Template of Project fiche for IPA National programmes /
Component I – centralised and decentralised management

How to adapt the template of the Project fiche:

This is the standard template for the Project fiche - centralised and decentralised management. The text and structure should not be modified.

The phrases within [ ] should only be included if appropriate.

Text in italics is guidance to fill the appropriate sections and should not be included in the final draft. Please remember to delete this paragraph, any other text in italics and all the brackets in the final version.

Annex 16 — Template of Project fiche for IPA programmes / component I – centralised and decentralised management



Project Fiche – IPA National programmes / Component I

(Maximum 12/15 pages without the annexes /1500 characters no space per page)

1  Identification

Project Title / Short title of the project
CRIS Decision number
Project no. / Sequence numbering according to the National programme
MIPD Sector Code
The numbering is for the sake of EU statistics and does not need to correspond with the numbering in the beneficiary MIPD / Select from the list below the sector(s) to which the project belongs:
1. Public Administration Reform
2. Justice and Home Affairs
3. Private Sector Development
4. Transport
5. Energy
6. Environment and Climate Change
7. Social Development
8. Agriculture and rural development
9. Support and other activities
ELARG Statistical code / See IPA programming guide par 7.7
DAC Sector code / See CRIS DAC Form
Total cost
(VAT excluded)[1] / Overall costs including other contributions (amount of EU contribution + amount of other contributions).
EU contribution
Management mode / Centralised/centralised indirect/joint/decentralised
Centralised mngmt:
EU Delegation in charge
Decentralised mngmt:
Responsible Unit or National Authority/Implementing Agency / Enter here the EU Delegation or HQ Unit or Beneficiary country authority in charge of implementation of the project.
For decentralised programmes: details of Central Finance and Contracting Unit (CFCU) and Programme Authorising Officer (PAO)
Implementation management / Who is in charge of management of intervention(s) to be implemented?
In case of decentralised management, include also the name of the SPO (Senior Programming Officer)
Implementing modality / Stand alone project, …
Project implementation type / See CRIS DAC Form
Zone benefiting from the action(s) / Indicate the region(s) concerned by the action(s) (if appropriate)

2  Rationale

2.1  Project context: issues to be tackled and needs addressed

Briefly describe the context key problems/needs which are currently faced by the project beneficiaries (as identified in the MIPD) and how the project will help to resolve these.

2.2  Link with MIPD and National Sector Strategies

Quote the MIPD priority(ies) that the project addresses and in a short paragraph describe how the project helps meet the objective(s) of the MIPD and its link to MIPD sector objectives.

Briefly describe the link with the relevant national sector strategies, including National Development Plan and National Plan for the Adoption of the Acquis (where applicable). If there is no relevant sector strategy, explain if the project contributes to develop one or provide an explanation of why a sectoral frame is less important in this specific case.

2.3  Link with Accession Partnership (AP) / European Partnership (EP) / Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) / Annual Progress Report

Where relevant, briefly quote and describe what Accession Partnership (AP) / European Partnership (EP) / Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) or Annual Progress Report priority(ies) the project will address. How will the project contribute to national plans and EU integration?

If the priority is important for the accession negotiation process, include references to opening or closing benchmarks for negotiation chapters.

When relevant, state the link between the project and the EU internal policies, i.e. the contribution to the EUROPE 2020 Strategy.

2.4  Problem Analysis

Further describe the main problems the proposed project will address and support. Identify who are the stakeholders most affected by the problem and what institutional and organisational issues should be addressed.

2.5  Linked activities and donor coordination

Provide an overview of previous and ongoing actions financed by EU, other donors (bilateral-multilateral) and national governments. In particular, provide information on:

§  the link between the project and the other activities in the same sector or field;

§  the link to any activities financed from the national budget;

§  the results achieved by other projects.

2.6  Lessons learned

Describe problems/issues encountered in previous projects in the same field and how they can be avoided. If any evaluation has taken place, please describe key recommendations and follow-up.

