Class : III
Session : 2015-16
With so many changes happening at such a great pace at educational scenario the entire student community is feeling hay wired. There have been a paradigm shift in education system from rote learning to ‘learning by doing’. At S.I.S. Public School we very carefully frame the curriculum towards holistic, healthy & responsible global citizen.
It is very rightly said, “I do and I learn” hence at S.I.S. every topic taught is associated with an activity. Projects & Assignments further inhance the understandings of the topic taught and children are able to relate the same to their life & explain in own words. VBE, Art, Music, Dance, Sports & other hobbies are placed on everyday basis & are rewarded on regular basis.
Inderjeet K. Sandhu
MONTH / DAY / Holiday of Occasions
2nd April / Thursday / Mahavir Jayanti
14th April / Tuesday / Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti/ Baisakhi
22nd May / Friday / Martyom day of Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Summer break 24th May 2015 to 6th July 2015
18th July / Saturday / Id-ul-fitr
31st July / Friday / Martyom day of Shaheed Udham Singh
15th August / Saturday / Independence Day & Rakshabandhan
05th September / Saturday / Janamasthmi
25th September / Friday / Id-ul-zula
2nd October / Friday / Gandhi Jayanti
9th October / Friday / Prakash Utsav Guru Ram Das ji
22nd October / Thursday / Dusshera
27th October / Tuesday / Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti/ Karvachauth
11th November to 14th November Diwali Holidays
24th November / Tuesday / Guru Teg Bahadur Martyom Day
25th November / Wednesday / Guru Nanak Jayanti
28th November / Saturday / Guru Nanak Dev ji Prakash Utsav celebrations
25th December / Friday / Christmas
Winter Break 26th December 2015 to 05th January 2016
26th January / Republic Day
Ravi Das Jayanti
Ram Navmi
90-100% / A+ (outstanding)
75-89% / A (excellent)
56-74% / B (very good)
35-55% / C (good)
Below 35% / D (Needs Improvement)
Ø For promotion of class VI, a student, must obtain at least Grade C in 6 CA’s (out of 8) in each subject.
Ø Promotion upto class V is automatic. However parents may be asked to get their children to repeat the class in some cases.
Ø The compendium (syllabus booklet) is subject to change & modification, due information shall be given.
Ø In case of surprise holiday, assessment/ test/ exams scheduled on that day will be held as soon as possible. Due information will be given.
For instance, tests are scheduled for 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of January of which 20th is declared a holiday. The test scheduled for 20th will be held on after 23rd while tests of other dates will go as schedule.
Ø Results declared are final. No request for reconsideration/ conditional promotion etc. will be entertained. In this matter the decision of the Principal is final.
Ø Promotion upto class V, in consultation with parents, is automatic. However parents may be asked to get their children to repeat a year in some cases.
Ø Result of those who are in arrears of fees shall be withheld.
English - III
Syllabus:.1.At Home Again 2. Half way down (poem)
Grammar : 1. Kinds of Nouns
Reading : New – unseen passage for comprehension.
Activity : (Literature) Write five different ways in which you can help homeless animals?
Grammar : Pick the common nouns and proper nouns and write them in suitable baskets.
Debate : Debate will be held in class on 15th ‘Save Water’ according to the Time Table.
Students will be taken to language lab for ASL.
Syllabus: 3. The Big Race 4. Hurt No living thing
Grammar : Pronouns
Reading : New unseen passage for comprehension
Activity: (Literature)
(a) Write the theme of the Big Race in your own words.
Grammar : Teacher will write sentences on blackboard & the students will change the nouns into pronouns.
Students will be taken to language lab for ASL. JAM session ‘favourite cartoon’ on 15th.
Syllabus: 5. The History of Money 6. Monday Morning
Grammar: Articles
Reading : New unseen passage for comprehension
Activity : (Literature)
(a) Write five sentences on how Tom tried various tricks to avoid going to school.
Grammar : Teachers will draw some pictures on board and students will write the suitable article in the blanks below each picture.
Debate: Debate will be held in the class.
Topic ‘Internet’ on 15th according to the time table.
Students will be taken to language lab for ASL.
Date: No. of Days:
Syllabus: 7. I meant to do my work today 8. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
Grammar: Adjectives
Reading: New-unseen passage for comprehension.
Writing:- Paragraph Writing: (a) Best Friend (b) An ideal student
Letter : Write a letter to your friend inviting him to your birthday party.
