Power Standards Laboratory

980 Atlantic Dr #100

Alameda, CA94501USA

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IEC 61000-4-30 Ed 3.0 Annex

Using test procedures per IEC 62586-2

Information required from Client before testing

Manual(s) and specifications in English

Basic Equipment Under Test Information:

EUT Manufacturer:

EUT Model:

EUT Serial Number(s):

EUT Firmware/Software Version:

List of accessories required for 4-30 compliance:

Parameter / Test This parameter?* / Expected Class?
Power frequency / Yes / No / A / S
Magnitude of Supply / Yes / No / A / S
Flicker / Yes / No / A / S
Supply Dips/Swells/Interruptions / Yes / No / A / S
Supply voltage unbalance / Yes / No / A / S
Voltage harmonics / Yes / No / A / S
Voltage interharmonics / Yes / No / A / S
Mains signaling / Yes / No / A / S
Under- and over-deviation / Yes / No / A / S
Flagging / Yes / No / A / S
Clock uncertainty / Yes / No / A / S
External influence / Yes / No / A / S
Rapid voltage change / Yes / No / A / S
Current magnitude / Yes / No / A / S
Current harmonics / Yes / No / A / S
Current interharmonics / Yes / No / A / S
Current unbalance / Yes / No / A / S

*All parameters must be successfully evaluated before issuance of PQI-A or PQI-S certificate.

6.1 Power Frequency Measurements

1. On the user interface, where do we find the 10-second power frequency reading, with timestamps?

2. On the user interface, is the frequency reading updated at each RTC 10-second tick?This is required for testing and certification.

3. Which channel is the frequency measurement made on?

4. On the user interface, how do we determine which frequency measurements have been flagged?

5. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for frequency? Page(s) of manual?

6.2 Magnitude of the Supply Voltage

1. On the user interface or factory-only interface, where do we find the 10/12 cycle RMS reading foreach input channel with timestamps? IEC 62586-2 testing requires up to 20 minutes of data.

2. On the user interface or factory-only interface, where do we find the 150/180 cycle RMS reading for each input channel with timestamps? IEC 62586-2 testing requires up to 20 minutes of data.

3. On the user interface, where do we find the 10-minute, and 2-houraggregated values with timestamps for magnitude of the supply voltage for each channel, per6.2.4?

4. On the user interface, how do we determine which magnitude of the supplyvoltage measurements have been flagged?

5. Are the measurements resynchronized at each RTC 10-minute tick?

6. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for Magnitude of the Supplyvoltage? Page(s) of manual?

6.3 Flicker

1. On the user interface, where do we find the real-time Pinst reading?

2. On the user interface, where do we find the historical Pst and Plt values with timestamps?

2. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for Flicker? Page(s) of manual?

3. On the user interface, how do we set the flicker lamp voltage?

4. On the user interface, how do we determine which flicker Pst and Plt measurements havebeen flagged?

6.4 Supply voltage dips, swells, and interruptions

1. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the timestamp, depth and duration ofa voltage dip or a voltage swell?

2. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the timestamp and duration of an interruption?

3. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the timestamp, depth and duration of a polyphase event?

4. Please verify that the basic measurement is 1-cycle RMS, updated every ½cycle, synchronized to zero-crossings independently on each channel.

5. On the user interface, how do we set the dip threshold, swell threshold, interruption threshold, andhysteresis?

6. Does the EUT include a sliding reference, which is optional? If so, how do

we configure it from the user interface?

7. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for depth and duration? Page(s) of manual?

6.5Supply voltage unbalance

1. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the negative-sequenceunbalance ratio u2 , per 6.5.2, based on 10/12 cycle data?

2. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the zero-sequenceunbalance ratio u0 , per 6.5.2, based on 10/12 cycle data?

3. On the user interface, are these unbalance readings updated every 10/12 cycles and 150/180 cycles?20 minute recordings are required for testing and certification.

4. On the user interface, where do we find the 10-minute, and 2-houraggregated values with timestamps for both supply voltage unbalances?

5. On the user interface, how do we determine which unbalance measurementshave been flagged?

6. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for both of the unbalancemeasurements? Page(s) of manual?

6.6 Voltage harmonics

1. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the amplitude of eachharmonic up to the 50th?

2. On the user interface or factory-only interface, where do we immediately find the 10/12 cycle value of each harmonic up to the 50th? IEC 62586-2 testing requires up to 20 minutes of data.

3. What is the sampling rate of your instrument?

4. Please verify that there is an appropriate anti-aliasing filter, per 61000-4-7 5.3 paragraph 2. Page(s) of manual?

5. Please verify that the sampling PLL, or equivalent, can maintain phase lock when the frequency slews between 0.5 to 2 Hz per second.

6. On the user interface, where do we find the 150/180 cycle, 10-minute, and 2-houraggregated values with timestamps for each harmonic, per 6.6.4?

7. On the user interface, how do we determine which aggregated harmonicmeasurements have been flagged?

8. Are the measurements resynchronized at each RTC 10-minute tick?

9. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)?

10. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for the harmonicmeasurements? Page(s) of manual?

11. What are the operating conditions and potential errors caused by the influencefactors listed in 61000-4-7 Section 8?

6.7 Voltage interharmonics

1. How many simultaneous interharmonics can be monitored in the user interface?

2. How do we set which interharmonics are monitored?

3. On the user interface or factory-only interface, where do we immediately find the 10/12 cycle value of each interharmonic up to the 50th? IEC 62586-2 testing requires up to 20 minutes of data.