3  Description

3.1  Overall objective of the project

Describe the overall purpose and objective of the project. In particular, bearing in mind that the overall objective will not be achieved by the project alone, explain why the project is important for the country and what concrete public benefits it will bring.

For projects that are specifically designed to plug gaps / deliver a specific acquis related outcome, describe the purpose and the principal benefit related to the country's preparation for EU accession.

Objectively verifiable indicators for the overall objective shall be included in the log frame. Indicators at this level are likely to be found outside the project, for example using national statistics.

3.2  Specific objective(s) of the project

(The specific project objective(s) is(are) the single or central objective(s) of the project. The project objective(s) can be derived from the problem the project is trying to address.)

What is(are) the specific project objective(s) which if achieved will provide a solution to: the problem encountered in the MIPD sector; and/or to a gap that needs to be filled relevant to the beneficiaries preparation for EU accession; or to another priority identified in the MIPD?

The project purpose/objective(s) should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). Objectives and related measurable indicators, along with assumptions that may affect the overall progress of the project, shall be included in the log frame. If the project objective(s) is(are) met, then it will make a contribution to the overall objective.

Note that main results and underlying activities proposed to achieve the project objective(s) should be described under items 3.3 and 3.4.

3.3  Results

List the main anticipated results.

It will be important to be able to measure the results, therefore objective verifiable indicators, along with assumptions that may affect their progress during the life of the project, shall be included in the log frame. If the results are achieved then the project objective will be met.

3.4  Main activities

List the main activities, include details on the means/contracts to deliver them, e.g. provision of grants, services, personnel, works, and contracts to be deployed in relation to these. Where applicable, include national-funded contracts linked to the activity as well as identification of source of co-financing funding and its availability. The activities use means/contracts and if the assumptions (such as co-financing and linked activities) are correct, they will achieve results.

3.5  Assessment of project impact, catalytic effect and cross border impact (where applicable)

Describe how the immediate impacts of the project will contribute to intermediate impacts which may be defined in MIPD priorities or in MIPD sector objectives.

Mention any additional benefits or positive spill-over effect that it may bring for other beneficiaries and stakeholders or cross-border effects.

3.6  Sustainability

Describe how the expected results will be sustainable in the long term. Illustrate commitments or resources to be provided by the beneficiary to make results sustainable, including possible human and financial resources required and provided for the maintenance of results once the project is completed.

3.7  Assumptions and pre-conditions[2]

Identify the main risks and list the mitigating measures.

Indicate any pre–condition to be met.

Provide a list of preparatory activities/studies, contracts and implementation milestones.

4  Implementation issues

In the light of the activities/means/contracts indicated in section 3.4, provide information on the management mode(s) and any delegated partners.

4.1  Indicative budget

Annex 16 — Template of Project fiche for IPA programmes / component I – centralised and decentralised management



Indicative Project budget (amounts in EUR) (for decentralised management)

(1) / INV
(1) / EUR
(a)=(b)+(e) / EUR
(b)=(c)+(d) / EUR
(c) / % (2) / Total
(d)=(x)+(y)+(z) / %
(2) / Central
(x) / Regional/Local
(y) / IFIs
(z) / EUR
(e) / %
Activity 1
Contract 1.1 / – / – / –
Contract 1.2 / – / – / –
Activity 2
Contract 2.1 / – / – / –
Contract 2.2 / – / – / –


Amounts net of VAT

(1) In the Activity row, use "X" to identify whether IB or INV

(2) Expressed in % of the Public Expenditure (column (b))

(3) Expressed in % of the Total Expenditure (column (a))

Indicative Project budget (amounts in EUR) (for centralised management)

(1) / INV
(1) / EUR
(a)=(b)+(c)+(d) / EUR
(b) / % (2) / Total
(c)=(x)+(y)+(z) / % (2) / Central
(x) / Regional/Local
(y) / IFIs
(z) / EUR
(d) / % (2)
Activity 1
contract 1.1 / – / – / –
contract 1.2 / – / – / –
Activity 2
contract 2.1 / – / – / –
contract 2.2 / – / – / –


Amounts net of VAT

(1) In the Activity row, use "X" to identify whether IB or INV

(2) Expressed in % of the Total Expenditure (column (a)

Annex 16 — Template of Project fiche for IPA programmes / component I – centralised and decentralised management



4.2  Indicative Implementation Schedule (periods broken down by quarter)

Dates indicated in the schedule cannot go beyond the contracting and execution deadlines in the financing proposal

Contracts / Start of Tendering/ Call for proposals / Signature of contract / Project Completion
Contract 1.1
Contract 1.2
Contract 2.1

All activities should in principle be ready for tendering in the 1ST Quarter following the signature of the FA.

Describe by whom and how the procurement/grant award dossiers (technical specifications, terms of reference, guidelines for applicants, etc.) will be prepared, whether external preparatory studies or expertise is needed and what is the status of recruiting such external experts and plan for preparations of the procurement/grant award dossiers so that the tenders can be launched as soon as the FA is concluded.

If necessary, explain the sequencing of the project activities / contracts.

4.3  Cross cutting issues

4.3.1  Equal Opportunities and non discrimination

Describe how the project takes account of gender aspects during design and implementation phase.

4.3.2  Environment and climate change

Describe how environmental considerations have been integrated in the project design.

4.3.3  Minorities and vulnerable groups

Describe how the project takes account of people belonging to minorities/vulnerable groups and if their involvement is facilitated.

4.3.4  Civil Society/Stakeholders involvement

Indicate what measures have been taken to associate civil society and other relevant stakeholders in the design and implementation of the project.


Documents to be annexed to the Project fiche

1.  Log frame

2.  Description of Institutional Framework

(Including composition of the project Steering Committee, Sector Monitoring Sub-Committees, and sectoral working group)

3.  Reference list of relevant laws and regulations only where relevant

4.  Details per EU funded contract(*) where applicable:

For TA contracts: outputs expected from the contractor and indicative budget breakdown.

For twinning contracts: main components and activities foreseen, indicative budget breakdown, profile of the MS project leader, resident twinning advisor and key short term experts as well as name and position of the project leader of the BC.

For grants schemes: components of the scheme, eligible target group and activities (in case of direct grants, justification for selection of grant beneficiary without call for proposal).

For supply contracts: reference to feasibility study as well as indicative list of items, cost estimate, intended beneficiary, indication on how detailed technical specifications will be prepared, provisions for maintenance + section to be filled in on assets' ownership(**).

For works contracts: reference to feasibility study for the construction works, identification of the site, indicative list of works to be completed and cost estimate, indication on how technical specifications will be prepared, provisions for maintenance and information on assets' ownership(**); account of services to be carried out for the service part of the contract.

Please note that feasibility study is a pre-requisite when works and supply contracts are proposed.

For each activity, describe format and co-financing plan.

(*) Non standard aspects (in case of derogation to PRAG) also to be specified.

(**) Assets' ownership, maintenance plans (applicable to all supply and works contracts):

·  Ownership of assets (current and after project completion)

·  Maintenance plans

·  Describe any co-financing arrangement how this will be implemented and by when

5. Project visibility activities

Annex 16 — Template of Project fiche for IPA programmes / component I – centralised and decentralised management



ANNEX 1: Logical framework matrix in standard format

LOGFRAME PLANNING MATRIX FOR Project Fiche / Project title and number
Contracting period expires / Execution period expires
Total budget / :
IPA budget:
Overall objective / Objectively verifiable indicators (OVI) / Sources of Verification
Specific objective / Objectively verifiable indicators (OVI) / Sources of Verification / Assumptions
Results / Objectively verifiable indicators (OVI) / Sources of Verification / Assumptions
Activities to achieve results / Means / contracts / Costs / Assumptions

Annex 16 — Template of Project fiche for IPA programmes / component I – centralised and decentralised management