MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING Monday 5 January 2015 held at The Parish Room, Barn Hill, Strumpshaw at 8.00 pm


Alison Peart Chairman

Andrew Pinder Vice Chairman

David Varley

Malcolm Whittaker

Carla Sutherland

In attendanceJenny Williams, Parish Clerk


There were apologies from Pauline Kinmond and Paul Dexter

1Declarations of Interest

There were none.

2Planning Applications

Application No:20141945

Description: 1 rear & side single storey extension & 2 erection of detached garage

Location:Hill Barn, Buckenham Road, Strumpshaw NR13 4 NL

Applicant: Mr Geoff Cannon


Proposed:David Varley

SecondedAndrew Pinder


Application No:20142024

Description: Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of replacement dwelling with cart shed garage

Location:Pond Farm, Buckenham Road, Strumpshaw NR13 4NL

Applicant:Mr David Grint


ProposedMalcolm Whitaker

Seconded Andrew Pinder


The objections to this application were:

The proposal represents a major development on this site which is outside the settlement area of the Parish of Strumpshaw and is contrary to ENV8 and the policies of the recently adopted Neighbourhood Plan for the parish.

The design statement acknowledges consultations with the Planning Officer at BDC who has modified the original proposal but it is in essence still a 3-storey building with extensive attic space serviced by a staircase and roof lights that can easily be converted to residential use.

The garage/cart shed design would suggest it could become a separate residential unit with its staircase serving excessive attic storage, complete with skylights, windows, etc. This would also be contrary to the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The access statement suggests no alteration to the existing site entrance will be necessary. In fact alterations have been made prior to this application and were notified to BDC by Strumpshaw Parish Council.

The conclusion statement refers to the site being “a bit of an eyesore”. This is largely due to neglect of the existing property over a period of time.

The Parish Council feels this substantial development will have a large visual impact and not enhance the area, as it does not follow the vernacular design of existing farmhouse and barn conversions in the immediate area. No building materials have been specified so it is difficult to see whether it will merge with other buildings in the vicinity.

The Parish Council accepts the site has a derelict appearance and would suggest the application be considerably modified to a 2-storey property occupying a footprint close to that of the existing dwelling and to reflect the nature of the area.

The application in its current form should be refused.

The meeting closed at 8 .30 p,m