Activity : Students will write the names of birds or animals that they think are normally friendly with humans.
Grammar : Students will write a paragraph on Best friend and will underline the adjectives used in it.
Debate : Declamation competition will be held in class on topic ‘Child Labour’ on 15th .
ASL activity will be held in the language lab.
Term : 2
Date: No. of Day
Syllabus: 9. The Tantar Mantar 10. Ceiling to the stars
Grammar: Adverbs
Reading: New-Unseen passage for comprehension
Activity : Do you like to watch the light sky. Speak five sentences on how does the sky look at night?
Grammar : Student will change the given adjectives into adverbs.
Debate : J.A.M. session will be held in the class. Topic ‘Favourite Leader’ on 15th
Students will be take to language lab for ASL
Syllabus: 11. The Please Police 12. The Story of the four seasons
Grammar: Tenses
Different types of sentences will be given to students & students will write types of tenses used in them.
Debate: Declamation competition ‘Topic Pollution’ on 15th .
Students will be taken to Language Lab for ASL.
Syllabus: 13. Sunshine 15. I’m not scared anymore
Reading: Unseen passage for comprehension
Grammar: Conjunctions & Capital Letters and Punctuation marks.
Different types of sentences will be given to students to join them using suitable conjunctions.
Activity: Enlist the things you are scared of.
Debate: Debate will be held in the class. Topic ‘Poly Bags on 15th.
Students will be taken to Language Lab for ASL.
Date: No. of Days:
Syllabus: 15. Shining Things 16. Birbal’s Khichdi 17. The lost camel
Reading: New-unseen passage for comprehension.
Writing: Paragraph: Favourite Game, Save Environment
Letter : Formal/ Informal , letter writing
Activity : (a) Why do we call camel the Ship of desert?
(b) Teacher will draw pictures with different position of ball & basket. Students will write the suitable prepositions according to the picture.
ASL activity will be conducted in language lab.
Grammar: (a) Modal Auxiliaries (b) Prepositions of Time (c) Prepositions of place
JAM session on ‘Social Evils’ on 15th.
Project : (i) Collect pictures of some common insects and make a scrap book and find out what they eat and where they live.
(ii) Work in groups and divide the chart paper into four parts for each of the four seasons, then draw each season in the box.
Maths III
Syllabus: 1. Numbers
Activity: To show four digit numbers on abacus by using thermocal, spikes or waste material.
Syllabus: 2. Addition 3. Subtraction
Activity : To learn about place value and face value using dice.
Syllabus: 4. Multiplication 5. Shapes & Patterns
Activity: To paste different types of geometrical shapes like circle, triangle and square on your scrap file.
Syllabus: 6. Understanding Division
Activity: (a) To understand the concept of division by making the five groups out of thirty students.
(b) To make a model based on different geometrical shapes.
Term : 2
Syllabus: 7. More division 12. Data Handling
Activity : (a) Make pictograph of students of class III in scrap file using symbols.
(b) Symbol represent 4 students.
Syllabus: 8. Fraction 11. Measurement
Activity : Visit a department store and prepare different lists of items measured in Kg, g, l and ml
Syllabus: 9. Money 4. Multiplication
Activity : To learn the transaction of money in everyday life using 5 sets of cancelled notes.
Syllabus: 10. Time 7. More Division
Activity : Days of month like 28, 30, 31 will be given to students and they will design a calendar on their file.
Project: To construct a clock with cardboard.
Syllabus:. 1. My Family 2. We learn in the family.
Activity : 1. Make a family tree and write few lines on your family. OR
Write about good qualities which you learn from your family.
Syllabus: 3. Working for living 4. Let us play
Activity: Make a doll out of waste materials available in your home and write few lines on the ‘My Doll’.
Syllabus: 5. Plant Life 6. Leaves 7. Plants are useful
Activity : 1. Take a pot and grow cactus and money plant in them. Put the pots in your garden or balcony. Water them regularly. Which of these plants needs less water & why? OR
Write the names of ten things in your house that we get from plants.
Syllabus: 8. The worlds of animals. 9.Tiny birds 10. Birds
Activity : 1. Make masks of the animals from the paper plate. OR
Name and draw three animals that you find in or around your house.
