Annie L. Gaetz Parent Council

October 17, 2017

In attendance: Larry Hartel (principal), Deanne Good (Vice-Principal), Kent Wirtanen (Grade 5), Danielle Woods, Josie Jackson, Nicole Cowan, Jessica Schurman, REnee Fiske, Sarah Boettcher, Karen Underschultz

Call to Order

Danielle Woods called the meeting to order at 7:04

Sarah Boettcher approved September 2017 minutes

Chair Report

-special thanks to everyone who came out and volunteered for the book fair and supported our book fair. We were able to put $2000 worth of books back into our library.

Halloween Dance

-Renee Fiske has hired the DJ, and put together 300 goodie bags for the Halloween dance. -Larry has booked our own gym through central booking services.

-Please remember to remove framed artwork from the hallway prior to dance.

-Dance preparation will start at 1:00 pm that afternoon.

-ALG will be looking for parent supervisors for the evening of the dance.

-DJ typically will need to setup 1-2 hours prior to the dance.

Book Donation Bins

-Parent Council will put out a rubbermaid bin and collect books for our classroom teachers who are looking to build their classroom libraries. Remaining books will be donated to our fllow RDPSD schools.

-November 13 start date

Parking Reminders

-Please be aware of the new parking regulations at the back of our school.

-Signs will say “No stopping”, and bylaw department will be issuing tickets for parents who stop to drop their students off in that spot.

Big Box of Cards

-Karen Underschultz lovingly motions that we do the big box of cards fundraiser this year, Sarah Boettcher seconded the motion.

-Karen Underschltz volunteered to oversee the fundraiser

Parkland Nurseries Poinsettia Fundraiser

-Poinsettias are quite expensive.

-We will not be doing this fundraiser this year.

Picture Re-takes

-November 6th

-We are looking for 2 volunteers to help oversee at the school.

Treasurer Report

-Over $1600.00 made in our first hot lunch order.

-make under $2000 profit for Admazing.

- We have $15,000 in our chequing account and $1,600 in our casio account.

Staff Representatives

-Mr.Wirtanen (grade 5)

-Check out the classroom Blog (its awesome!)

-He LOVES our hot lunch! Loves the way eveything is run and is the smoothest hot lunch program he has been a part of.

-LA - just started our literacy blocks. Extension group with Larry, and pull out program with some struggling readers. Going well and loves to have the chance to sit with kids and read.

-Math- currently working on Number Sense. Working on basic facts.

-Science-working on critical thinking and Chemistry. Really wants to push kids.

-Social Studies-

-Coding Activities - using a program called SCRATCH, and create some games and create and attend a “coding fair” in the Spring of 2018. Kids are really enjoying it, and have easily caught on. Looking at tying the coding into Literacy activities. Deanne gave an awesome presentation about the Lego coding and sphero ball.

-PE- working Tennis

-Art-Working on sketching and recently completed water color zebras.

Principal Report

-RDPSD digital literacy (website). There are a few concerns across the division about digital literacy. Teachers are being asked to teach 1 digital literacy lesson a month, lessons have been created for teachers. District wide push. Possibility of having Stephen Pottage come in to do a parent evening. (Danielle, Josie and Larry will pick a date)

-If we are looking to make donations - please consider looking at the “Equity of All Student” - step up website.

-Our online parent teacher interview website can be used to sign up/ask for volunteers.

-Larry/Deanne borrowed a pedal desk from Don Campbell (retails for about $700). Larry found one on Amazon for $200-$300.

-School Council is still willing to pay for the cost of “Don’t walk in the hallway” kit. Larry and Deanne may try and chat with the ALG staff and see if they are open to having the initiative in our school.

-CIF teacher has been hired. Mrs. Trefenco has been hired Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and Friday morning in Literacy and Numeracy, working with kids in small groups to trying to get kids to be working at grade level.

-Our school budget is VERY tight this year.

-CIF funding is a fund based on the number of kids in our school division and our school. This is a one time only fund.


Hot Lunch - Going great! Danielle has proposed that we think about offering a free hot lunch to volunteers children (putting everyone’s name in a draw). Nicole thinks that that may fall under “paying” people to volunteer and we may want to check our bylaws to see if that is allowed. Josie is going to look at bylaws. Hot Dogs will need volunteer. November 3rd there are Tours of Don Campbell. Next meeting November 14th @HHHS

City Wide - Jessica, Sarah, Danielle, Karen & Josie attended the “Meet the Candidate” evening held at Don Campbell on Tuesday October 10th. It was a wonderful and informative evening. really appreciate RDPSD putting it on, and

Social -

Fundraising -

Snack Shack - Lots of great communication between the parents who have stepped up to transition to taking over snack Shack. Thank you so much to Connie, Paige, Nicole,and Carly & Caitlyn. Danielle is wondering if we could have a petty cash agreement. Danielle will talk to with Tania Smith about this.

New Business

-Donating $500 worth of books to 2 different schools. We had a wonderful book fair and are looking to donate some of our scholastic money to two different schools.

-Halloween Dance- see above

Danielle adjourned meeting at 8:53pm

Annie L. Gaetz Parent Association

October 17, 2017

In attendance: Larry Hartel (principal), Deanne Good (Vice-Principal), Kent Wirtanen (Grade 5), Danielle Woods, Josie Jackson, Nicole Cowan, Jessica Schurman, Renee Fiske, Sarah Boettcher, Karen Underschultz, Waneta Usher

Josie Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:55 pm

Jessica Schurman approved the agenda.

Motion from Karen Underschultz to approve up to $550.00 for the Halloween dance. Seconded by Sarah Boettcher. Motion carried.

Motion from Sarah Boettcher that we donate $1000.00 scholastic money/books to two RDPSD “sister” schools in need of building their school libraries. Seconded by Jessica Schurman. Motion carried.

Larry will check with Senior RDPSD administration to identify schools in need.

Danielle Woods adjourned meeting at 9:20pm