you achieved in the past calendar year in progress towards your degree?

(ii) What are your plans and goals for the coming calendar year?

5. Faculty Advisor Comments

(i) Comment on this student’s progress in the past calendar year.

(ii) What are your goals and expectations for this student for the coming calendar year?

(iii) When do you anticipate this student finishing their degree? Date:


Advisor: your email forward of this report attests that you have discussed this report with the student and are aware of the contents of the Graduate Student Annual Progress Report for this year.