Annual General Meeting of Three Rock Rovers Hockey Club

Thursday 23rd April 2015 at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse, Grange Road.

29 members attended and apologies received from 9 members (see attached sheet)

Ailis Kennedy opened the meeting and thanked everyone for coming.

1. Agree minutes of the last AGM

The minutes have been circulated prior to the meeting. Andrew Furlong proposed that they be adopted and this was seconded by Angharad Griffiths. They were accepted by the room.

2. Honorary Secretary’s Report read out by Barbara Snow

Congratulations to Niall Denham for his selection onto a European top coaches programme. A mention to the committee and council members for their time and continued hard work that have been put in this year. A special mention to Grace O’Malley for organising the club dinner and fundraising event. Congratulations to all TRR members that have represented Leinster and Ireland this season.

3, 4, 5. Honorary Treasurer's Report and Annual Accounts, Accounts of the Joint Executive Committee and Council and the Report of the Honorary Auditor.

Rob Johnson presented the accounts for the year ending 28th February 2015. Having the accounts finish at the end of February creates challenges as there are still expenses and incomes included from previous season and some will also roll over onto next seasons accounts. Rob drew the member’s attention to a number of items in the accounts;

Club Income: There is an operating deficit of €37,021 for 2015, in comparison to an operating surplus of €39,371 from 2014.

Council Income: The Bar has come in with a loss (€4,909). Sales done in previous year but the invoice has been included in this year – over €3,000. A bar licence which cost over €2,000 for the Marlay Park concerts. This failed to make the ideal income. RJ explains that we need to address our income going forward. Pitch Rentals have decreased by over €15,000. This is due to Astro no longer renting the pitches and a decrease in demand for our pitches.

Council Expenditure: Wages have increased as Martin Roe’s wages are a full year of employment.

Committee Income: Fundraising target was €12,000. Only €1,170 included to date as the Club Dinner was after the 28th February (€6,000).

Committee Expenditure: €18,000 over budget. Coaching – around €5,000 from last season. Coaches now paid monthly. Employers PRSI (€3,000) not budgeted for. ‘Other Team Travel and Entertainment’ - €9,000 unidentified income. €8,000 from U16 trip to Barcelona last season with Andrew Walker. Money came in last season and had been expensed after the season ended therefore being an expense on this season.

Fixed Assets: Additions to fixed assets this year included €41,500 which represents the upgrade to the Clubhouse and also €9,157 which was for new equipment to help with the upkeep of the new pitch with the aim to increase its longevity.

Rob Johnson stated that TRR Sinking Fund was not adequately funded yet for replacement of the back pitch. No money was available to go into the sinking fund this year. The Club Rules state that €45K should be transferred to sinking fund each year. For the coming year, each Council member will have a budget and controls will be introduced to prevent overspend

Questions from the room:

Andrew Furlong – Are there any figures to do with The Wooden Spoon? RJ: They are included in the Clubhouse Hire. RJ informs the room that The Wooden Spoon will no longer be operating out of TRR as they have been in breach of their contract. RJ is hopeful that we will receive the outstanding money owed to the club.

Ali Haughton – Are there any worries over the mast rental income? RJ: Three are merging with O2. There is a potential loss of €15,000 going forward.

Cedric – Why does the committee transfer funds (Complex Hire) to the council? RJ explains why the complex hire exists.

Shane O’Brien proposed and Andrew Walker seconded the accounts.

6. Report of the Chairperson of the Council

Ailis is stepping down having completed two year in office. She said it was a great honour to be President and wished John Findlater, incoming President all the best. Kara Browning and Tony Nicholson, who have been on Council for many years, were also stepping down. David Costello has agreed to join Council. Council had 11 meetings last year and there were 3 joint Council and Committee meetings. Ailis Kennedy went on to thank all Club members for making the Club what it is and also thanked the committee and council members for their continued support and hard work.

Highlights of the year were:

Completion of the new Astroturf pitch with Musco lighting within budget.

Clubhouse upgrade with Café operated by Wooden Spoon of Blackrock was well received with regard to customer satisfaction but fell short commercially.

A new agreement between TRR and LHA regarding use of facilities was signed off.

IHA hosted IHL finals at TRR which raised gate of €10K for IHA and subsequently received praise from Richard Kendrick (IHA President). Many Leinster Branch and Schools finals were also held at Grange Road.

Rick Johnson is “doing an unbelievable” job in organizing the Euro Hockey Club Championship Trophy at TRR. Three Rock Rovers are Ireland’s representative in this second tier European Club tournament.

Rob Johnson is an active member of IHA Management Committee.

Large number of Club players who represented Ireland or Leinster.

Andrew Walker thanks Ailis for president role and her contribution to the club.

Incoming President – John Findlater

John began by saying that it was a fantastic honour to be President of TRR. He was really impressed with the number of volunteers within the club but more were needed. They are essential for the Club to move forward and implement 5 year Development Plan being developed by Alison Keogh. Other immediate priorities were funding the upcoming EHT. The estimated to cost TRR is around€25K. John mentions the importance of growing the Youth section. John hopes the day will come when TRR players will play for Ireland in the Olympics. He recognized Rob Johnson’s contribution to IHA as an active member of the IHA management committee. John thanks Rob and Shane for looking after the club accounts.

