Meeting Date: Thursday 31st March 2016 Meeting Opened: 2.05pm

Meeting Location: HPS Staffroom Meeting Chair: Kylie Brettschneider

Attendance: K. Brettschneider, C. Oataway, T. Doidge, T. Sciffer, C. Gaston, K. Rutledge, K. Nevinson, L. Headon, N. Hurle

Apologies: S. Sorenson, F. Simpson, K. Miller, A. Ovens, K. Duncan, L. Moorhouse, K. Townsend, T. Pynor

/ Agenda Items / Outcomes/Decisions /







/ Motion 2.1: That the minutes of the previous AGM be accepted
Moved K. Nevinson, Seconded L. Headon




/ Motion 3.1: That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted
Moved T. Sciffer, Seconded K. Rutledge
Motion 3.2: That the P&C endorse Shields Accounting as the P&C’s accounting firm
Moved K. Nevinson, Seconded T. Doidge



principal’s report

/ C. Oataway presented the School’s Annual Report (attached).



president’s report

/ K. Brettschneider presented the attached President’s Report.



election of office bearers



/ Nominee: / Nominated By: / Seconded By:


/ F. Simpson / K. Brettschneider / L. Headon

1st Vice President

/ K. Rutledge / K. Nevinson / C. Gaston

2nd Vice President

/ S. Sorenson / T. Doidge / T. Sciffer


/ K. Brettschneider / T. Sciffer / N. Hurle


/ C. Gaston / L. Headon / K. Rutledge

Catering Officer

/ K. Miller/K. Duncan / K. Brettschneider / T. Sciffer




/ Chair / Motion 7.1: That P&C membership remain at $1
Moved K. Nevinson, Seconded T. Doidge



Bank Signatories

/ Chair / Motion 8.1: That the bank signatories be the President, Treasurer and Secretary, with two signatures required as per the P&C Association Constitution.
Moved K. Nevinson, Seconded T. Doidge



general business

Review of Association By-laws / Open / Motion 8.1: That the By-laws remain unchanged
Moved K. Rutledge, Seconded K. Nevinson

Meeting Closed: 2.30pm


Hay Public School P&C 2016 AGM

President’s Report

Over the past year since the last AGM, the P&C has raised around $35,000 to support the school and our children. This was primarily through the catering of the box and variety bash rallies in 2015, and the 2016 school fete, supplemented by our regular carnival canteens, discos and our inaugural operation art display and auction. Congratulations to everyone that has been involved over the past 12 months in any way large or small. That’s an incredible achievement for a school of under 200 students and reflects the dedication and passion of the people around this table and others. These major events could not have occurred with the success they did without the support of the community, local businesses, staff, students and the broader parent body which demonstrates the importance of maintaining an open and inclusive approach to the P&C’s activities.

But none of us are here to raise funds. We instead want to see them used for the benefit of the school students. Over the past year we:

·  Subsidised student travel for Riverina and State representatives, including the girls AFL team;

·  Purchased book awards for presentation day;

·  Delivered easter eggs to the students;

·  Subsidised year 6 t-shirts;

·  Funded art lessons for students with Mr Chris McClelland;

·  Contributed funding to the annual Swim School to enable all students to attend;

·  Purchased new IT equipment and applications;

·  Facilitated the donation of funds for a new split system air conditioner

·  Installed new playground markings throughout the school; and

·  Purchased a new PA system.

I believe we have made a substantial contribution to the school’s longer term infrastructure, and more importantly, consider that our facilitation of access to expertise and experiences such as swim school, art lessons and state level representation will have an even longer lasting benefit through our most important capital – the students themselves.

I look forward to extending the P&C’s legacy as we decide how to best use the fete profits, and hope we can continue to be innovative and help differentiate our school as a provider of quality education and opportunities that can service the needs of all students in our diverse community.

Today concludes my three year term as President. I really didn’t want to take on the role at the time, so as a result decided that I needed to do it to challenge myself. I knew that if I didn’t want to do it, it was only because of fear – of decision making and responsibility. And a wise man told me a long time ago that fear is not an acceptable reason for not doing something.

I am so glad that I took that chance three years ago as the role has given back to me far more than I have given to it. I have made new friends, realised I am capable of more things than I imagined, but most significantly, it has provided me with an outlet for what is probably my true passion – the education of children.

It has also given me a chance to practice what I preach with my children. They have unfortunately inherited my fear of public speaking and performance, but as it is a fact of life, I have strongly encouraged them to face those fears early and just have a go, as with practice in a familiar environment comes better strategies to manage those fears. So when Benjamin was able to see my hands and legs shaking from his vantage point behind the lectern last year, I had well made my point.

I wish the new President the best of luck and I look forward to supporting you and working with you as the whole P&C team has done for me over the last 3 years. It has never been a one person job, but an absolute team approach. I learned early on that the secret to success was surrounding yourself with capable people and delegating tasks to those most able and willing to do them. A special thanks to Sam and Lisa who have served on the committee with me over that entire period for their significant time and effort and for being wonderful sounding boards, Julieanne for her dedication and achievements as canteen manager, and Fiona and Kathryn for all they have contributed over the past year as Secretary and Catering Officer, particularly in the organisation of the fete. Finally, thanks to everyone that has shared information and ideas, cooked, served, dressed up, delivered, sewn, crafted, written, spoken or negotiated on behalf of the P&C. We truly value every person’s input.

Kylie Brettschneider