Adult Protective Services Policy Manual
ANE and PS Scores
1703.70, Appendix A

The Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation (ANE) score shall indicate the level of risk assessed at the time the investigation was initiated or the highest level of risk, should the situation escalate (see Policy 1703.70).

The Protective Service (PS) score is determined by the level of need for ongoing protective services monitoring and interventions at the conclusion of an investigation (see Policy 1704.20).

I.  ANE Scores

ANE scores are compromised of the data generated from the assessments the Adult Protective Service Worker (APCW) shall complete during the investigation. The assessments can be found in the Assessments Tab in Case Compass. After the required assessments have been completed, the ANE score can be found on the Disposition tab in Case Compass. The following guide may be used to assist in determining the level of risk while completing the assessments and the ANE score. Generally, scores will be based on a combination of more than one of the risk factors listed below:

ANE Score = 9 (Maximum serious and immediate Risk)

·  Imminent danger to self or others;

·  Substantiated ANE – severe abuse or neglect;

  Abuse may include physical or sexual abuse, usually resulting in injury.

  Neglect may include self-neglect, inability to provide adequate medical and physical care, or neglect by a caregiver, when the neglect places the person in imminent danger or results in injury.

  Exploitation may include the loss of property or funds such that there is a likelihood of the individual’s lifestyle being disrupted.

·  Reported Adult (RA) not functional and at risk of imminent harm;

·  Placement or removal from current living situation needed within the next 48 hours;

·  Mental status – extremely confused or depressed, MR/MI client in crisis or psychotic episode;

·  Physical status – completely unable to perform or acquire assistance with ADL, no supports;

·  Environment – dangerous housing or living arrangements;

·  Inadequate supports placing the client in imminent danger;

·  Guardianship needed; and/or,

·  Temporary order of protection needed.

ANE Score = 6 (Moderate Serious but non immediate Risk)

·  Substantiated signs of abuse/neglect of a moderate degree;

  Abuse may include verbal threats, severe emotional abuse, or physical abuse not resulting in injury.

  Neglect may include self-neglect, inability to provide adequate medical and physical care, or neglect by a caregiver.

  Exploitation may include giving large sums of money as a result of trickery or con games of signing property over to someone under coercion.

·  RA not functional;

·  Mental status – unstable condition of confusion, mental illness, or depression;

·  Physical status – unstable or deteriorating condition, unmet needs;

·  Environment – unsafe or dangerous housing, neighborhood, etc.; and/or,

·  Relationships – supports poor or unstable.

ANE Score = 3 (Minimum non immediate, minimal Risk)

·  Substantiated signs of abuse or neglect of a minor degree -

  most types of physical abuse would require more intervention than level 3.

  verbal abuse, self-neglect, or unintentional neglect of a minor degree.

  minor events of exploitation (loaning small amounts of money, poor money management).

·  RA functional in home with support, not likely to face serious harm;

·  Mental status - fair, some confusion, stable mental illness or receiving treatment for depression;

·  Physical - coping, most needs met;

·  Environment - acceptable or unacceptable due to lifestyle or client; and/or,

·  Relationships - fair to poor, supports fair to somewhat inconsistent.

ANE Score = 0 (No Risk)

·  No signs of ANE;

·  Not at risk;

·  RA functional or has supports;

·  Mental status good;

·  Physical status – coping, needs met as possible;

·  Environment – safe (a competent RA choosing a poor environment does not necessarily require Protective Services if RA has historically chosen this type of lifestyle); and/or,

·  Relationships adequate and supports adequate or not needed.

II.  PS Score

PS scores will be generated by completing the PS Assessment found in Case Compass. The PS score can be found in the upper left corner of the assessment after it’s been completed by the APCW. The PS score shall be determined by the level of need for ongoing monitoring and interventions at the conclusion of an investigation. PS scores shall be assigned as follows:

Intense intervention need = PS Score of 9
Moderate monitoring and intervention need = PS Score of 6
Minimal but consistent monitoring need = PS Score of 3
No intervention or PS monitoring needed = PS Score of 0

Determinations of level of need and guidelines for monitoring activities of protective service clients shall be followed as directed in Policy 1704.20.

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Effective: 05/13