Annual Meeting of the Council

Thursday 14 May 2015 at 6.30pm - Stow Youth Centre

Simon Clarke
Richard Clifford
Mike Curtis
Val Davies
Ben Eddolls
Tom Edwards
Sue Green
Mike Moseley / SC
MM / Jenny Scarsbrook,
Alun White
Barry Dare
In attendance
Linda Burke
Caroline Doran
6 members of the public
2 members of the press / JS
District Council
Deputy Clerk

ApologiesColin Smalley (CS)


  1. Mike Curtis was elected to the position of Chair, to hold office until the Annual Meeting in 2016. Proposed SG, Seconded BE All in favour

MC signed the acceptance of office for chair person.

  1. Prior to the meeting CS indicated which positions/committees he was willing to stand for.

Colin Smalley was elected Vice Chair, to hold office until the Annual Meeting in 2016.

Proposed AW, Seconded SC 9 in favour, 1 abstention

  1. Councillors signed their forms for Acceptance of Office.
  1. New Councillors handed their completed Register of Interests Forms to the clerk. Returned councillors have been reminded to check the details on their forms and resubmit if there had been changes.
  1. Resolved:To accept the present committee structure subject to review after councillors have had the opportunity to consider the matter fully. All in favour
  1. Councillors volunteered to join the following committees:

Burial Board (5) / Richard Clifford, Val Davies, Mike Moseley, Jenny Scarsbrook,
Colin Smalley
Finance (5) / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis,Tom Edwards, Mike Moseley, Alun White
Parks (7) / Simon Clarke, Richard Clifford, Mike Curtis, Val Davies, Ben Eddolls, Tom Edwards, Sue Green,
Planning (8) / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis, Val Davies, Ben Eddolls, Sue Green,
Jenny Scarsbrook, Mike Moseley, Alun White
Staffing (4) / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis, Tom Edwards, Alun White
Traffic & Parking (5) / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis, Sue Green, Mike Moseley, Alun White

Mike Curtis, as Chairman, is an ex-officio member of all the committees

  1. Councillors volunteered to join the following groups

Neighbourhood Plan / Richard Clifford, Mike Curtis, Ben Eddolls, Alun White
Stow & Maugersbury Action Group / Mike Curtis, Colin Smalley
Silver Group / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis
Trustee of St Edwards Hall / Mike Moseley
Trustee of St Edwards Alms Houses / Mike Curtis, Colin Smalley
Glos. Market Towns Forum / Alun White
Glos. Assoc. of Parish & Town Councils / Tom Edwards
  1. Resolved: To accept the existing Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

Proposed AW Seconded BE All in favour

  1. Councillors reviewed and accepted an inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment. Clerk to find out,where possible, the dates of acquisitions. (some documents have been destroyed by fire)
  1. Councillors were satisfied with the arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks. Play areas are insured new for old. The council is fully insured for public liability.
  1. Councillors noted regular payments made by the council particularly in respect to subscriptions.
  1. The council has a Dignity at Work Policy. Clerk advised that further policies were required.

Resolved: To form a general purpose committeeto develop policies and procedures to be brought to full council for approval. Proposed SG, Seconded AW All in favour

Mike Curtis, Ben Eddolls, Tom Edwards, Mike Moseley and Alun White volunteered to join the General Purposes (Policies)committee.

  1. Clerk suggested meeting dates for each of the committees upuntil the Council meeting in June.Members suggested some amendments.

Resolved: Full Council meetings will be held on the last Thursday of the month

ProposedTE Seconded AW All in favour

Resolved: Full Council meetings will be held at 7.15pm

Proposed AW Seconded SG 9 in favour, 1 against

Agreed meeting dates

Tuesday 19th May / Informal meeting of councillors / 7pm
Thursday 21st May / Finance Committee / 7pm
Tuesday 26th May / ANNUAL TOWN MEETING / 7pm
Thursday 28th May / Planning Committee / 7pm
Tuesday 2nd June / Traffic and Parking Committee / 7pm
Thursday 4th June / Parks Committee / 7pm
Tuesday 9th June / General Purposes Committee / 7pm
Wednesday 10th June / Burial Board / 9.15am
Tuesday 16th June / Planning Committee / 7pm
Thursday 18th June / Finance Committee / 7pm
Thursday 25th June / COUNCIL / 7.15pm

At the first meeting of each committee a chair needs to be elected and the committee terms of reference need to be agreed. This includes setting the time and frequency of subsequent meetings.

The Council Meeting 14 May 2015 followed the AGM


Jenny and Richard have asked to join the finance committee.

Burial Board (5) / Richard Clifford, Val Davies, Mike Moseley, Jenny Scarsbrook,
Colin Smalley
Finance (7) / Simon Clarke, Richard Clifford, Mike Curtis ,Tom Edwards, Mike Moseley, Jenny Scarsbrook, Alun White
Parks (7) / Simon Clarke, Richard Clifford, Mike Curtis, Val Davies, Ben Eddolls, Tom Edwards, Sue Green,
Planning (8) / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis, Val Davies, Ben Eddolls, Sue Green,
Jenny Scarsbrook, Mike Moseley, Alun White
Staffing (4) / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis, Tom Edwards, Alun White
Traffic & Parking (5) / Simon Clarke, Mike Curtis, Sue Green, Mike Moseley, Alun White