September 2011

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Annual Dues and Registration


All Scouts and adult leaders must renew their registration each year with the Troop and the Boy

Scouts of America

The Troop collects annual dues that are needed to operate the troop and support its activities

The Troop updates its database of information about its scouts and adult leaders

 Please attach a copy of Insurance ID Card

Complete the Dues and Registration Form (the reverse side of this page):

List the scouts and adults to be registered again for 2011-12; the Troop dues includes all fees that the

Troop will pay to our BSA Council

Select a subscription to Boys’ Life (optional) and pay your Order of the Arrow dues, if applicable

Identify any scouts or adults who should be deleted from the Troop’s registration; this helps us keep

our lists up to date

Calculate the total payment due to the Troop

Take the forms and your payment to a troop meeting (give it to Mr. Charles Dow) or

mail it to the address below.

You can also find the form on the troop website ( )


A scout or adult will not be registered for 2011-12 without full payment to the Troop.If you need helpwith the payment, contact Scoutmaster Mark Antoniak about confidential scholarship assistance.

If an adult listed on your Dues and Registration Form has not submitted a BSA adult application

form previously, then he/she must complete one and submit it with the troop dues. The form can

be found online at:

Scouts who will turn 18 year old before January 31, 2011 and wish to register as an adult leadermust submit a completed BSA adult application with their dues.

All registered adult leaders must comply with the Adult Leader Code of Contact.

As part of this year’s registration process, we will be tracking the training completed by each Adultto assist with the record keeping maintained by the Adult Training Coordinator. Please reviewand complete the form included as page 3 and turn in with your registration form (page 2) andpayment.

Return all form and dues payment no later than OCTOBER27, 2011:

Mail them to: Or turn them in at a troop meeting

Mr. Charles Dow - Treasurer

35 Meadow View Drive

Wethersfield, CT 06109

September 2011

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2011-12 Troop Dues and Registration

The annual dues for scout registration are $50.00 for the first scout in a household and $40.00 for each additionalscout in the same household. The annual dues for adult registration are $15.00 per person.

Boys Life Magazine (optional) is $12.00 for a one-year subscription. Mark an “X” below for each subscription.

Scout Registration


Scout’s Name Dues Boys Life (X) Total

1st ______$50$12 ( ) ______

2nd ______$40 $12 ( ) ______

3rd ______$40 $12 ( ) ______

Adult Registration Adult registration is optional, but adults must be registered with BSA to stay

overnight on a campout or attend summer camp, and must sign an Adult Leader Code of Conduct form(this is an annual requirement

Adult’s Name Dues Boys Life (X) Total

1st ______$15$12 ( ) ______

2nd ______$15$12 ( ) ______

3rd ______$15$12 ( ) ______

If a person named above has not registered previously as an adult with Troop 85, he/she must complete a

BSA adult application form. The form can be found online at

Scouts who turn 18 years old by January 31, 2011 and wish to register as an adult leader must complete a BSAadult application form.

Payment Due Please enclose check payable to “BSA Troop 85” Total Due = ______

Deletions Please DO NOT register the following scouts and adults:

1. ______3.______

2. ______4.______

You may also let us know this by simply sending an e-mail to . Thank you forhelping keep our lists up to date.

Return Forms and Dues Check (payable to BSATroop 85)

Please return this form and your payment by OCTOBER27, 2011(at meeting)

Or by Mail:

Mr. Charles Dow - Treasurer

35 Meadow View Drive

Wethersfield, CT 06109

Questions: Contact Mark Antoniak at

September 2011

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Please take time to complete the following checklist to support an update to our records for Adult training that iscomplete. TURN THIS IN WITH YOUR REGISTRATION SHEET (PAGE 2) AND PAYMENT.

TRAINING DESCRIPTION Check if Complete Date (if known)*

Boy Scout Leader Fast Start ______

Youth Protection ______

This is Scouting ______

Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific ______

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills ______

Troop Committee Challenge ______

(required for Troop Committee Member/Committee Chairman)

*Approximate date or month/year is fine. Fast Start, Youth Protection and This is Scouting dates may be

available via your on-line account, if completed on-line.


Please supply the following information concerning driver’s license and auto insurance, if you are a driver for anytroop activity. This information will be utilized only in the unfortunate case of an auto accident in route to, orreturning from an activity. All drivers must take Youth Protection Training.

Driver’s License:

Issuing State:______License Number:______Expiration Date:______

Auto Insurance:

Insurance Company:______Policy #:______