RJ feels that hockey is underrepresented in Ireland. The IHA are trying to fund mens and ladies teams to get to the Olympics. TRR will benefit if Irish hockey get to the Olympics.

7. Election of

a) Officers, Council and Committee

President: John Findlater. Ali Keogh proposed and seconded by Rob Johnson,

Council members: David Costello, Orla Mc Keown, Rob Johnson, Ali Keogh, Mandy Bools and Andrew Walker. Proposed by Ailis Kennedy, seconded by Siobhan Madeley.

Mandy Bools and Andrew Walker to continue as ladies and men’s club captain for now as there are no candidates for either position at present time.

Barbara Snow to continue as Club Secretary until a replacement is found.

Committee members: Andrew Walker, Mandy Bools, Peter Mc Connell, Simon Walker, Shane O’Brien, Grace O’Malley and Jessica Rule. Proposed by Barbara Snow and seconded by Aideen Dowling. Accepted by the room.

8. Motions:

  1. It is propsed that the existing rule (R 25 a):

“All the property of the Club shall vest in Trustees in trust for the Club. The Trustees shall deal with the property of the Club as directed by the Council. The number of Trustees shall not be more than four nor less than three. A Trustee shall hold office for life unless he shall resign, or ceases to be a member of the club or be removed by the members in General Meeting. The members of the Club in General Meeting may elect a member to fill any vacancy arising in the number of Trustees.”

Should be replaced by the following:

“All the property of the Club shall vest in Trustees in trust for the Club. The Trustees shall deal with the property of the Club as directed by the Council. The number of Trustees shall not be more than five nor less than three. A Trustee shall hold office for a period of 15 years or until s/he reaches the age of 85 whichever shall be the sooner unless he shall resign, or ceases to be a member of the club or be removed by the members in General Meeting. The members of the Club in General Meeting may elect a member to fill any vacancy arising in the number of Trustees. A Trustee shall be deemed to be an Honorary Member of the Club in accordance with Rule 18 of the within Rules for the period of their Trusteeship.

Ailis explains that trustees used to be left as a trustee for life, therefore the rule is to be amended. The best practice is to have at least 3 trustees. We currently have three - Pauline Corrigan, Geoff Brooks and Michael Varian. Cedric mentions that we are the 2nd oldest club in the country and we cannot even fulfil committee positions therefore we should not be worrying about trustees. Andrew Furlong states some confusion over the last line of the proposed amendment. Siobhan Madeley questions whether the whole rule be attached in the motions. Ailis reads out Rule 18. John Findlater puts motion to vote. Room in favour of motion. Cedric disproves. Motion passed by majority.

2: Subscriptions will be as follows for the upcoming season;

  • Full Membership

If paid full or in part by 30th September 2015 - €375

If after 1st October 2015 - €420

  • Student Membership

If paid in full or in part by 30th September 2015 - €220

If paid after 1st October 2015 - €220

  • Junior Membership

€160 for the season u18-u14

€140 for season u8-u12

  • Vets Membership

If paid full or in part by 30th September 2015 - €145 (women) €285 (men)

If after 1st October 2015 - €145 (women) €285 (men)

  • Pavillion Membership

€50 for the season.

Mandy Bools breaks down the cost for a player to be on the pitch. Man €397, Lady €355, Junior €91. Increase in subs will still not cover the cost. Chris Steele asks how do we compare with other clubs? SM – Juniors are really good value in comparison to other clubs. Ali Haughton – less than Pembroke. RJ – IHA will change registration in the future by individual rather than by team. RJ also mentions that we are consistently not adhering to the club rules by having subs paid by Oct 1st. Avoca have an online registration so that you know who has paid. Some people are playing for free which is unfair. AW – Teamer have an online payment system that he is going to look into. GAA have a junior + parent sub of €200. Something to look into.

Motion put to vote. Room in favour. Motion passed.

9. Any other business.

AW – EHT. There is a great support from the club. It would have cost a lot to send the men’s team abroad therefore it is good for the club to be hosting. AW thanks Rick Johnson for doing an unbelievable job so far with a great committee. Looking for volunteers. Hoping to bring in a profit.

Andrew Furlong – IJC final on Sunday at 5pm. Need support.

MB – Golf Classic on the 3rd July. Need more members to sign up.

Chris Steele – any plans to upgrade the changing rooms? RJ – yes but the budget has not been finalised yet. CS – notes that the Leinster room needs to be upgraded also.

Ali Haughton – What is the update on the Stillorgan Rugby Club contract? They are using the cricket pitch and the Leinster changing rooms. Angharad Griffiths – can we ensure that they don’t cross over the hockey pitch.

Eric Bradshaw – commends the council and committee members for all their hard work/

John Findlater thanked everyone for coming and closes the meeting.