One of the important ways for e-commerce is using mobile devices because of time reduction and being location independent and most of all its personalized aspect because of these major traits IT professionals and merchants are encouraged using mobile devices more and more every day. With the fast developing mobile commerce, mobile payment is springing up as a new industry. It is obvious that replacing traditional cash or bank card with mobile will cause a payment revolution.

The main objective of the project is to create an online book store that allows users to search and purchase a book online based on title, author and subject. The selected books are played in a tabular format and the user can order their books online through credit card payment. Using this Android application the user can purchase a book online instead of going out to a book store and wasting time.

Online Book store is an application where the customer can purchase books through Smartphone. The user can login using his account details or new customers can set up an account very quickly. They should give the details of their name, contact number and shipping address. The user can also give feedback to a book by giving ratings on a score of five.

The Administrator will have additional functionalities when compared to the common user. He can add, delete and update the book details, book categories, member information and also confirm a placed order.


Internet Key Protocol

Tellez Anonymous Payment Protocol

Kungpisdan’s Mobile Payment Protocol

Tan soo Fun’s light weight & private Mobile Payment Protocol


  • Both Merchant and Acquire does not take part in client payment protocol
  • High rates of using cryptographic protocols
  • Limited Usage.


 Mobile Transactions well Security through trusted third party member (EBay, PayPal).

It considers user identification, which is essential for discovering personal mobile behaviors.

Frequent-Transactions, the original mobile transaction database can be reduced by deleting infrequent items.

Alerts and real time reporting through Emails (to both vendor as well as buyer).

Reports generated can be saved for future references.

Inventory reports for the vendor/seller on daily, monthly, yearly basis.


  • Improved Security Through trusted third party member
  • Flexible Transaction environment has been provided in the app.
  • Good/Trusted & Tension free delivery services. Products bought online will be delivered to the footsteps of the buyer free of cost(may be varied based on the vendor/seller).

System Requirements

Software Requirements

Operating system : Windows XP

Technology Used : Android 2.2

IDE : Eclipse 3.4 (min)

Emulators : Micro emulator 5055

Plug-in : ADT plug-in

Tools used : Android SDK1.2,GoogleAPIv8 or minv7

Hardware Requirements

Processor:Pentium p4

Motherboard:Genuine Intel

RAM :Min 1 GB

Hard Disk:80 GB