Annual Internal Auditor’s report 2017

Stowe Parish Council

I have carried out a selective assessment of the Council’s compliance with relevant procedures and controls, which I expected to be in operation during the year ended 31st March 2017. I have had access to the following documents:

Cash book/Accounts book

A random check has been made to verify that invoices have been initialled; correctly entered in the cash book, and the expenditure approved at a parish council meeting.

Bank Statements

The bank statements were checked against reconciliations, there were no discrepancies.

Evidence of Budget Process

The calculations for the budget process and the setting of the precept were approved at a parish council meeting.

Periodic bank reconciliation

Regular reconciliations of the cash book and the bank statements were carried out.

Minute book

The minute book was checked; all pages were initialled by the chairman, meetings were completed in a reasonable time. Finance payments are listed in the main body of the accounts.

Cheque book/Paying in books

The cheque book and paying in books were checked, all was found to be in order.

Insurance details

The parish council’s insurance policy was checked, and found to be in order. I understand further quotes are being sought.

VAT returns

VAT has been reclaimed correctly and on time.

Income tax returns

It was verified that PAYE is dealt with correctly.

Record of Clerk’s expenses

All receipts for expenses are checked and approved as correct at parish council meetings.

Year end account, including bank reconciliation, receipts & payments

The year end figures were checked and found to be in order. The end of year bank reconciliation with the cash book balanced. However, the closing balances on the Annual Return for 2016 did not agree with the opening balance on the 2017 Annual Return. The difference is £50. This may be due to an unpresented cheque; Cllr Saunders will investigate. The external auditor may require an explanation.

Asset register

The asset register is up to date.

Petty cash records, if applicable

Not applicable.

Allotment records, if applicable

I understand that the Parish Council will be setting up a new record system.

Burial records, if applicable

Not applicable.

Standing Orders

These are in place and are reviewed annually.

Financial Regulations

These are in place and are reviewed annually. I would advise the Council that these have been reviewed for 2017. Please ensure the Clerk has the latest version.

Approval of internal auditor

It was confirmed that the appointment was approved at a parish council meeting

Risk assessment

These are revised every year, and a quarterly check is carried out


Considering the turbulent year the council has suffered, the internal audit was relatively straightforward.

I would like to thank Cllr Saunders for his cooperation during the audit.

I have inspected the accounts and procedures of the Parish Council. I believe that the business of the Council has been recorded accurately.


Mrs Christine Jensen FILCM