ANNEX I to the Draft Report on the 2010 European Baccalaureate (2010-D-19-En)

ANNEX I to the Draft Report on the 2010 European Baccalaureate (2010-D-19-En)

ANNEX I to the Draft Report on the 2010 European Baccalaureate (2010-D-19-en)


► Chairman for the 2010 session: Professor Martina KRIŽAJ ORTAR

Freelance Researcher and Professor of Slovenian Language and Didactics

Accompanying the Chairman: Mrs M. POZNANOVIČ-JEZERSEK

Programme of visits of the Chairman:

MON / 31/5 / 8.30 -12.00 / Munich (L1: 122)
TUES / 1/6 / 8.30 -12.00 / Frankfurt (ECON: 25)
MON / 14/6 / 8.30 -18.00 / Brussels (meetings)
TUES / 15/6 / 8.30 -14.00 / Brussels I (corrections)
MON / 21/6 / 8.30 -12.00
13.00 -18.00 / Brussels I
Brussels II
TUES / 22/6 / 8.30 -16.00 / Brussels III
WED / 30/6 / 8.30 -17.00 / Alicante / Second part of the orals
THURS / 1/7 / 8.30 -13.00 / Alicante / Observation of the examinations
FRI / 2/7 / 8.30 -12.00 / Brussels I
FRI / 2/7 / evening / Brussels I
SAT / 3/7 / evening / Luxembourg

The Vice-Chairmen for the 2010 session

► Alicante School / Mr Sexauer
► Bergen School / Mrs Huisman & Mr Ensing
► Brussels I School / Mrs Handzelová, Mr Leszczynski & Mr Costeas
► Brussels II School / Mr Damkjaer, Mrs Valiuškevičiené & Mrs Soomlais
► Brussels III School / Mrs Bílkovská & Mrs Eckerstofer
► Culham School / Mrs Juhnēviča
► Frankfurt School / Mrs Nilsson
► Karlsruhe School / Mr Soler & Mrs Nyírö
► Luxembourg School / Mrs Coelho, Mrs Sofronieva & Mrs Jimenez Guerrero
► Mol School / Mr Brzakala & Mr Ricciardelli
► Munich School / Mr Agius Muscat
► Varese School / Mr Caffrey
► Scuola per l’Europa di Parma / Mrs Wareing

Quality Control of the organisation of the 2010 Baccalaureate written examinations

At its December 2009 meeting, the Board of Governors decided that each school would be an examination centre, for which the Director would have full responsibility. A structure for quality control of the organisation of the Baccalaureate would be put in place annually on a proposal from the General Secretariat, prepared by the Baccalaureate Unit, and approved by the Board of Inspectors (Secondary).

At its meeting of 14, 15 and 16 April 2010, the Board of Governors approved the distribution of the Inspectors appearing in the above table and determined as follows the arrangements for the Vice-Chairmen’s presence in the Schools, in order to evaluate the quality of the organisation of the written and oral examinations.

Written examinations

Whilst the written examinations were in progress, each School would be visited by an Inspector for a maximum of one or two days.

Should more than one Inspector have been designated to act jointly as Vice-Chairmen in any one School, the Inspectors designated for this School would decide amongst themselves which of them would visit the School in question. The Inspectors would report back to the Secretary-General on the organisation of the written examinations, either by using the checklist proposed by the General Secretariat or by presenting a report on the subject. Those checklists and reports appear on the pages which follow.

Oral examinations

Should a single Inspector be designated as Vice-Chairman for a School, he/she would be present on the last two days of the oral examinations. He/She would chair the deliberation and would, if he/she so wished, attend the proclamation of the results ceremony.

Where several Inspectors were designated as Vice-Chairmen in any one School, each of them might visit the School for two days whilst the oral examinations were in progress according to a timetable which they would draw up amongst themselves, bearing in mind that one Inspector would need to be present on the last two days of the oral examinations in order to chair the deliberations and, if he/she so wished, to attend the proclamation of the results ceremony.

The Inspectors would also report back to the Secretary-General and to the oral examinations Working Group on the conduct of the oral examinations, by completing the ad hoc questionnaire.

Inspectors’ availability during the written examinations

The Inspector responsible for a subject must be contactable by telephone or by email on the day of the written examination in that subject. Any question coming from the Schools and concerning the examination must be referred to the Baccalaureate Unit, which was charged with contacting the Inspectors or the Chairman of the Baccalaureate and with subsequently circulating instructions to the Schools.

This year was a transition year which would allow the Office to evaluate the conduct of the examinations according to the new provisions regarding the Inspectors’ presence adopted by the Board of Governors at its December 2009 meeting. The results of this evaluation will be taken into consideration for possible revision of the system of quality control of the organisation of the written and oral examinations put in place for 2010.

Mrs Preoteasa, Mrs Kalogridou and Mr Reuland all notified the Office that they would be unable to hold the office of Vice-Chairman because of responsibilities in their respective countries.

As Mr Agius Muscat was unable to chair the deliberation at the European School, Munich, to which he had been designated as Vice-Chairman, he was replaced by Mrs Bilkovska.

Mr Sexauer suffered health problems, which meant that he was unable to hold the office of Vice-Chairman at the European School, Alicante during the deliberation, and he was replaced by Mrs Valiuškevičienė.
