Annandale & Eskdale Locality

Health & Social Care Integration

Locality Plan Group Meeting

Thursday 30th April 2015

2.30pm – 4.30pm, Locality Offices, Lockerbie

Meeting Notes

1)  Welcome & Apologies


Neil Kelly, Lead GP

Lydia Burnett, Supporting GP Practices

Hazel Hamilton, Senior Charge Nurse

Mark Sindall, Improvement & Innovation Manager

Jeanette Barnes, Supporting People Manager, DGHP

Robyn Langton, HSCI Programme Support Officer

Paula Moreira, HSCI Senior Workforce

Ingrid Wilson, Senior Workforce Partner A&E

Mark Philips, GP

Jim Gatherum, Independent Sector


Jill Osborne, Jimmy Marshall, Jamie Fergusson, Catherine Withington, Helen Brown

2)  Key messages from the engagement sessions so far

Ann has done some work around this and will be collecting more information from Elaine as the engagement progresses.

3)  Matters Arising

Previous notes agreed as accurate.

4)  Locality Plan Update – Ann Stephenson

Ann highlighted the recent publication of the Core Suite of Indicators: Health Care experience results to identify if data is specific to Annandale & Eskdale.

Ann presented the Locality Plan progress to date to the group.

2.3 Community Assets: the group discussed the approach to presenting some of this information. Information should be presented in group accordings to GP practices.

Action: Ann to liaise with Linda Bunney and Ananda Allan re collecting data for this.

3.2 How is the money being spent just now – need this information from the Finance teams in Social Work and Health (Sean Barrett and Katy Lewis).

Action: Robyn to discuss with Katy Lewis and feed back to the group.

4.2 Speech bubbles/quotes – Hazel highlighted that she has recently distributed these to her nursing staff and patients to gain feedback from nursing teams.

Action: Hazel to work with Robyn on collating these responses when they come through.

Spotlights – this is an area which provides an opportunity to present some good examples of joint working.

Action: Mark to take this piece of work forward and discuss with Elaine and others.

The need to identify challenges for the locality were discussed.

Action: Robyn to circulate ‘big issues’ to the group with notes.

6.2 Our Approach

Key Priorities and how will we achieve these?

There will be a clear link between the locality plan and the strategic plan for understanding key priorities.

Measuring Performance – key performance indicators will need to be considered.

Action Plan –This will include work being completed this year and for 16/17. This will be a working document and will require a plan and review process. These actions can be translated into the Plan linked to priorities/challenges and how we will achieve these. These could be grouped accordingly.

Action: Ann to send action plan to Jimmy Marshall and gain feedback to identify if this reflects previous work completed.

5)  Health Intelligence Update

a) Key data required

The group agreed the following as key data they wish to see in their locality plan

·  Demographics - Ageing Population

·  Multi-morbidity

·  Poverty/Social Deprivation (Jamie Fergusson)

·  Hospital admission/ delayed discharges

·  Carers

·  Housing Stock

·  Resources (staffing)

·  Health Promotion (smoking, alcohol intake, social isolation)

The group discussed if comparative data is required when presenting data – does this fit in with the SNA? How does the locality compare to the wider picture?

Action: Ann to feed back to group.

Mark suggested that the group access the data on the Knowledge Hub on ‘Whole System Model’ and that for future meetings health intelligence to support the locality to understand and obtain the data to support future planning.

b) Key themes to focus on

·  Loneliness and isolation

·  Waiting times/referral pathways/no. of people on care packages/nurse caseloads

6)  Next steps

It was agreed that the previous action plan from the work that has been undertaken by the planning group so far be brought to the next meeting to review.

7)  Feedback from Workshop

Discussion around the Joint Integration Readiness Tool and how the locality can use this to develop tasks and priorities going forward.

Action: Robyn to send completed template to A&E Locality Management Group for next meeting 7th May.

8)  AOCB

It was agreed Ann will facilitate future locality planning meetings, support being provided by Robyn. Mark will facilitate the Workforce SLWG and Elaine is leading on Community/Public Involvement SLWHG. However, Mark & Elaine discussing the opportunity to amalgamate these two groups.

9)  Date and Time of next meeting: Tuesday 26th May, 2pm-4pm, Annan Hospital Dining Room

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