Rising 9th Grade Open House
Sponsored by PTSA
February 10, 2014
6:30 p.m. –7:30 p.m.
Prelude ...... EFHS Orchestra
Call to Order and Welcome ...... Jill Lindstrom, PTSA
Presentation of Colors ...... JROTC
National Anthem ...... Caprice & Madrigals
Principal Welcome...... Patricia Gainey
Guidance Information ...... Angela Hubbard, Director
Information regarding EFHS departments...... EFHS Department Chairs
Closing ...... Jill Lindstrom, PTSA
You are invited to visit the Old Gym and Cafeteria to receive additional information regarding extra-curricular activities, the curriculum and Course of Study. East Forsyth has many opportunities for our rising Eagles. We hope you enjoy your visit!
Special thanks to:
Mrs. Lisa Baril, EFHS Orchestra
LTC McCormick/MSG Dale Hissim, JROTC Cadets
Mr. Roman Brady, Caprice and Madrigals
Ms. Patricia A. Gainey, Principal
Mrs. Angela Hubbard, Director of Guidance
2500 West Mountain Street
Kernersville, NC27284
Main Office703-6735
Office Hours:8:00am – 4:30pm
Guidance Office703-6792
Office Hours:8:00am – 4:30pm
Athletic Office703-6735
Office Hours:Varies/answering machine available
PTSA – Parents organization to provide support of all students, teachers, administrators and staff at East Forsyth. PTSA board meetings are held monthly with general membership meetings held quarterly. All parents, students, staff and friends of EFHS are encouraged to join. Memberships are $5 for adults and $4 for students.
Band Booster Club – Supports the entire band program (Marching, Jazz, Concert) and the Color Guard. Provides funds for additional band personnel and purchasing of equipment and uniforms. Meetings held 2nd Tuesday of the month. Parents of band members and others interested in school band programs are encouraged to join. Marching Band practice begins during the summer break. Contact information: Keith Jones ()
Athletic Booster Club – Supports the athletic program. Provides assistance through fundraising, projects and special events. Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Family memberships are currently $10. All parents of athletes and others interested in school athletic programs are encouraged to join.Contact Information:
A completed physical form, copy of birth certificate, and insurance information must be on file in the athletic office prior to tryouts. Physical forms are available in the athletic and main office.
Fall Sports
Cross Country (Men and Women), Football (JV and Varsity), Soccer (Men – JV and Varsity), Tennis (Women), Volleyball (Women – JV and Varsity)
Basketball (Men and Women – JV and Varsity), Indoor Track (Men and Women), Swimming (Men and Women), Wrestling (JV and Varsity)
Spring Sports
Baseball (JV and Varsity), Golf (Men and Women), Soccer (Women – JV and Varsity), Softball (JV and Varsity), Tennis (Men), Track (Men and Women), Field Hockey (Women), Lacrosse (Men-JV and Varsity; Women-JV and Varsity)
Students are encouraged to participate. Some clubs may require dues (amounts vary).
Academic CompetitionInteract Club
Art ClubInternational Club
Drama ClubJROTC Color Guard/Drill and Riffle Team
Anime ClubJunior Civitans
Black Student AllianceKey Club
FBLA Latin Club
Fellowship of Christian AthletesMarching Band
Flag TeamSpanish Club
French ClubFreshmen Dean’s Council
Future Teachers of AmericaSports Medicine
German ClubYoung Democrats
Gospel ChoirYoung Republicans
Hunter Safety Team ….and many more!
Cheerleading and Eaglette tryouts are scheduled in the Spring. Look for information packets at your middle school in April.
August 1, 2014Fall sports try-outs begin.
First Week of August 2014High School Open House
(Date and time TBA)(Information will be mailed in July regarding the 9th Grade Open House. The 9th Grade Open House is intended for students to become familiar with their surroundings by allowing them to report to each class following their schedule.)
August 25, 2014First Day for Students