Term : 2
Syllabus: 11. Sources of Food 12. Cooking of Food
Activity : Collect different types of grains and spices. Put them in separator small packets and staple them. Paste the packets in your scrap book. Write about them in your scrap file.
Syllabus: 13. Types of Houses 14. Mapping our Neighborhood
Activity : 1. Collect pieces of ice-cream sticks and make a house with them.
Syllabus: 15. Water for life 16. Water for animals & plants 17. Travel Time
Activity : Collect pictures of old and modern vehicles. Paste them in your scrap file. Find atleast four changes that have come from the old vehicles to new vehicles.
Syllabus: 18. Keeping in Touch 19. Pottery 20. Textiles
Activity : Collect pieces of cloth from a tailor’s shop & paste them in your scrapbook and write the name of fabrics.
CLASS III (Ist Language)
पाठ पुस्तिका : परिवेश हिंदी पाठमाला- पाठ 1 और 2 अभ्यास सहित
व्याकरण : अनुच्छेद - मेरा परिचय
गतिविधियाँ : Listening : digi class में रचनात्मक गतिविधियाँ करो I
Speaking skills :- अपने प्रदेश की विशेषताएँ बताएँ I चित्र देखकर पांच वाक्य लिखें I
पाठ पुस्तिका : पाठ 3 और पाठ 4 अभ्यास सहित
व्याकरण : अनुच्छेद :- पानी अमृत है I , पत्र: जन्मदिनर पर मित्र को निमंत्रण पत्र I
गतिविधियाँ : Listening : Digi class में रचनात्मक गतिविधियाँ कीजिए I
Speaking skills :- घर में और विद्यालय में आपको किन-किन कामो को करने के लिए कहा जाता है और किनके लिए मना किया जाता है कक्षा में चर्चा कीजिए I
पाठ पुस्तिका : पाठ 5 , पाठ 6
व्याकरण : कहानी :- झूठ का परिणाम
गतिविधियाँ : Listening : Digi class में रचनात्मक गतिविधियाँ कीजिए सन्देश भेजने के साधनों के नाम स्क्रैप बुक में लिखें और संबंधित चित्र वाक्य बनाये या पेस्ट करें I
Speaking skills :- क्या आपने कभी अपनी गलती मानकर भूल स्वीकार की है I
पाठ पुस्तिका : पाठ 7 , पाठ 8
व्याकरण : अनुच्छेद :- वृक्षों का महत्व , प्रार्थना पत्र :- बीमारी की छुट्टी हेतु मुख्याध्यापिका को पत्र लिखें I
गतिविधियाँ : Listening : Digi class में रचनात्मक गतिविधियाँ तथा चर्चा: हमे हर जगह पर सफाई रखनी चाहिए I
विभिन्न पेड़ों की पत्तियों को इकट्ठा करके अपनी स्क्रैप फाइल में लगाइए और उनके नाम लिखिए I
Speaking skills :- (i) भारत स्वच्छ बनाने के लिए किस प्रकार अपना योगदान दे सकते है
(ii) Show and tell - मेरा प्रिय खिलौना
पाठ पुस्तिका : पाठ 9 , पाठ 10
व्याकरण : अनुच्छेद : मेरा प्रिय खिलौना
गतिविधियाँ : Listening : Digi class में रचनात्मक गतिविधियाँ
Speaking skills :- अलग - अलग फलों के मुखौटे पहनकर एकांकी 'फलों का दरबार' को कक्षा में अभिनीत कीजिये I
स्क्रैप बुक - महानपुरषों की तस्वीरों से कोलाज बनाइए I
पाठ पुस्तिका : पाठ 11 : , पाठ 12
व्याकरण : कहानी : एकता में बल , पत्र : चाचाजी को उपहार के लिए धन्यवाद पत्र I
गतिविधियाँ : (i) Listening digi class (ii) रचनात्मक गतिविधियां
एक आयताकार पेज़ लेकर लिफाफा बनाइए I इस लिफाफे में मित्र या किसी को भी पत्र लिखें व् डाकघर से टिकट खरीदकर पेस्ट करें तथा पत्र को पोस्ट करें I
पाठ पुस्तिका : पाठ 13 , पाठ 14
व्याकरण : कहानी चतुर खरगोश I
गतिविधियाँ : Listening : (i) digi class रचनात्मक गतिविधियां I
(ii) अपने आँगन में चिड़ियों के लिए दान -पानी रखने की व्यवस्था करें I