Annual Business Meeting
May 10, 2016 – 6:00 pm
ASES Cafeteria
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at6:10pm by Julie Preston, President.
Kerry Foster, Sharon Mahoney, Julie Preston, Beth Stefanko, Elizabeth Ford, Priyanka Patel, Claire Fisher, Sarah Ocheltree, Jason Ocheltree, Diane Mattes, Peggy Price, Christi Munson, Heather Sutton, Susan Bishop, Evelyn Oakley, Heather Nghiem, Nikita Liggon, Jaime Smiley, George Lahm, Jessica Dusara
A quorum was established.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes presented from4-5-16. Claire Fisher MOVED to disburse with the reading of the minutes and approve as dispersed. Motion was SECONDEDby Sarah Ocheltree. Motion PASSED
President’s Report
Julie Preston – Teachers received coolers and lunch boxes for Teacher Appreciation Week. The company did not send us the amount promised for all staff. The remaining coolers and lunch boxes will be sent to the school and each staff member will also receive a magazine subscription.
County Council meeting is June 6th at the Tech Center -Transition meeting for new presidents.
Leadership training for incoming officers – July 14 – 16, 2016.
Treasurer’s Report
Priyanka Patel - Annual Budget Report; Teachers must deposit checks by May 15 or they will be voided. We had to order more checks for $240.Kerry Foster MOVED to adopt Treasurer’s Report. Motion was SECONDED byClaire Fisher.Motion PASSED
Committee Reports
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Sharon Mahoney – Gifts were given to the staff each day. Lunch on Friday was provided by Sergio’s. Nikita Liggon coordinated parents to volunteer in each classroom so that teachers could have a 1 hour lunch break.
- School Assemblies
Liz Ford - Monday, June 13 - BOGO Book Fair 5-7 pm; Prismatic Light Show – 7-8 pm; free hot dogs for PTA members
- Sunshine
Kerry Fisher – hasn’t gotten cards out yet; will be done this week
- Carnival
June 3
- Mother/Son Dance
Heather Sutton – flyer is going out tomorrow; decorations are ready; theme is “Under the Sea”
- Nominating Committee
Liz Ford, Diane Massa, Heather Nghiem
Liz Ford, Chair presented
Proposed Leadership Slate:
President - Sarah Ocheltree
1st Vice President – Programs - Claire Fisher
2nd Vice President – Ways and Means - Jennifer Lahm
3rd Vice President – Membership - Kerry Foster
Treasurer - Susan Bishop
New Business: Election
President opened nominations from the floor for the position of President. No Nominations made.
President opened nominations from the floor for the position of 1St VP of Programs. No nominations made. President opened nominations from the floor for the position of 2nd VP of Ways and Means. Nominations made. President opened nominations from the floor for the position of 3rd VP of Membership. No nominations were made. President opened nominations from the floor for the position of Treasurer. No nominations were made. President then closed the floor to nominations and instructed the tellers Evelyn Oakley, and Peggy Price signaling the close of nominations.
Teller Report was as follows:
Candidate / Eligible Votes / Illegal Votes / Yes Vote / No Vote / AbstainSarah Ocheltree / 20 / 1 / 18 / 0 / 1
Claire Fisher / 20 / 1 / 18 / 0 / 1
Jennifer Lahm / 20 / 1 / 18 / 0 / 1
Kerry Foster / 20 / 1 / 18 / 0 / 1
Susan Bishop / 20 / 1 / 18 / 0 / 1
President announced the new officers for the 2016-2018 terms:
Sarah Ocheltree- President
Claire Fisher- 1st VP of Programs
Jennifer Lahm- 2VP of Ways and Means
Kerry Foster-3rd VP of Membership
Susan Stoss Bishop- Treasurer
Principal’s Report–
Dr. Stefanko – Mrs. Russell will not be with us next year. She will be going to Matoaca Middle School as Assistant Principal. Interviews will start next week at central office.
The PTA assisted in the past in purchasing Promethean boards for every K-2 classroom. In the fall, the school purchased 2 Promethean boards for 3-5th grade teachers who did not have them. Four or five teachers are still on the list that would like a Promethean board in their rooms. Dr. Stefanko is asking if the PTA could pay for 2 boards ($1700 each including installation) and the school would pay for 2 boards to be purchased over the summer. We no longer have a Technology line item in the budget.
Priyanka Patel MOVED to defer this decision until the June 14 meeting. Motion was SECONDED by Sarah Ocheltree. MotionPASSED.
Teacher’s Report -
Dr. Stefanko spoke for the teachers: Teachers and staff had a wonderful Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch.
Motion to adjourn byHeather Nghiem; seconded by Diane Mattes. Motion PASSED
Meeting ADJOURNED at6:46 pm.
Submitted by:
Sharon Mahoney, Secretary
Minutes approved as presented: ______
Minutes approved as amended: ______
Date approved: ______