Announcing the PRCUA Final Expense Program!

The Polish Roman Catholic Union of America is proud to announce the addition of the Final Expense Program to our portfolio of life insurance products!

With average funeral costs ranging from $7,000 to over $13,000, this family planning tool is designed to meet the need created when a loved one is lost. Although we have no control over when our life will end, we can put a plan in place now to cover final expenses and provide a feeling of comfort and peace you and your family deserve.


-Final Expense Plus- dividend participating

-Final Expense- non-dividend participating


·  Coverage of funeral expenses, medical bills, debt and other obligations

·  Cash value accumulation

·  Cash liquidity

·  Benefits of up to $25,000 in tax-free funds*

·  NO physical exam required (Acceptance based on 3 short health questions)**

·  Premiums NEVER INCREASE and benefits NEVER DECREASE

·  Available in Single Premium and 5-Year Limited Pay plans (based on age)

Individuals between the ages of 50-75 are eligible for $2,500 to $25,000 in benefits.

Those between the ages of 76 and 85 are eligible for benefits ranging from $2,500 to $15,000.

No prior health issues will automatically disqualify you from receiving coverage.

Sample Rates for Non-Smoker, Female, Final Expense Plus (figures rounded)

Age / Amount Insurance / Single Premium / 5-Year Pay
60 / $25,000 / $12,209 / $3,413
70 / $25,000 / $16,659 / $4,526
80 / $15,000 / $12,540 / N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

·  Do the PRCUA Final Expense plans have a waiting period or limited benefits, or are full benefits provided instantly?

Once your application is approved, your beneficiary(ies) are entitled to the full death benefit immediately.

·  Who is allowed to receive the death benefit of my certificate?

Generally, you select a primary beneficiary or beneficiaries like a relative, spouse, someone with a vested interest in you (like a business partner), a charity, etc. State laws may limit whether a funeral home can be named a beneficiary – ask your State’s Insurance department.

Additionally, you can select a contingent beneficiary(ies) in the event the primary beneficiary is no longer available.

·  Can PRCUA cancel my coverage if I get sick after I’m already accepted/covered?

A change in your health will not cancel your life insurance coverage.

However, you must take note of when your premiums are due and pay on time in order to keep your coverage if still in the payment stage.

Alternatively, if you intentionally omit information at the time of application about a current condition that may have had an impact on our underwriting decision, it is possible for PRCUA to void the insurance coverage.

·  Once I’m insured, will my premiums ever change on my Final Expense plan?

No. The premiums are level. They will stay the same until you finish paying for your coverage. Additionally, the death benefit will never decrease over the life of the certificate and may even increase if you purchase the Final Expense Plus product.

·  Can I cash in my certificate at any time?

Yes. You are free to cash in your certificate at any time, as long as your certificate is in force at the time of the cash disbursement request.

·  What is the application process like for the Final Expense program?

There is a simple, short application that must be completed. A possible follow-up phone interview may occur in the event something on the application was missed or needs clarification.

·  Are the proceeds paid tax-free?

Yes. One of the attractive features of the Final Expense plans is that proceeds are paid promptly (within 24-48 hours within receipt of necessary documents) and are generally tax-free to beneficiaries.

For more information about the Final Expense program or any other life insurance products, contact the PRCUA Home Office toll free: 1.800.772.8632 or e-mail: .

*For more information, contact a tax professional.

**All applications subject to underwriting.