Indiana CSP Enhancement Supplemental Information

ANM37 – Prescriptive grazing management system for grazed lands (includes expired CRP grass/legume or tree covered acres converted to grazed lands)

(15-1 General and 16-1 Renewals)

  • “Nesting/fawning season” = April 1 through August 1.
  • “Targeted Species” = Bobwhite Quail, Pheasants, Bobolink, Grasshopper sparrow, Savannah sparrow, or any grassland bird identified using Customer Service ToolKit (i.e. Bat Button) for the planned area.
  • Starting and stopping grazing heights will be followed and maintained on 80 % of the grazed acreage based on the following table:

Forage Type / Start Grazing Height (inches)1/ / Stop Grazing Height (inches)2/ / Average Rest Period (days) / Ideal Minimum Regrowth prior to Killing Frost (inches) / Overwintering Height3/
Introduced Grasses and Legumes / 6 to 8 / 3 to 4 / 25 to 45 / 6 to 8 / 3 to 4
Native Grasses, Legumes and Forbs / 12 to 18 / 6 to 8 / 30 to 50 / 10 to12 / 8 to 12

1/ Begin grazing when energy levels used for initial growth and regrowth are sufficient, generally full canopy. One paddock in an 8 or more paddock system can be started earlier to help prevent the last paddocks in the system from becoming too mature.

2/ In continuously grazed systems or systems with only 2 or 3 paddocks, the stop grazing height should be at least one inch taller than in a larger rotated system.

3/ Overwintering heights are ideally not reached until forages have become dormant.

Wildlife friendly fencing will be utilized:

  • Barbed wire will not be used.
  • Fences over 54 inches will not be used.
  • Ribbons or reflective material will be used on the top wire for added visibility on 20% of ALL fencing on the land use. New fences and or known problem areas should be marked first.
  • Smooth high tensile wire will be spaced appropriately to maintain the existing livestock. Smooth high tensile will be used for all new fences when applicable. Where woven wire is preferred, use 12 inch stays except where small ruminants are present and needing protection from predators.
  • Fenced travel lanes or roads will be a minimum of 20 feet wide to allow for sufficient space for a second jump.
  • For high tensile fence, the top two wires will be spaced at least 12 inches apart.
  • For woven wire fence, only one wire will be used on the top.
  • Only black colored insulators will be utilized on any electrified wires to avoid being attractants to some birds.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

March 2015