Animal Evolution Project


Charles Darwin may be the most influential figure in modern scientific thinking with his simple, seemingly obvious observations regarding the nature of the phenomenal world. Charles Darwin concluded that the explanation for the miraculous complexity of life on planet earth was due to a few simple truths in biological systems. Not only does Darwin’s theory of natural selection neatly explain the origin of species but also offers significant insight into the deep nature of the material world in all the scientific disciplines.

For this project you will research theevolutionary history of a modern organism. You may work in groups of two to complete the research, but will be turning in your OWN project. You will be expected to find the modern organism's earliest ancestors and describe in general terms the intermediate species, which describe the arc of its evolution. Since Darwin contended that each organismmet the test for survival you should be able to describe some of the adaptations, which define your organism. You should also provide a timeline for your organism’s evolution. Finally you have to research the current environmental pressures on this animal and give a hypothesis for its future.

Animals to choose from

Adapted by Whitney McCormick from:

  • Horse
  • Tiger
  • Whale
  • Crocodile
  • Dog
  • Bear
  • Shark
  • Man
  • Elephant

Adapted by Whitney McCormick from:


☐Do I describe the timeline of evolution?

☐Do I describe the earliest ancestors of my animal? (evidence can include fossil record, DNA evidence, embryology, or comparative anatomy)

☐Do I describe the intermediate ancestors of my animal?

☐Do I compare/contrast modern vs. ancestral adaptations?

☐Do I describe the animals habitat and location in the world?

☐Do I compare environmental impacts that have led to their adaptations?

☐Do I describe the environmental pressures that affect the animal currently?

☐Do I predict the future of the animal given the environmental pressures?

☐Do I describe any group behaviors that have helped this animal to survive?

☐Do I include information from 3 different sources? (provide web links)

Options for submission: DUE December 12, 2014

You can submit this project in any digital format that you would like to use to demonstrate knowledge of the above checklist. This could include: iMovie, Prezi/powerpoint, interactive video, skit, song, etc.

Adapted by Whitney McCormick from: