Adapted from Book of Ceremony 7-01
In the Name of the One Universal Presence of God “I AM” manifesting through all the kingdoms of Earth - - Angels, Elementals and ALL mankind!
We call Your Force of God Reality of Truth, Divine Love and Purification to remove this instant and forever, from the consciousness of all mankind the uncertainty and distorted concepts concerning the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms!
CHARGE! CHARGE! CHARGE! all mankind with the certainty of Brotherhood amongst the Kingdoms, as known and lived in the Realms of Light . . . . . Thy Kingdom!
Come on Earth, as It is in Heaven.
We now expand, expand, and forever expand our Feelings of Gratitude and Love to the Angels and Elementals for Their limitless support of our existence on this planet and thus our path to Self Mastery.
We make this call by the Power of Almighty God “I AM” as the One Christ Presence working through all mankind!
As His Holy Name ... “I AM”.
(sit and feel DEEP Divine Love and Gratitude towards The Blessed Elementals and Angels who serve ceaselessly – and in the main, unloved, unheard and un-sung! God Bless them each and every one!)
Adapted from the Book of Ceremony 7-02
In the Full Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God “I AM”! ... we INVOKE the Blessings of THE GRFAT ANGELIC HOST!
Beloved Archangel Michael & Faith, and all Your Angels from the First Sphere! Enfold us in Your Cosmic Flames of Protection and CHARGE us with Your Feeling of Faith in the All-Power of God! (Pause) ...
Beloved Archangel Jophiel & Constance, and all the Angels from the Second Sphere! Fill our consciousness with God Illumination, Understanding and Constancy of Service to the Light! (Pause) . ..
Beloved Archangel Chamuel & Charity, and all the Angels from the Third Sphere! Enfold us in Your Pink Flame of Divine Love and Adoration to God! (Pause) ...
Beloved Archangel Gabriel & Hope, and all the Angels from the Fourth Sphere! Charge us with Your Flames of Purity and Buoyancy of the Ascension Flame and fill us with Hope! (Pause) ...
Beloved Archangel Raphael & Mother Mary, and all the Angels from the
Fifth Sphere! CHARGE! us with Your Flames of Consecration, Concentration, Healing and Truth! (Pause) ...
Beloved Archangel Uriel & Donna Grace, and all the Angels from the Sixth Sphere! Fill our beings and worlds with Peace, Harmony, Healing and Grace! (pause)
Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Diana, and all the Angels from the Seventh Sphere. Fill our hearts with Your feelings of Freedom through Mercy, Forgiveness and the Consuming Violet Fire. (pause)
What we call for ourselves we call for all mankind and we send our deepest Love and Gratitude for all You do for us! (pause and feel the gratitude and love from your heart go out)
Book of Ceremony 7-06
“I AM” the Ascended Masters’ Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of the Fire Element by me and all mankind through all the ages. Beloved Presence of God - “I AM”! in me, and Beloved Astrea, draw within Your Cosmic Circle and Sword of Blue Flame the cause, core, effect, record and memory of all fear of Fire, fear of Air, fear of Water, and fear of Earth, and TRANS.MUTE it into the God Illumination and Ascended Masters’ Understanding and Right Use of the Sacred Fire.
Beloved Helios and Vesta, Beloved Zarathustra and all Who are in charge of the Fire Element, we love, bless and thank You and all the Salamanders for Your Service to us and all mankind through the ages. We ask that all destructive activities of the Fire Element be transmuted into the Sacred Fire of God’s Love, to bring eternally sustained Purity and Perfection everywhere on Earth NOW!
· to be ever-expanding and world-enfolding until all are ASCENDED and FREE!
“I AM” the Ascended Master’s Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of the Air element by me or any of mankind - in or out of embodiment. Beloved Presence of God - “I AM” in me, and Beloved Thor and Aries, we love, bless and thank You! We bless the Northwinds, Southwinds, Eastwinds, Westwinds, and the Sylphs of the Air who are Your Messengers, asking that all destructive activities of the Air be transmuted by the Violet Transmuting Flame, and that never again will the Air Element participate in any destructive activity. We thank You and consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, ever expanding and world-enfolding, until all are ASCENDED and FREE! AS GOD’S MOST HOLY NAME ..... “I AM”!
“I AM” the Ascended Masters’ Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of the Water Element by me and every lifestream, in or out of embodiment, and all who ever consciously or unconsciously used the Water Element destructively. Beloved Presence of God - “ I AM” in me and in all mankind, Beloved Neptune and Lunara, we love, bless and thank You and all the Beings of the Water Element, all the Undines Who have ever served, are serving us now, or ever will serve us and all mankind. We bless the Water Element everywhere and the blessed Undines Who are Your Messengers - asking that all destructive activities of the Water Element be transmuted by the Violet Transmuting Flame, and that never again will the Water Element participate in any destructive activity. We thank You and consciously accept this done right now - eternally sustained, ever-expanding and world-enfolding until all are ASCENDED and FREE! . AS GOD’S MOST HOLY NAME ..... “IAM”!
“I AM” the Ascended Masters’ Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness, and Transmuting Flame of all misuse of Earth’s Gifts; consciously or unconsciously inflicted upon the Gnomes and Nature Spirits by myself and all mankind. Beloved Presence of God “I AM” in me and all mankind, Beloved Pelleur and Virgo, we love, bless and thank You and all the Beings of the Earth and all Beings Who work with it, the Gnomes and Nature Spirits, asking that all destructive activities of the Earth Element be transmuted by the Violet Fire and that never again will the Earth Element participate in any destructive activity. We thank You and consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, ever-expanding and world-enfolding until all are ASCENDED and FREE!