4. On the user interface, where do we find the 150/180 cycle, 10-minute, and 2-houraggregated values for each monitored interharmonic, per 6.7?

5. Are the measurements resynchronized at each RTC 10-minute tick?

6. On the user interface, how do we determine which aggregated harmonicmeasurements have been flagged?

7. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for the interharmonicmeasurements? Page(s) of manual?

6.8 Mains signaling voltage on the supply

1. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the mains signaling voltage


2. How do we set the mains signaling carrier frequency? What is the maximum carrier frequency we can specify?

3. How do we set the mains signaling detection threshold?What is the minimum detection threshold we can specify?

4. On the user interface, how do we know when a signal exceeds the detection threshold?

5. How do we set the mains signaling recording interval?What is the maximum recording period we can specify?

6. Please specify which mains signaling measurement method you are using (method 1, method 2, or both).

7. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for the mains signalingmeasurements? Page(s) of manual?

6.9 Under- and Over-deviation parameters (optional)

1. On the user interface, where do we find the Urms-under, Uunder, Urms-over and Uoverreadings?

2. On the user interface, are the under- and over-deviation readings updated every10/12 cycles? This is required for testing and certification.

3. On the user interface, where do we find the 150/180 cycle, 10-minute, and 2-houraggregated values for all under- and over-deviation values?

4. On the user interface, how do we determine which under- and over-deviationmeasurements have been flagged?


1. On the user interface, how do we determine measurements have been flagged appropriately?

2. Please verify that all aggregations (10/12 cycle, 150/180 cycle, 10 minute, and 2 hour, and 10-second frequency) are flagged.

6.11Clock Uncertainty Testing

1. On the user interface, where do we find the indicator that EUT is synchronized toan absolute clock?

2. How do we configure the EUT to synchronize to an absolute clock?

3. Please verify that EUT can maintain ±20 milliseconds for an indefinitely longperiod. Please identify all accessories, cables, options, antennas, etc. that arenecessary to meet this requirement (typically GPS).

4. Please verify that the time clock can maintain 1-second of drift or less, 24 hours after removing the time synchronization signal.

5. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for the time clock? Page(s) of manual?

6.12Variations due to external influence quantities

1. What is the minimum and maximum rated temperature for your instrument?

2. Which temperature is the worst-case among the range of 0 – 45°C?

3. What is the minimum and maximum voltage of your instrument’s power supply?

6.13 Rapid Voltage Changes (RVC)

1. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the ∆Umax, ∆Uss, timestamp, and duration of an RVC event?

2. Please verify that the basic measurement is 1-cycle RMS, updated every ½

cycle, synchronized to zero-crossings independently on each channel.

3. On the user interface, how do we set the RVC threshold and hysteresis?

4. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for RVC ∆Umax, ∆Uss, and duration? Page(s) of manual?

6.14Current Magnitude

1. On the user interface, where do we find the 10/12 cycle RMS reading, for

each input channel?

2. On the user or factory-only interface, is the magnitude reading updated every 10/12 cycles and 150/180 cycles? 20 minute recordings are required for testing and certification.

3. On the user interface, where do we find the 10-minute, and 2-hour

aggregated values with timestamps for current magnitude for each channel?

4. On the user interface, how do we determine which current magnitude measurements have been flagged?

5. On user interface, where do we find the time-stamps for 10-minute and 2-hour

aggregated values?

6. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for current magnitude? Page(s) of manual?

6.15Current Harmonics

1. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the amplitude of each current harmonic up to the 50th?

2. Please verify that these values are based on 10/12 cycle data, and that thevalues on the user interface are updated every 10/12 cycles.

3. On the user interface, where do we find the 150/180 cycle, 10-minute, and 2-houraggregated values for each current harmonic, per 6.6.4?

4. On the user interface, how do we determine which aggregated harmonicmeasurements have been flagged?

5. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for the current harmonicmeasurements? Page(s) of manual?

6.16Current Interharmonics

1. How many simultaneous current interharmonics can be monitored in the user interface?

2. How do we set which current interharmonics are monitored?

3. On the user interface, are these current interharmonic readings updated every 10/12 cycles and 150/180 cycles? 20 minute recordings are required for testing and certification.

4. On the user interface, where do we find the 150/180 cycle, 10-minute, and 2-hour

aggregated values for each monitored current interharmonic?

5. To verify the implementation of Cisg,n, where do we find the value of the nth interharmonic group?

6. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for the current interharmonic measurements? Page(s) of manual?

6.17Current Unbalance

1. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the negative-sequence current unbalance ratio u2, based on 10/12 cycle data?

2. On the user interface, where do we immediately find the zero-sequence current unbalance ratio u0, based on 10/12 cycle data?

3. On the user interface, are these current unbalance readings updated every 10/12 cycles and 150/180 cycles?20 minute recordings are required for testing and certification.

4. On the user interface, where do we find the 10-minute, and 2-houraggregated values for both current unbalances?

5. On the user interface, how do we determine which current unbalance measurementshave been flagged?

6. In your instrument’s documentation, where are the accuracy and range specifications for both of the current unbalance measurements? Page(s) of manual?